Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.8-010 Definitions for subtitle.
.8-012 Administrative hearing request.
.8-020 Exemptions.
.8-030 Transaction of business prohibited without license -- Effect of issuance of license -- Unique identifier.
.8-032 Application for license.
.8-034 Issuance and renewal of license -- Fees.
.8-036 Rules concerning use of license -- Alternate work location.
.8-038 Repealed, 2009.
.8-040 Repealed, 2009.
.8-042 Repealed, 2009.
.8-044 Notice of order in writing -- Administrative complaint -- Service -- Hearing.
.8-046 Civil penalty for violation of subtitle, administrative regulation, or order -- Order for restitution, refund, recovery of expenses.
.8-048 Emergency orders by commissioner -- Grounds -- Hearing -- Period order to remain in effect.
.8-060 Surety bonds required -- Uses of bonds -- New or supplemental bonds.
.8-070 Company name.
.8-075 Change of control.
.8-080 Factors for use by commissioner in determining approval or disapproval of application.
.8-090 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license -- Jurisdiction of Franklin Circuit Court.
.8-100 Branch offices.
.8-110 Rates -- Mortgage required as evidence of real estate loan -- Delinquency charges -- Attorneys' fees -- Charges made part of note -- Limits on prepayment penalties.
.8-120 Fees and charges in addition to interest -- Letters of commitment -- Failure to fulfill terms constitutes default.
.8-125 Limitation on loan originator's fee.
.8-130 Escrow account -- Interest -- Accounting.
.8-140 Powers of commissioner.
.8-150 Records filed with commissioner open to public inspection -- Exception.
.8-160 Records to be kept by company -- Filing of financial report and correcting amendment -- Requirements if business discontinued -- Location of records -- Request for destruction of records.
.8-170 Places where records required to be kept -- Examination by commissioner -- Fee -- Access to records -- Reports.
.8-175 Confidentiality of examination reports and information -- Exceptions -- Prima facie evidence.
.8-180 Conduct of examination -- Cost of investigation or hearing.
.8-190 Grounds for investigation -- Action commissioner may take after investigation.
.8-200 Repealed, 2009.
.8-210 Judicial review.
.8-220 Prohibited acts.
.8-225 Mortgage fraud prosecution fund -- Funding -- Expenditures.
.8-227 Collection of civil penalties to be deposited in mortgage fraud prosecution fund -- Distribution -- Administrative regulations.
.8-230 Repealed, 2009.
.8-240 Short title.
.8-250 Mortgage loan brokers to maintain physical location.
.8-255 Registration with department required for mortgage loan originator -- Renewals -- Continuing education requirement -- Background checks -- Originators subject to other laws -- Minimum standards for registration -- Mortgage loan processors not required to register -- Continuing education and standards for processors -- Renewal of originator registration -- Limitation of loan origination services.
.8-256 Certain mortgage loan processors not to claim ability to act as mortgage loan originators.
.8-260 Continuing professional education required for persons registered under subtitle -- Termination and surrender of registration for failure to comply.
.8-270 Duties of mortgage loan broker -- Advanced disclosure of fee required.
.8-275 Reporting of violations of subtitle -- Duties of commissioner -- No waiver of privilege or claim of confidentiality.
.8-280 Limitation of liability.
.8-285 Participation in Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry -- Duties -- Reporting.
.8-290 Certain mortgage loan originators exempt from specified requirements of subtitle -- Commissioner's access to records.
.8-295 Mortgage loan company and mortgage loan broker to exercise control over operations, employees, and company affairs -- Requirements for alternate work location.
.8-300 Severability of subtitle's provisions.
.8-990 Kentucky Residential Mortgage Fraud Act -- Provisions -- Criminal proceedings -- Penalties.