Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions for chapter.
.015 Department authorized to provide space on state property for sale of Kentucky agricultural commodities -- Administrative regulations -- Applicability.
.020 Experiment stations -- Substations -- Experimental farms.
.025 Purposes of experimental farms.
.030 Functions of experiment station.
.040 Quicksand substation -- Functions.
.045 Duties of experiment station concerning control of black shank and other tobacco plant diseases.
.050 Princeton substation -- Functions.
.060 Horticultural research.
.070 University to establish cooperative marketing bureau.
.080 Boards of education may aid extension work.
.085 Research and extension program for improvement of dairy cattle through artificial insemination.
.086 Seed stocks or foundation seeds -- Program for development of.
.087 Research and development program concerning forage-crop breeding and grassland farming.
.088 Assessment of effect of agricultural practices upon groundwater resources.
.090 State Fair Board -- Membership -- Vacancies -- State Fair Board not subject to reorganization under KRS Chapter 12.
.100 Definition -- Corporate powers of State Fair Board -- Minutes and records of meetings -- Legislative intent -- Transfer of records, files, and documents to board.
.110 Officers of State Fair Board -- Meetings -- Bylaws -- Establishment and authority of executive committee.
.120 Compensation of members.
.130 President -- Administrative divisions -- Employees and agents -- Contracts with management corporation.
.140 Functions of State Fair Board.
.145 Administrative regulations for operation, maintenance, or use of state fair property -- Posting -- Penalty for violation.
.147 State Fair Board's procurement procedures -- Administrative regulations.
.150 Policing of fairgrounds and exhibition center.
.153 Motor vehicle speed limits on fairgrounds property.
.154 Traffic control regulations on state fairgrounds.
.155 Gambling devices or games of chance not to be operated -- Exception.
.160 State Fair Board to have exclusive control of all operations and events occurring upon fairgrounds, exhibit center, and any other property under the board's custody and control -- Exception -- Lien on property -- Sale to satisfy lien.
.165 Exemption of operations on state fairgrounds, exhibition center, and any other properties under the custody and control of the State Fair Board.
.170 Appropriations for premiums.
.180 Revenue bonds.
.190 Revenues of State Fair Board, use and disposition of -- Deposit of funds -- Accounting and report -- Board empowered to receive tax revenues from any governmental unit and financial contributions from others, as specified.
.200 Repealed, 2016.
.210 Fair board member or department official not to be exhibitor.
.220 Grant of funds to local fairs for premiums and facilities -- Fair Council -- Meetings -- Members.
.226 North American International Livestock Exposition Executive Committee.
.228 Advisory subcommittees -- Membership.
.230 Repealed, 1962.
.232 Definitions for KRS 247.232 to 247.236.
.233 Occurrence involving amusement ride or attraction resulting in death, certain injuries, or damage affecting future safe operation -- Investigation -- Administrative violations and civil penalties.
.234 Business required to register -- Fee -- Permit required to operate -- Liability insurance -- Inspections -- Injunction -- Pre-opening inspections -- Unpaid civil penalties to remain in effect and on record.
.235 Temporary amusement rides and attractions -- License required -- Sanctions.
.2351 Operation and maintenance of amusement rides and attractions -- Required submission of service manuals and records -- Administrative regulations.
.2353 Requirements for patrons of amusement rides and attractions -- Penalties -- Exceptions -- Display of penalties.
.236 Operation and construction of amusement rides and attractions -- Prohibitions on operation -- Entrance to amusement ride or attraction may be denied.
.238 Aerial recreational facilities -- Administrative regulations -- Administration fund.
.240 County farm bureaus authorized.
.250 Articles of incorporation.
.251 Existing bureaus not required to reincorporate.
.260 No recording fee -- No salary for officers.
.270 Treasurer.
.280 President and treasurer to file report.
.290 Repealed, 1956.
.300 Fiscal court to appropriate money for bureau, when -- Limit on amount -- Additional appropriation for agricultural extension work.
.310 Expenditure of county appropriations.
.320 Expenditure of dues.
.330 State federation of farm bureaus.
.340 Incorporation, powers, directors of federation -- Existing federation.
.350 Organization and function of state federation.
.360 Directors may provide for officers' bonds and reports.
.370 Eligibility for membership in federation -- Powers of federation.
.380 Owner of farm may register name of his farm.
.390 Repealed, 1986.
.400 Repealed, 1986.
.401 Legislative findings for KRS 247.401 to 247.4029.
.4013 Scope and policies of KRS 247.401 to 247.4029.
.4015 Definitions for KRS 247.401 to 247.4029.
.4019 Responsibility of participants.
.402 Warning of inherent risks -- Limitation of claims by participants -- Exceptions.
.4025 Activities exempt from KRS 247.401 to 247.4029.
.4027 Warning signs and notices -- Waiver -- Effect of noncompliance -- Exclusions.
.4029 Severability -- Applicability.
.405 Implementation of county farm safety programs.
.406 Grants to county organization for farm safety program -- Annual report.
.407 Authority for administrative regulations.
.410 Repealed, 2021.
.413 Repealed, 2021.
.417 Repealed, 2021.
.420 Repealed, 2021.
.421 Repealed, 2021.
.423 Repealed, 2021.
.425 Repealed, 1980.
.427 Repealed, 1980.
.430 Repealed, 2021.
.440 Omitted, 1948.
.4451 Promotion of milk production in public interest.
.4453 Definitions.
.4455 Association activity not considered restraint of trade.
.4457 Assessment in public interest.
.4459 Application to conduct referendum.
.4461 Certification by Commissioner of Agriculture of agency to conduct referendum.
.4463 Certification constitutes full authority to conduct referendum.
.4465 Referendum to be statewide.
.4467 Referendum to be supervised by Commissioner.
.4469 Provisions of referendum to be fixed by Commissioner.
.4471 Voting areas and other voting details set by Commissioner.
.4473 Commissioner to publish the question on, and the result of, the referendum.
.4475 Assessment to be levied and collected by agency conducting referendum.
.4477 Assessment to be deducted from the purchase price of the commodity -- Use of funds.
.4479 Refund of assessment.
.4481 Annual review of assessment program -- Termination by referendum -- Termination by request of certified operating agency.
.4483 Injunction proceedings to halt practices in violation of KRS 247.4451 to 247.4483.
.450 Promotion of milk production and use in public interest.
.453 Definitions for KRS 247.450 to 247.505.
.457 Association of producers not illegal.
.460 Producers may by referendum impose assessment on product.
.463 Application by association for assessment -- Form.
.467 State Board of Agriculture on approval of application to certify association to hold referendum.
.470 Certified association may hold referendum -- Scope.
.473 Referendum on area or statewide basis -- Who may participate.
.477 Commissioner to supervise referendum -- Expenses.
.480 Commissioner of Agriculture to determine polling places, details of assessment, limits.
.483 Rules governing holding of referendum prescribed by Commissioner -- Notice -- Limit on assessment.
.487 Commissioner to prepare question -- Canvass of vote.
.490 Affirmative vote, effect -- Domestic and foreign associations.
.493 On approval, notice to be given milk purchasers as to deduction required -- Disposition of collections.
.497 Producer may obtain refund of amount collected from him.
.500 Annual review of program -- Referendum requirement -- Termination.
.505 Injunction against violations -- Penalties.
.5061 Promotion for small grain production.
.5063 Definitions.
.5065 Association of producers not illegal or in restraint of trade.
.5067 Referendum levying assessment.
.5069 Application for assessment referendum -- Contents of form -- Publication.
.5071 Certified association authorized to hold referendum.
.5073 Referendum on statewide basis.
.5075 Supervision of referendum by Commissioner -- Expenses.
.5077 Commissioner to determine date and other details of referendum.
.5079 Commissioner to prescribe rules of holding referendum -- Notice -- Limit of assessment.
.5081 Ballots -- Canvass and declaration of result.
.5083 Effect of affirmative vote.
.5085 Notice of deduction required -- Disposition of collections -- Records.
.5087 Kentucky Small Grain Promotion Council.
.5089 Use of assessment funds.
.5091 Refund of assessment collected from producer.
.5093 Procedures to terminate assessment.
.5095 Injunction against violations.
.510 Promotion of soybean production and use in public interest.
.515 Definitions.
.520 Association of dealers not illegal.
.525 Repealed, 1986.
.530 Application by association for certification and approval for assessment referendum -- Publication.
.535 Repealed, 1986.
.540 Repealed, 1986.
.545 Supervision of referendum by Commissioner -- Expenses.
.550 Repealed, 1986.
.552 Limitation on assessment levied on soybeans marketed in Kentucky.
.553 Assessment on soybeans for seed stock.
.555 Rules governing holding of referendum prescribed by Commissioner -- Notice.
.560 Preparation of question -- Poll holders -- Canvass and declaration of results.
.565 Repealed, 1986.
.570 Assessment remitted to promotion board -- Records.
.573 Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board.
.575 Repealed, 1992.
.576 Power of promotion board to enter into agreement with Federal Commodity Credit Corporation.
.580 Use and disbursement of funds.
.585 Refund of assessment collected from producer.
.590 Repealed, 1986.
.592 Effect of federal Soybean Act on assessments levied under KRS 247.510 to 247.595.
.595 Injunction against violations.
.6001 Purpose.
.6003 Definitions for KRS 247.6005 to 247.6035.
.6005 Activities not deemed in restraint of trade.
.6007 Referendum on corn assessment declared to be in public interest.
.6009 Application to conduct corn referendum.
.6011 Certification of authority.
.6013 Referendum to be statewide.
.6015 Conduct of referendum.
.6017 Matters to be determined by the Commissioner before referendum.
.6019 Notice published by Commissioner.
.6021 Distribution of ballots, canvass, and declaration of result.
.6023 Method of collection of assessment.
.6025 Deduction of assessment from producer's payment.
.6027 Kentucky Corn Promotion Council.
.6029 Use of funds.
.6031 Refund to dissatisfied producer.
.6033 Procedures to terminate assessment.
.6035 Court order prohibiting unlawful practices.
.6040 Definitions for KRS 247.6040 to 247.6070.
.6042 Commissioner to carry out boll weevil eradication programs -- Agreements for cost sharing and division of duties.
.6044 Powers of Commissioner to carry out KRS 247.6040 to 247.6070.
.6046 Information on cotton fields and patches to be furnished to Commissioner.
.6048 Administrative regulations -- Establishment of penalties.
.6050 Designation of elimination zones -- Notice.
.6052 Treatment or destruction of cotton in elimination zones -- No payment for losses -- Exception -- Commissioner may restrict entry in zones.
.6054 Moving infested regulated article into state -- Penalty.
.6056 Activities not deemed in restraint of trade.
.6058 Application for assessment referendum -- Contents of form -- Publication.
.6060 Certified association authorized to hold referendum -- Assessment to be based on cotton acreage.
.6062 Referendum on area or statewide basis -- Participation eligibility -- Two-thirds majority required for passage -- Amount and period of assessment.
.6064 Supervision of referendum by Commissioner -- Expenses.
.6066 Commissioner to publicly announce rules, polling places, and details of assessment before referendum -- Notice to agricultural extension agents.
.6068 Preparation of question -- Poll holders -- Canvass and declaration of results.
.6070 Affirmative vote -- Failure of referendum -- Subsequent referendums on continuation of assessments.
.610 Promotion of beef cattle industry.
.615 Definitions for KRS 247.620 to 247.685.
.620 Association of producers not illegal or in restraint of trade.
.625 Referendum levying assessment.
.630 Application for assessment referendum -- Contents of form -- Publication.
.635 Certified association authorized to hold referendum.
.640 Referendum on area or statewide basis -- Participation eligibility.
.645 Supervision of referendum by Commissioner -- Expenses.
.650 Commissioner to determine date, hours, polling places for voting and details of assessment -- Limits -- Exceptions.
.652 Credit of up to fifty cents to producer on each bovine animal on which one dollar assessment was made -- Assessment to be collected if federal assessment is terminated.
.655 Rules governing holding of referendum prescribed by Commissioner -- Notice.
.660 Preparation of question -- Poll holders -- Canvass and declaration of results.
.665 Effect of affirmative vote.
.670 Notice as to deduction required -- Disposition of collections -- Records.
.675 Refund of assessment collected from producer.
.680 Annual review of assessment program -- Referendum required, when -- Termination of program.
.685 Injunction against violations.
.6901 Purpose.
.6904 Definitions for KRS 247.6901 to 247.6957.
.6907 Activity not deemed restraint of trade.
.6911 Referendum among producers of ovine or caprine animals on levying assessment in public interest.
.6914 Application for assessment referendum.
.6917 Certified association authorized to hold referendum.
.6921 Referendum on statewide basis.
.6924 Supervision of referendum by Commissioner -- Expenses.
.6927 Commissioner to determine date and other details of referendum.
.6931 Rules of referendum prescribed by Commissioner -- Notice -- Limit of assessment.
.6934 Ballots -- Canvass and declaration of result.
.6937 Effect of affirmative vote.
.6941 Notice of deduction required -- Disposition of collections -- Records.
.6944 Kentucky Sheep and Goat Council.
.6947 Use of assessment funds.
.6951 Refunds.
.6954 Annual review of program -- Termination.
.6957 Injunction against violations.
.710 Promotion of burley tobacco and burley tobacco products.
.715 Definitions for KRS 247.710 to 247.785.
.720 Association of producers not illegal.
.725 Producers may by referendum impose assessment on products.
.730 Application by association for assessment -- Forms.
.735 Certified association may hold referendum -- Scope.
.740 Referendum on area or statewide basis -- Who may participate.
.745 Commissioner to supervise referendum -- Expenses.
.750 Commissioner of Agriculture to determine polling places, details of assessment limits.
.755 Rules governing holding of referendum prescribed by Commissioner -- Notice -- Limit on assessment.
.760 Preparation of question -- Poll holders -- Canvass and declaration of results.
.765 Affirmative vote -- Effect.
.770 Notification to warehousemen, manufacturers and dealers of assessment -- Remittance of assessment.
.775 Refunds.
.780 Annual review of program -- Referendum required, when -- Termination.
.785 Injunction against violations.
.7900 Definitions for KRS 247.7900 to 247.7928.
.7902 Association of producers not illegal or in restraint of trade.
.7904 Application for assessment referendum -- Contents of form -- Publication.
.7906 Certified association authorized to hold referendum.
.7908 Referendum on area or statewide basis -- Participation eligibility.
.7910 Supervision of referendum by Commissioner -- Expenses.
.7912 Commissioner to determine date, hours, polling places for voting, and details of assessment -- Uses and limitations of assessment.
.7914 Effect of federal law on KRS 247.7900 to 247.7928.
.7916 Rules governing holding of referendum prescribed by Commissioner -- Notice.
.7918 Preparation of question -- Poll holders -- Canvass and declaration of results.
.7920 Effect of affirmative vote.
.7922 Notice of deduction required -- Disposition of collections -- Records.
.7924 Refund of assessment collected from producer.
.7926 Annual review of assessment program -- Referendum required, when -- Termination of program.
.7928 Injunction against violations.
.800 Agritourism program -- Purposes.
.801 Definitions for KRS 247.800 to 247.810.
.802 Duties of agritourism program.
.804 Agritourism Advisory Council -- Membership.
.806 Duties of Agritourism Advisory Council.
.808 Members of Agritourism Advisory Council appointed by Commissioner -- Terms -- Chair -- Meetings -- Vacancies -- Compensation.
.809 Liability of agritourism professionals -- Protection -- Defenses -- Damages.
.8091 Warning notices to be posted where agritourism activities are conducted.
.810 Administrative regulations relating to KRS 247.800 to 247.810.
.850 Purpose.
.851 Definitions for KRS 247.852 to 247.865.
.852 Activity not deemed restraint of trade.
.853 Referendum levying assessment.
.854 Application for assessment referendum -- Contents of form -- Publication.
.855 Certified association authorized to hold referendum.
.856 Referendum on area or statewide basis -- Participation eligibility.
.857 Supervision of referendum by Commissioner -- Expenses.
.858 Commissioner to determine date, hours, polling places for voting and details of assessment -- Limits.
.859 Details of and rules governing referendum prescribed by Commissioner -- Notice.
.860 Preparation of question -- Poll holders -- Canvass and declaration of results.
.861 Effect of affirmative vote
.862 Notice as to deduction required -- Use of funds collected -- Records to be open for inspection.
.863 Refund of assessment collected.
.864 Annual review of assessment program -- Termination of program.
.865 Injunction against violations.
.870 Definition of "ratite" -- Status of ratites as farm products and livestock.
.900 Legislative purpose.
.910 Definitions.
.920 Alcohol production exemption certificate.
.940 Legislative findings and purpose.
.942 Definitions for KRS 247.940 to 247.978.
.944 Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation -- Board of directors -- Executive director -- Quorum -- Expenses.
.946 Powers of corporation.
.9471 Purchase and sale of agricultural loans by corporation.
.9473 Corporation may insure and reinsure agricultural loans.
.948 Obligations not debt of Commonwealth.
.950 Issuance of bonds or notes by corporation.
.951 Issuance of refunding bonds.
.952 Trust agreement to secure obligation.
.953 Commonwealth prohibited from altering the right of corporation to fulfill agreements with its bondholders.
.954 Pledge of assets or revenues of corporation binding.
.955 Moneys received under KRS 247.940 to 247.978 deemed to be trust funds.
.956 Enforcement of rights under trust agreement.
.957 Corporate system of accounts -- Audit.
.958 Obligations are negotiable instruments.
.959 Corporation to receive requested services from Commonwealth officers and agencies -- Liberal construction of statutes.
.960 Obligations are legal investments for public entities and fiduciaries.
.962 Annual report.
.964 Personal liability of board or officers.
.966 Expenditure of funds.
.968 Corporation exempt from taxation -- Payment in lieu of taxes.
.970 Powers supplemental to those held by other governmental agencies.
.972 Termination or dissolution of corporation.
.974 Banks may apply for loans for qualified farmers.
.976 Expenses.
.978 Debt limitation for qualified applicant.
.980 Definitions for KRS 247.980 to 247.986.
.981 Grant program for supplying surplus agricultural commodities to food banks.
.982 Grant program eligibility and compliance.
.983 Reporting of results.
.984 Farms to Food Banks Advisory Committee.
.985 Farms to food banks trust fund.
.986 Administrative regulations.
.990 Penalties.
.991 Penalties.
.992 Penalty.
.993 Penalty.
.994 Penalties.