Minerals and Mining

Allow the sale of unmined minerals certificates of delinquency

Blasters, coal mining, training requirements for

Carbon dioxide pipeline, state program of regulation, removal from

Coal mine permit fees, adjustment of

Coal mine subsidence insurance, reinsurance, living expenses, increase for

Instruction to add miners' names to monument, addition of

Kentucky Natural Resources Caucus, creation of

Mine Safety Review Commission, confirmation, Stephen A. Sanders

Mine Subsidence Insurance, increased reinsurance coverage limits, additional living expenses covered

Mountaintop mining, placement of overburden, requirements on

Mountaintop removal, overburden in streams, prohibition of

Natural resources severance tax credit, definitions

Noncompliance notice, electronic mail, procedure for

Pollinator habitat, reclamation site revegetation requirements, inclusion of

Reorganization, Energy and Environment Cabinet, Executive Order 2009-538

Streams, mountain top mining, overburden, placement of

Surface coal mining permit fees, increase of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)