Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Repealed, 1998.
.015 Definitions for chapter.
.020 License required -- Federal license presumptions -- Alcoholic beverages not purchased from licensee disallowed on licensed premises -- Licenses permitted in moist territory -- Possession of alcohol on or near licensed entertainment destination center premises permitted.
.025 Fees to be used for administration and enforcement of alcoholic beverage laws.
.027 KRS 243.027 to 243.029 supersedes any conflicting provision of KRS Chapters 241 to 244 -- Licensing of direct shippers of alcoholic beverages -- Duties of direct shipper licensees -- Administrative regulations -- Use of third parties to ship -- Shipping of samples.
.028 Limitations on shipments of alcoholic beverages by direct shipper licensees -- Notice and labeling requirements -- Recipient age verification and signature required -- Penalty for consumer who attempts illegal receipt -- Shipping mode requirements.
.029 Taxes on sales of alcoholic beverages owed by direct shipper licensees.
.030 Distilled spirits and wine licenses -- Kinds -- Fees.
.0305 Licensed distillers with retail outlets on premises -- Payment of taxes – Sale of souvenir packages and private selection packages -- Sampling and sale of alcoholic beverages on premises of distillery -- Sale of alcoholic beverages by the drink at certain events -- Sale of products in collaboration with a brewer -- Sale and self-distribution of distilled spirits by certain distillers -- Off-premises retail sales outlet.
.0307 Sampling license -- Sampling and sale of alcoholic beverages on premises of licensed retailer.
.031 Repealed, 2017.
.032 Repealed, 2013.
.033 Caterer's license.
.034 Business authorized by limited restaurant license within wet territory or certain moist precincts -- Prohibition against sale of alcohol without meal -- Package sales prohibited.
.0341 Proposal of ordinance authorizing by the drink sales of alcoholic beverages in restaurants and dining facilities containing seating for at least fifty persons -- Qualifications -- Conditions -- Limited effect of ordinance.
.035 Bottling house or bottling house storage license.
.036 Special temporary alcoholic beverage auction license.
.037 Supplemental bar license -- Main bar and service bars -- Fees.
.038 Agreement of golf course to comply with the provisions of KRS Chapter 344.
.039 Business authorized by limited golf course license within wet territory or certain moist precincts -- Package sales prohibited.
.040 Malt beverage licenses -- Kinds -- Fees.
.042 Qualified historic site license.
.045 Issuance of transitional license by state administrator or administrators -- Limitations on use.
.050 Extended hours supplemental license -- Sunday retail drink license.
.055 Hotel in-room service license.
.060 County and consolidated local government licenses -- Kinds -- Fees -- Restrictions on increase of fees.
.070 City and consolidated local government licenses -- Kinds -- Fees -- Restriction on increase of fees.
.072 Repealed, 2017.
.075 Eligible city or county may impose regulatory license fee up to five percent on gross receipts of each establishment's sale of alcoholic beverages -- Annual levies -- Credits -- Applicability of county regulatory license fee if city levies license fee -- Enactment of fee within two years following election -- Administrative regulations -- Use of revenue received from regulatory license fee -- Penalties for violation -- Party suing city or county for violation responsible for attorney fees if city or county found not to be in violation -- Regulatory fee imposed before 2019 permitted to continue at existing rate -- Applicability to direct shipper licensee -- Report to department.
.080 Repealed, 1994.
.081 Retail sale of alcoholic beverages on a delivery, to-go, or take-out basis -- Prohibitions -- Requirements -- Exemptions regarding delivery vehicle signage -- Application of other laws.
.0811 Persons delivering alcohol by the package on behalf of licensee -- Requirements.
.082 Nonquota type 1 or NQ1 retail drink license -- Issuance to a convention center or convention hotel complex, horse racetrack, automobile racetrack, railroad system, commercial airline system or charter flight system, or state park -- Privileges, duties, and restrictions for eligible entities.
.083 Repealed, 2014.
.084 Nonquota type 2 or NQ2 retail drink license -- Issuance to certain hotels, certain restaurants, airports, or riverboats -- Privileges, duties, and restrictions for eligible entities.
.086 Nonquota type 3 or NQ3 retail drink license -- Issuance to private club, dining car, or bed and breakfast -- Varying restrictions and authorizations for eligible entities.
.088 Nonquota type 4 or NQ4 retail malt beverage drink license -- Issuance to holders of quota retail drink license, microbrewery license, small farm winery license, or other businesses selling for consumption on premises -- Permitted activities -- Sales at service stations.
.089 Authorized public consumption license issued in wet territory to commercial quadricycle business.
.090 Date licenses expire -- Reduction in fee for licenses less than six months -- Renewals not to affect proceedings for violations -- Term of renewals -- Denial of renewal to delinquent tax payer.
.100 Persons who may not be licensed -- Evasion of license disqualification by certain persons -- Direct shipper exemption.
.105 Repealed, 1998.
.106 Repealed, 1998.
.107 Repealed, 1998.
.110 Incompatible licenses.
.115 Removal of partially consumed bottle of wine from restaurant licensed under KRS 243.030.
.117 Placement of resealed bottle of wine during transport.
.120 Business authorized by distiller's, rectifier's, or winery license -- Class A and Class B distiller's and rectifier's licenses -- Distiller's sale of distilled spirits by the drink.
.130 Transactions permitted to brewers, distillers, rectifiers, and wineries.
.140 Repealed, 2013.
.150 Business authorized by brewer's license -- Sale and service of malt beverages -- Sampling by employees.
.154 Business authorized by small farm winery wholesaler's license -- Licensed premises on small farm winery.
.155 Small farm winery license -- Eligibility and application process -- Business authorized by license -- Direct shipment of wine -- Self-distribution -- Custom crushing services -- Off-premises retail sales outlet in wet territory -- Other permitted licenses -- Renewal of license -- Sampling by employees.
.156 Repealed, 2007.
.157 Business authorized by a microbrewery license -- Functions licensee permitted to perform -- Microbrewery to pay wholesale and excise taxes on sales of malt beverages -- Sampling by employees.
.160 Business authorized by wholesaler's license.
.170 Transactions permitted to wholesalers.
.180 Business authorized by distributor's license.
.185 Sale of alcoholic beverages and malt beverages at marinas -- Qualification for local option election under KRS 242.122.
.190 Repealed, 1970.
.200 Transporter's license, authority for issuance to certain motor carriers or to common carrier -- Holder's privileges, duties, and restrictions -- Delivery or shipment of alcoholic beverages with adult-signature-only service -- Authority to examine vehicle and cargo -- When transporter's license not required -- Required maintenance of books and records.
.205 Repealed, 2014.
.210 Repealed, 2013.
.212 Distilled spirits and wine supplier's license authorizing importation of distilled spirits and wine -- Nonresident entities eligible for license -- Licenses and limited licenses -- Exemption from notice requirements of KRS 243.360.
.215 Malt beverage supplier's license authorizing importation of malt beverages -- Nonresident entities eligible for license -- Licenses and limited licenses -- Exemption from notice requirements of KRS 243.360.
.217 Business authorized by air transporter's license -- Commercial airline system, charter flight system, or commercial cargo system eligible for license upon payment of fee -- Annual renewal.
.220 Premises that may not be licensed -- Exemption.
.230 Premises for which retail package, drink, and malt beverage licenses may be issued.
.232 Vintage distilled spirits purchases and sales -- Monthly reporting -- Conditions.
.238 Limited nonquota package license.
.240 Business authorized by quota retail package license -- Delivery of alcoholic beverages purchased on premises by consumers.
.241 Quota retail package licensee assumes business risk of subsequent increase of quota licenses in territory.
.250 Business authorized by quota retail drink license.
.260 Special temporary license for qualifying event -- Activities permitted and prohibited.
.262 Licensed horse racetrack may be issued temporary alcoholic beverage license.
.265 Licensed horse racetrack may be issued Nonquota type 1 license.
.270 Repealed, 2013.
.280 Business authorized by nonquota malt beverage package license -- Compatible licenses -- Certain premises not to be licensed.
.290 Repealed, 2013.
.300 Repealed, 2013.
.310 Repealed, 2013.
.320 Business authorized by special nonbeverage alcohol license -- Issuance to certain charitable, public, or private institutions -- Federal ethanol permit.
.330 Repealed, 2013.
.340 Business authorized by special agent's or solicitor's license -- Issuance to nonresident -- Form.
.350 Repealed, 2013.
.353 Business authorized by malt beverage storage license -- Issuance of temporary storage license in case of emergency.
.355 Business authorized by distilled spirits and wine storage license --Application of federal law.
.360 Notice of intention to apply for license -- Exempted applicants -- Protest -- Sufficiency of substantial compliance.
.370 Repealed, 2017.
.380 Applications for state licenses -- Requirements for entity owning more than two licensed premises.
.390 Sworn information to be contained in applications -- Verified supplemental statement -- Presumption of reliability of supplied information -- Exemption.
.400 Repealed, 2013.
.410 Repealed, 2013.
.420 Repealed, 2013.
.430 Denial of application for license -- Time frame for denial, approval, or issuance of license.
.440 Form of licenses.
.450 Causes for denial of license.
.460 Repealed, 2017.
.470 Applicant may have hearing before license is denied -- Refund of payments made.
.480 Suspension of licenses -- Payments in lieu of suspension -- Appeal.
.490 Causes for which licenses may be revoked or suspended.
.500 Causes for which licenses may be revoked or suspended. (Effective until July 1, 2025)
.500 Causes for which licenses may be revoked or suspended. (Effective July 1, 2025)
.502 Restrictions on possession and use of alcohol vaporizing device.
.505 Repealed, 2017.
.510 Repealed, 2017.
.520 Institution of revocation proceedings -- Notice -- Hearing -- Suspension under emergency order.
.530 License to be surrendered upon revocation -- Police chief or sheriff to return license.
.540 Scope of section -- Disposition of stock upon revocation, surrender, court disposition, or nonrenewal of license -- Disposition upon bankruptcy -- Disposal of alcoholic beverages by secured creditor or landlord -- Administrative regulations.
.550 Conduct of hearing by board.
.560 Appeal to Circuit Court from order of board -- How taken -- Necessary parties -- Final order, when effective -- Power of court to dissolve stay.
.570 Repealed, 1996.
.580 Repealed, 1996.
.590 Appeal to Court of Appeals.
.595 Repealed, 1966.
.600 Issuance of county licenses.
.610 Issuance of city licenses.
.620 Posting of licenses.
.630 Transfer of license or acquisition of interest without authorization prohibited.
.635 Repealed, 1998.
.640 Continuance in business by representative of defunct licensee.
.650 Transfer of license to other premises.
.660 Pledging or granting of security interest in any licenses prohibited.
.670 Applicant to pay for own license.
.675 Injunctive or other judicial proceedings by board -- Priority of cases.
.680 Repealed, 1966.
.685 Repealed, 1966.
.690 Repealed, 1966.
.700 Repealed, 1978.
.705 Repealed, 1966.
.706 Repealed, 1966.
.707 Repealed, 1966.
.710 Wholesaler's and self-distributing distiller's tax on distilled spirits.
.715 Repealed, 1968.
.720 Rate of tax.
.730 Reports by wholesalers and distributors or retailers -- Applicability of brewers' tax credit -- Due date of tax -- Advance payments.
.740 Repealed, 1960.
.750 Repealed, 1960.
.760 Repealed, 1960.
.770 Repealed, 1960.
.780 Repealed, 1960.
.790 Alcoholic beverages to be shipped and consumed out of state not subject to tax -- Conditions of exemption.
.800 Repealed, 1960.
.810 Repealed, 1960.
.820 Repealed, 1960.
.830 Repealed, 1960.
.840 Repealed, 1960.
.850 Licensee to report to Department of Revenue on trafficking in alcoholic beverages.
.860 Repealed, 1960.
.870 Repealed, 1978
.882 Definitions for KRS 243.884 to 243.890.
.884 Wholesale sales tax imposed -- Rates -- Report and payment -- Exemptions.
.886 Reimbursement for collecting and reporting -- Microbrewery or distiller that pays wholesale sales tax not entitled to reimbursement.
.888 Repealed, 1984.
.890 Receipts to be used for general fund purposes.
.892 Repealed, 2016.
.895 Warning of dangers of drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy to be posted.
.897 Prohibition against purchase of metal beer keg except from brewer or representative.
.990 Penalties.