Studies Directed

"2-1-1" service in Kentucky, direct Public Service Commission study of

Alternative education programs, study by KDE and CPE, July 15, 2010 through July 15, 2011

Centralized voting centers in counties, option of

Economic development programs, study of

Education Professional Standards Board, teachers of alternative education, study

Expanded learning time grant program, evaluation in 2016 Interim

High speed rail, study of

Highway lighting, request Transportation Cabinet study of

Highway maintenance costs, Transportation Cabinet study of ways to reduce

Horse-drawn wagons, KYTC and KSP to study effect on highway safety and conditions

Incentives for Energy Independence Act, amend to provide incentives for natural gas

Kentucky Milk Commission, state and federal milk data, gathering of

Local governments, expenditures of, Web site showing, study of

Local governments, expenditures of, Web sites showing, study of

Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government, mayor's office, study by

Low-profit limited liability companies

Medicaid, cost containment, task force, authorize

Medicaid, program performance, audit of

Mountain Trail Systems Task Force, create

Movie theater access, Commission on Human Rights

Natural gas retail competition, PSC study thereof directed

Natural gas retail competition, Public Service Commission, study on

Paramedics, expansion of practice, direct LRC staff study of

Penal Code and Controlled Substances Drafting Group, creation, duties

Personal-care homes, study of

Pharmacy-related primary care, study of

Pornography, access by minors

Poverty Task Force, reauthorization of

Program Review and Investigations Committee, tax inducement programs, review

Prosthetist, orthotist, pedorthist, and orthotic fitter licensure, direct LRC staff study of

Reducing caseloads for speech language pathologists, study for

School funding, Interim Joint Committee on Education or Appropriations and Revenue

Task Force on Children Exposed to and Affected by Domestic Violence, creation of

Tax increment financing program, LRC staff study of

Technology, middle school students

Tobacco Task Force, reauthorization of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)