Local Government

911 service charge, collection agent other than phone provider, local government designation

Adopt charter county government, modify procedure

CERS, allow certain agencies to opt out of participation in the state health plan

CERS, certain agencies may opt out of participation in the state health plan

CERS, remove employer contribution and health care reimbursement for reemployed retirees

Charter, county governments, ad valorem taxes, compensating tax rate and recall provisions

Charter county governments, administration of ad valorem taxes

Charter county governments, include in recall provisions for ad valorem taxes

Charter county merger commission, membership

Child-care centers, evacuation plan, requirement for

City opt out, charter county government, merger commission process

City tax collection, procedures

City tax collection, PVA's preliminary property assessment provided to city

Collective bargaining agreements, Recognition of

Community rehabilitation programs, purchases from, preference for

Consolidated local government, budget process and mayor's duties

Consolidated local governments, legislative powers, audits and investigations

Consolidated local governments, mayor's duties and powers in

Coroners, unclaimed bodies, cremation, prohibition of for same

Counties, county employees retirement system, definition of seasonal position

County clerk's fee for keeping a record of the stray certificate, reinstate existing amount for

County consolidation, process for

County Employees Retirement System, definition of "seasonal employee"

County Employees Retirement System, establish 10 year phase-in to fully fund retiree health benefits

County ordinances, procedure for enactment and amendment

County ordinances, procedures for amendment, publication and enactment

Court house facilities, provision of by counties

Department for Local Government, reorganization, Executive Order 2008-509

Development fees

Direct a study of the current system for reporting and paying local taxes

Division of Mine Permits, Local Government Economic Development Fund, transfer to

Dog, cat release, mandate spay/neuter before

Economic development fund, use of

Economic recovery moneys, spending of, urge local governments to buy American

Election days alcoholic beverages, permit delivery of

Election days, alcoholic beverages, unless permitted by local government, prohibit sale of

Emergency 911, revenues and fees, study of

Emergency 911, revenues and need for state board, study of

Establish a fee for a justice of the peace to issue a stray certificate, permit local governments to

Establish a reasonable fee for keeping stray equines, authority to

Explosives, storage of, prohibit in certain areas in a consolidate local government

Fire protection boundaries, study of

Fire station closures, Louisville/Jefferson County Metro

Fire subdistricts, dissolution and governance of

Firefighters totally disabled in line of duty, CPI adjustment to insurance payments

Formation of fire protection districts with optional ambulance service, requirements

Gross revenues and excise tax fund, hold-harmless amount, increase

Health boards, composition of

Home rule, allow for pool safety regulations

Infrastructure projects, CTL facilities, priority funding for

Junction City, fifth to forth class

Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, Kentucky Municipal Utilities Association, membership for

Local Government Economic Assistance Fund, balances in, investment of

Local Government Economic Development Fund, administration of

Mayor of consolidated local government's duties and powers

Municipal Utilities Association, Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, membership on

Occupational license taxes, definition of Internal Revenue Code

Officers, oaths, remove two-year denial of office penalty for failure to take oath under KRS 62.010

Ordinances or regulations regulating body piercing and tattooing, prohibition of

Permission for video lottery terminal games at approved tracks

Planning and zoning, subdivision, definition of

Planning and zoning, subdivision of land for agricultural purposes, definition of new street

Prisoners working community-service-related projects, nonreligious requirement, deletion of

Professional firefighters, physical agility test

Professional firefighters, supplement, wages, overtime

Public infrastructure and highway construction

Public referendum for charter county formation

Public referendum procedure for charter county formation

Public transportation infrastructure authority, local input to

Radon exposure, policies minimizing exposure of, encouragement of

Real property owned by air board having scenic easements, length of covenant

Regional tourism and infrastructure development fund, provision for

Regional wastewater commissions, authority to join

Require 50% of tax on wages to be remitted to city/county of residence

Sadieville, Scott County, from sixth to fifth, reclassification of

Service fee, county attorney notice for alleged theft by deception

Sheriff, county clerk, and PVA, allow offices in areas other than county seat

Sheriff, county clerk and PVA moving office to require vote

Sheriff, county clerk and PVA require vote to move offices

Sheriff, county clerks, PVA offices in areas other than county seat

Souvenir retail liquor licensees, hours and days of operation, local ordinance, establishment by

Spending of economic recovery moneys, local governments urged to buy American

Succession within consolidated local government

Tax base coordination agreements between cities and counties

Tax increment financing, preferences for Kentucky firms

United States and Kentucky flag purchases, require manufacture in the United States

Urban-county government, benefits during layoffs for police and fire employees

Video lottery terminals, county referendum on placement of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:17 AM (EDT)