Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.15-010 Scope of Subtitle 15.
.15-020 Definitions.
.15-030 "Ordinary" and "industrial" insurance construed.
.15-035 Securities Act of Kentucky not preempted by subtitle.
.15-040 Standard provisions required.
.15-045 Letter of acceptance and financing agreement to be part of college life insurance policy.
.15-050 Payment of premiums -- Return of policy.
.15-060 Grace period.
.15-070 Entire contract.
.15-075 Notice of policy owner's rights -- Contents -- Conditions requiring notice to be given -- Application to policies $100,000 or greater permitted.
.15-080 Incontestability.
.15-090 Misstatement of age or sex.
.15-100 Dividends.
.15-110 Policy loans.
.15-115 Life insurance policy loan interest rates.
.15-120 Table of installments.
.15-130 Reinstatement.
.15-140 Repealed, 1994.
.15-150 Beneficiary, industrial policies.
.15-160 Title.
.15-170 Excluded or restricted coverage.
.15-175 Repealed, 2019.
.15-180 Standard provisions -- Annuity and pure endowment contracts.
.15-190 Grace period -- Annuities.
.15-200 Incontestability -- Annuities.
.15-210 Entire contract -- Annuities.
.15-220 Misstatement of age or sex -- Annuities.
.15-230 Dividends -- Annuities.
.15-240 Reinstatement -- Annuities.
.15-250 Standard provisions -- Reversionary annuities.
.15-260 Limitation of liability.
.15-270 Incontestability, limitation of liability after reinstatement.
.15-280 Prohibited provisions.
.15-290 Provisions required by law of other jurisdiction.
.15-300 Short title.
.15-310 Nonforfeiture provisions.
.15-311 "Operative date of the valuation manual" defined.
.15-312 Policies without cash surrender value.
.15-315 Standard Nonforfeiture Law for Individual Deferred Annuities.
.15-320 Cash surrender value.
.15-322 Notification of insured of cash surrender value.
.15-330 Paid-up nonforfeiture benefits.
.15-340 Adjusted premiums.
.15-342 Adjusted premiums operative at option of insurer or on January 1, 1989.
.15-344 Commissioner's approval.
.15-350 Calculation of cash surrender value and paid-up nonforfeiture benefit of certain policies on default.
.15-352 Cash surrender value -- Nonforfeiture factor.
.15-360 Exceptions.
.15-365 Standard Nonforfeiture Law for Individual Deferred Annuities of 2005.
.15-370 Disposition of miscellaneous proceeds.
.15-380 Participating, nonparticipating policies -- Right to issue.
.15-390 Pension, retirement, profit-sharing, life insurance, or annuity agreements -- Separate accounts.
.15-400 Prohibited policy plans.
.15-410 Minimum reserves.
.15-420 Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Act.
.15-700 Licensing requirements governing life settlement providers and brokers -- Contracts -- Commissioner's approval required -- Forms.
.15-702 Permitted questioning of life insurance applicant concerning financing of premium payments.
.15-705 Commissioner's authority to examine -- Retention and inspection of records.
.15-708 Emergency cease and desist order when public health, safety, or welfare is endangered -- Fee.
.15-709 Remedies of department and of persons damaged by life settlement violations.
.15-710 Life settlement provider's duties of disclosure to owner.
.15-712 Permitted and prohibited life insurance advertising and marketing.
.15-715 Requirements for life settlement contracts.
.15-716 Violation due to time of contract -- Conditions -- Procedure -- Satisfaction of requirements.
.15-717 Circumstances under which life settlement transactions are unlawful -- Required statement regarding false information -- Furnishing information regarding fraudulent life settlement acts.
.15-718 Requirements governing execution of life settlement contracts.
.15-719 Annual statement to be filed with commissioner -- Administrative regulations.
.15-720 Powers of commissioner.
.15-725 KRS 304.15-020 and KRS 304.15-700 to 304.15-720 subject to Subtitle 12 of this chapter.
.15-726 Life settlement contracts for payments directly to long-term care services providers -- Administrative regulations.