Water Supply

Abandoned utilities, conditions for placement in receivership

Allowance to use portion of cash reserves for additional services, water districts

Allowance to use portion of cash reserves for additional services, water districts to

Coal combustion residuals, disposal, ground water monitoring, regulation of

Energy and Environment Cabinet, secretary, election of

Environmental laboratories, wastewater, cabinet certification of

Hexavalent chromium levels, require public water systems to monitor

Human blood, disposal of

Maintenance of waters to protect aquatic life and beneficial use, require cabinet to consider

Medications, disposal of

Prescription drug drop off program, water pollution prevention, cabinet program for

Regional Wastewater Commission, counties eligible to participate

Regional Wastewater Commission, fiduciary aspects

Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2011, support for

Risk based concentration, toxicity calculations, methods for

State control of water quality standards, nonenforcement federal standards, requirements for

Stream mitigation and restoration projects, conductivity, direct new contract for

Violations of public notice, frequency of

Water and wastewater infrastructure, regional wastewater commissions, use for

Water quality, environmental samples, submitted to certified laboratory

Wholesale rates, wastewater commission, affordability requirements for

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)