Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/27/2025 %--span>
.010 Estate -- Owner may convey -- When deed or will necessary.
.020 Deeds of release.
.030 General warranty -- Words that constitute.
.040 Special warranty -- Words that constitute.
.050 Repealed, 1942.
.060 Conveyance to dead person vests title in his heirs.
.070 No lien unless unpaid consideration stated.
.075 Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act -- Recording of electronic document -- Electronic signature -- Powers and duties of county clerk.
.076 Paper copy of electronic record relating to real property -- Certificate -- Notice -- Exception for plats, maps, and surveys.
.077 Immediate recording -- Priority of documents.
.080 Recording of conveyance for longer than five years and of marriage agreement.
.090 Recording of options or offers to sell.
.100 Contracts for sale of real property may be recorded.
.110 Recording of deeds and mortgages -- Place of recording -- Use of certified copies of original records -- Contents of deed -- Filing of deed in lieu of foreclosure -- Time for filing deed.
.115 Owner of land comprising subdivision -- Recording of plat prior to sale or transfer of any lot or parcel -- Requirements -- Penalties.
.120 Real property acquired by descent -- Requirements for conveyance of -- Indexing -- Clerk's fees.
.130 When deeds executed in this state to be admitted to record.
.135 Statement of consideration or market value and mailing and in-care-of addresses required in deed to real property -- Exceptions -- Affidavit of personal representative -- Clerk prohibited from filing noncompliant deed.
.140 Repealed, 2020.
.150 Recording of deeds executed in foreign country.
.160 Certificate of acknowledgment or proof of deed.
.170 Recording of deeds executed according to laws of United States.
.180 Instrument in foreign language -- Recording of.
.190 Repealed, 2020.
.200 Cross-index of conveyances -- Filing and recording chattel mortgages, financing statements, and security agreements.
.205 General cross indexes -- Adoption and maintenance.
.210 General index of real property records in courthouse districts -- Contracts for indexing work.
.220 General index of real property records in counties containing urban-county government or city with population of 20,000 or more -- Contracts for indexing work.
.225 Duties of county clerk as to general indexes in certain counties containing city with population of 20,000 or more.
.230 Conveyance not void because of error of clerk -- Validation of prior certification and proof.
.240 Delivery of recorded instruments -- Destruction of unclaimed instruments.
.250 Acknowledgment before deputy clerk -- Duty of clerk.
.260 Deed not legally lodged for record unless tax paid.
.270 Instruments not valid against purchasers or creditors unless acknowledged or proved -- Exemption for instruments otherwise lodged for record.
.280 Order in which deeds and mortgages take effect.
.285 Purchase money deed of trust or mortgage granted by the purchaser -- Priority over prior lien.
.290 Recording of mortgages and deeds retaining liens -- Assignment -- Discharge -- Form of record -- Clerk's fee.
.295 Recording master form for mortgages -- Incorporation by reference of contents.
.297 Requirements for amendment, renewal, modification, or extension of recorded mortgage -- Amendment of recorded mortgage by affidavit of amendment -- Effect of subsequent release of original mortgage -- Construction.
.300 Duty of clerk concerning instruments lodged for record -- Reproduction of clerk's signature on photographic copy.
.310 Clerk may complete acknowledgment and record of predecessor.
.320 Clerk may correct errors and omissions of predecessor.
.330 Instrument not to be recorded unless date of maturity shown -- Exception.
.335 Certain information to be included in instruments in order for them to be recorded.
.337 Filing of affidavit to correct or supplement certain information contained in deed.
.340 Mortgages executed by public utility corporations -- Recording -- Effect.
.350 Removal of property from land covered by lien.
.360 Discharge of liens by deed or mortgage -- Assignment of mortgage -- Effect.
.365 Release of lien, with notice to property owner, within thirty days of satisfaction -- Assignments of liens -- Proceeding against lienholder in District Court or Circuit Court -- Liability of lienholder when lien not released or notice not sent -- Notice to state or lienholder -- Damages.
.370 Power of attorney to convey or release property -- Recording -- Revocation.
.380 Statement of amount and maturity to be filed before additional securities are issued.
.385 Mortgage on real estate to secure payment of sums due under line of credit or revolving credit plan -- Priority of liens -- Mortgage amendment -- Release of lien.
.390 Repealed, 1960.
.400 Repealed, 1960.
.410 Repealed, 1960.
.420 Repealed, 1960.
.430 Instrument constituting lien to give mailing address of lienholder.
.440 Memorandum of actions affecting real property to be filed.
.450 Memorandum of attachment or execution to be filed.
.460 Notice to be endorsed, recorded and indexed -- Fees.
.470 Discharge of notice -- Fees.
.480 Filing of federal liens.
.490 Discharge of federal liens.
.500 Clerk's fees for filing.
.510 Lis pendens notices concerning proceedings in bankruptcy.
.520 Renewal, extension, interest rate modification, or additional loan under mortgage on real estate -- Superiority of lien -- Release of lien, when.
.600 Repealed, 1960.
.610 Repealed, 1960.
.620 Repealed, 1960.
.630 Repealed, 1960.
.635 Repealed, 1962.
.640 Repealed, 1960.
.650 Repealed, 1960.
.660 Repealed, 1960.
.670 Repealed, 1960.
.675 Repealed, 2006.
.680 Repealed, 1958.
.690 Repealed, 1958.
.700 Repealed, 1958.
.710 Repealed, 1958.
.720 Repealed, 1958.
.730 Repealed, 1960.
.740 Repealed, 1962.
.750 Repealed, 1962.
.760 Repealed, 1962.
.770 Repealed, 1962.
.780 Repealed, 1962.
.790 Repealed, 1962.
.792 Definitions for KRS 382.792 to 382.796.
.794 Private transfer fee obligations prohibited -- Liability for damages and costs -- Buyer's waiver of rights void.
.796 Conspicuous notice of all fees and obligations to be included in real estate purchase contracts -- Civil remedies -- Buyer's waiver of rights void.
.800 Definitions.
.810 Creation -- Acceptance and recordation necessary -- Duration -- Preexisting property interest.
.820 Actions affecting easements.
.830 Validity of easement.
.840 Applicability and effect.
.850 Transfer of easement -- Effect on mining operations and on eminent domain powers.
.860 Application and construction -- Uniformity of interpretation.
.990 Penalties.