Public Utilities

911 service charge, collection agent other than phone provider, local government designation

Automated calling equipment or recorded political messages by a party or campaign, use prohibited

Civil liability, carbon sequestration and demonstration projects, immunity from

Communications services, refund for lost service during a declared state of emergency

David Armstrong, confirm appointment to Public Service Commission

Electric utilities, nuclear energy, authorization for

Emergency 911, revenues and fees, study of

Infrastructure projects, CTL facilities, priority funding for

Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, Kentucky Municipal Utilities Association, membership for

Ky. Geological Survey, express support for work in carbon sequestration

Municipal Utilities Association, Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, membership on

Natural gas, bulk sales, for commercial, industrial, governmental and school customers

Natural gas retail competition, PSC authority, terms and conditions thereof

Nuclear power facility, construction moratorium, removal of

Power plants, coal-fired, make eligible for Incentive for Energy Independence Act

Public Service Commission, appointment of James W. Gardner

Public Service Commission, attachment to Energy and Environment Cabinet

Public utility energy demand-side management programs, PSC authority thereof

Rate discount, permit utilities to grant to seniors, disabled, military, low income

Regional wastewater commissions, exemption from regulation

Sanitation districts, created under KRS Chapter 220, to be PSC regulated

Storm water charges, charging unserved customers, prohibition on

TVA in-lieu-of-tax payments, redistribute

Underground installation of new electric utility distribution lines, consideration

Utility communications during a declared state of emergency, requirements for

Water and Sewer Projects, repeal and reenactment of

Wireless cellular transmission towers, backup generators for

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:17 AM (EDT)