Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.005 Legislative finding and declaration on United States Department of Agriculture's Tobacco Price Support Program.
.010 Definitions.
.015 Tobacco boards of trade -- Powers.
.020 Repealed, 1966.
.025 Membership of boards -- Eligibility -- Participation.
.030 Repealed, 1966.
.035 Membership required to operate warehouse or purchase tobacco therein.
.040 Repealed, 1966.
.050 Repealed, 1966.
.060 Repealed, 1966.
.070 Repealed, 1966.
.080 Repealed, 1966.
.090 Repealed, 1966.
.100 Repealed, 1966.
.110 Repealed, 1966.
.120 Repealed, 1966.
.130 Repealed, 1966.
.140 Repealed, 1966.
.150 Repealed, 1966.
.160 Repealed, 1966.
.170 Repealed, 1966.
.180 Repealed, 1966.
.190 Repealed, 1966.
.200 Repealed, 1966.
.210 Repealed, 1966.
.220 Repealed, 1966.
.230 Repealed, 1966.
.240 Repealed, 1966.
.250 Repealed, 1966.
.260 Repealed, 1966.
.270 Repealed, 1966.
.280 Storage warehouseman to grade and weigh tobacco -- Receipts.
.290 Warehouse license -- Fees.
.300 Department to supervise warehouses -- Inspectors and employees.
.310 Duties and powers of inspectors.
.320 Auctions to be free and open.
.330 Combination to control or interfere with bidding prohibited.
.340 Preventing persons from bidding or purchasing prohibited.
.350 Discrimination prohibited.
.353 Enforcement by Attorney General.
.355 Class action suit -- Damages, computation and distribution.
.360 Repealed, 1978.
.370 Maximum basket sales per hour -- Hours and days of operation.
.380 Sales of vocational education tobacco.
.390 Repealed, 2000.
.391 Height and weight requirements for baskets of tobacco.
.400 Commingling of tobacco without grower's consent prohibited.
.410 Weighmen must be bonded.
.420 Inducement of false report by weighman prohibited.
.430 Notice of sales and producers to be posted -- False notice prohibited.
.440 Daily reports to be furnished by warehouses and released by department.
.450 Equipment used for transporting tobacco during weighing operation to be of uniform weight -- Copy of section to be posted in scale office.
.460 Liability of warehouseman for destruction of or damage to tobacco in storage.
.470 Repealed, 1994.
.480 Repealed, 2021.
.500 Establishment of Kentucky Tobacco Exhibition Center.
.510 Tobacco research board membership -- Compensation -- Meetings -- Quorum.
.520 Duties of board.
.530 Repealed, 2002.
.540 Tobacco research-trust fund.
.550 Appropriation and use of funds -- Revenue estimates to be supplied by Office of State Budget Director.
.560 Proposed research program -- Budget.
.570 Records -- Quarterly financial report to board.
.580 Kentucky Tobacco Research and Development Center -- Use of certain state funds.
.610 Restriction on use of tobacco stalks -- Exception.
.650 Repealed, 2006.
.652 Repealed, 2006.
.654 Tobacco settlement agreement fund -- Source of moneys -- Distribution of funds.
.655 Rural development fund -- Purpose -- Source of moneys -- Strategic plan for fund distribution -- Annual report and audit.
.656 Repealed, 2006.
.658 Repealed, 2006.
.660 Repealed, 2006.
.662 Repealed, 2006.
.664 List of recipients of moneys from tobacco settlement agreement fund for child support administration.
.701 Definitions for KRS 248.701 to 248.727.
.703 Allocation of moneys received in tobacco settlement agreement fund from Master Settlement Agreement.
.705 Repealed, 2005.
.707 Agricultural Development Board.
.709 Duties of board.
.711 Criteria for application for state funds -- Uses and restrictions on funds in counties account -- Administration of agricultural development fund -- Applicant's right to appear before oversight committee.
.713 Use of county allocation funding.
.715 Committees of board.
.717 Creation and implementation of board's programs.
.719 Center for Entrepreneurship.
.721 County agricultural development councils.
.723 Tobacco Settlement Agreement Fund Oversight Committee -- Membership -- Meetings -- Vote required to act -- Reporting of expenditure under early childhood development fund and the Kentucky health care improvement fund.
.725 Technical assistance provided by Kentucky Department of Agriculture.
.727 Responsibilities of agencies and educational institutions receiving agriculturally related funding.
.750 Definitions for KRS 248.750 to 248.769.
.752 Prohibited acts relating to cigarettes and cigarette packaging.
.754 Required filing of copies of customs certificates.
.756 Administrative and civil penalties for violation of KRS 248.752 or 248.754 -- Forfeiture of cigarettes.
.758 Presumption of purchase outside of the ordinary business channels of trade of certain imported or reimported cigarettes.
.760 Violation of KRS 248.752 or 248.754 as constituting an unfair trade practice -- Applicability of unfair trade practice law.
.762 Criminal penalties for violation of KRS 248.752 or 248.754.
.764 Enforcement of KRS 248.752 and 248.754.
.766 Injunctive relief for violation of KRS 248.752 or 248.754.
.769 Cigarettes not subject to KRS 248.752 or 248.754 -- Cumulativeness of penalties.
.990 Penalties.