
airport boards, establish additional requirements for limited liability companies created by

Auto Manufacturer limits on dealer audits, clarification of

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, secretary, election of

Cigarette tax evidence, deferred payment of

Constitutional right to hunt and fish, regulation of commercial activities, not to modify

Department of Agriculture, USDA, urge livestock market monitoring

Dextromethorphan, availability, restriction of

Economic development and tourism project expenditure report; requirement of

Exemption from federal law, firearms and ammunition made and used in Kentucky

Exemptions from federal law, firearms and ammunition made and used in Kentucky

Firearms and ammunition made and used in Kentucky, exemption from federal law

Intrastate produced goods, federal laws, federal jurisdiction, removal from

Kentucky Wood Products Competitiveness Corporation, abolishment of

Local Government Economic Development Program, administration of

Low-profit limited liability company, organization and operation of

Motor vehicle dealers, claims against manufacturers or distributors, guidelines for

Portal for business, establishment of

Products containing bisphenol-A, prohibition on

Quarantine, bees and appliances or materials, technical corrections for

Railroads, Passenger Rail Transportaion Advisory Board

Sale of alcoholic beverages, election days

Unfair practices, study of

Urban agriculture, state agency focus on

Victims of accidents and disasters, solicitation of

Waste tires, information sheets, delete retailer provision of

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)