Animals, Livestock, and Poultry

Agisters, election of remedy

Agroterrorism, set penalties for

Animal cruelty, care of seized animals

Animal health, requirements governing

Animal identification, bar unjustifiable removal of

Cervid livestock, definition of

Cervids, importation of

Cervids, regulation of

Contaminated foods, sale or disposition

Dead animal disposal rule, implementation, delaying of

Dogs and cats, spaying and neutering

Dogs, cruelty to, shelter requirements

Economic incentives for large scale dairy farms, study of

Fencing, trespassing through

Ferrets, possession of, technical correction

Humane animal treatment, education instruction on

Hunting without permission on lands of another, increase penalties for

Injured racehorses, duty to report prior surgeries or use of steroids or other drugs in

Kentucky 4-H centennial, honoring

Kentucky Milk Commission, creation of

Milk Commission, clarify scope of duties, relationships

Milk Commission, define duties, authority of

Pollinator habitat, reclamation site revegetation requirements, inclusion of

Self-defense, carrying firearms while hunting, fishing, or trapping

Soring horses, create ban on, set penalties for

Spay/neuter, require for adoption, release

Stray equines, taking up and posting of

Stray equines to be taken up, require that

Unpasteurized goat milk, regulation of

Veterinarian records, release of

Veterinarian-client-patient relationship, meaning of

Veterinary records, release of

Veterinary records, release requirements, exemption from

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:17 AM (EDT)