Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions.
.020 Repealed, 1986.
.030 Soliciting orders -- When prohibited.
.040 Sales for cash only.
.050 "Treating" prohibited -- Exceptions.
.060 Licensee to purchase from and sell only to persons authorized to sell or purchase.
.070 Repealed, 2017.
.080 Retail sales to certain persons prohibited -- Affirmative defense in prosecution for selling to a minor.
.083 Licensee to display notice as to sale to minors.
.085 Minors not to possess or purchase liquor nor to misrepresent age -- Use of fraudulent identification -- Prohibition against minors remaining on premises where alcoholic beverages sold.
.087 Repealed, 2017.
.090 Persons whom licensees may not employ -- Exceptions.
.100 Repealed, 1974.
.105 Gift card for alcoholic beverages to be redeemed only by persons 21 and older.
.110 Retail premises to furnish clear view from sidewalk or entrance.
.120 Retail premises not to be disorderly -- Acts constituting disorderly behavior.
.125 Prohibition against possession of loaded firearm in room where alcoholic beverages are being sold by the drink.
.130 Advertising to comply with regulations of board -- Types of advertising not prohibited.
.140 Repealed, 1984.
.150 Licensee to keep records.
.160 Presence of alcoholic beverage raises presumption of intention to sell.
.165 Unlawful sale and shipment by out-of-state seller directly to a Kentucky consumer -- Penalty.
.167 Unlawful acts relating to wholesalers or distributors.
.170 Apparatus for unlawful manufacture prohibited.
.180 Contraband defined.
.190 Seizure of contraband -- Destruction upon conviction of defendant.
.195 Title to contraband seized in dry territory to be vested in appropriate court -- Destruction of contraband upon conviction of defendant.
.200 Rights of owner or lienor as to contraband -- Disposition of contraband.
.202 Seizure of alcoholic beverages -- Notice of violation -- Hearing.
.210 Nonbeverage alcohol not to be sold for beverage purposes.
.220 Regulations of special licenses to be prescribed by board.
.230 Federal regulations adopted relating to labeling and standards of fill -- Labeling when manufactured outside country.
.235 "Kentucky" wine -- Minimum requirements for use of Kentucky products.
.240 Distiller, rectifier, winery, or wholesaler not to be interested in retail premises -- Transactions prohibited -- Discounts in the usual course of business -- Retailer not to demand violation of this section -- Permitted activities.
.245 Repealed, 1982.
.250 Producer or wholesaler not to furnish sign to licensee except under administrative regulations.
.260 Containers that wholesaler may purchase, keep, or sell in -- Distilled spirits or wine to be kept by licensees in approved containers.
.270 Wholesaler to have name and license number on window or building.
.280 Peddling prohibited.
.290 Sales of distilled spirits or wine when polls are open permitted in wet or moist territory -- Power of local governments to regulate -- Sunday sales.
.295 Repealed, 2017.
.300 Extension of credit by retailers prohibited -- Exceptions.
.310 Repealed, 2017.
.320 Repealed, 1974.
.330 Repealed, 2013.
.340 Repealed, 2017.
.350 Repealed, 2017.
.360 Repealed, 2017.
.370 Whiskey to be aged -- Exception if not labeled as Kentucky whiskey.
.380 Repealed, 1998.
.390 Repealed, 1998.
.400 Repealed, 1998.
.410 Repealed, 1998.
.420 Repealed, 1998.
.430 Repealed, 1998.
.440 Registration of wholesalers authorized to handle particular brands and product names.
.450 Wholesaler not to act until receipt of license and distribution rights and after filing brand registration form with department.
.460 Repealed, 1998.
.461 Use of rebate coupons -- Redemption -- Retailers' loyalty cards.
.470 Repealed, 1998.
.480 Sales of malt beverages when polls are open permitted in wet or moist territory -- Power of local governments to regulate -- Sunday sales.
.490 Sales to persons illegally selling malt beverages prohibited.
.500 Malt beverage premium prohibition -- Exceptions.
.510 Adoption of labeling and advertising regulations of Bureau of Internal Revenue.
.520 Repealed, 1998.
.530 Repealed, 1984.
.540 Advertising malt beverages near school or church prohibited.
.550 Adulteration of malt beverages prohibited.
.560 Brewer or distributor to make accurate invoice -- Refund, rebate or discount prohibited.
.570 Brewer or distributor not to be financially interested in retail premises.
.580 Exclusive outlets prohibited.
.585 Distributor of malt beverages not to sell outside his designated territory -- Contract between distributor and supplier.
.590 Brewer or distributor prohibited from offering certain inducements to retailers -- Brewer or distributor may furnish advertising matter or cleaning service to retailer -- Retailer not to demand violation of this section -- Sampling events not a violation of this section.
.600 Commercial bribery and other inducements unlawful.
.602 Legislative Findings for KRS 244.602 to 244.606.
.604 Definitions for KRS 244.602 to 244.606.
.605 Prohibition against requiring, requesting, or accepting payment of money for right to distribute brewer's or importer's malt beverages -- Exception for marketing costs.
.606 Contents of agreement among brewer, importer, and distributor -- Conditions for transfer of brands from brewer or importer -- Conditions for termination -- Duties -- Damages.
.608 Distribution agreements after June 29, 2021 -- Nonapplicability of KRS 244.602 to 244.606 -- Requirements for distribution agreements between microbrewer and distributor.
.609 Resolution of disputes between microbrewer and distributor -- Arbitration.
.650 Sale of confections or candies containing alcohol -- Sales to minors prohibited -- Labeling required.
.652 Prohibition of possession, sale, or use of powdered or crystalline alcoholic beverage products.
.990 Penalties.
.992 Medical amnesty for persons reporting an alcohol overdose.