Constitution, Ky.

Capital sentencing system, omnibus revisions to

Chief Justice, redistribute resources of Judicial Branch and redraw judicial districts, authority to

Cities and counties, sales and use tax, authority to impose

Commission on redistricting, establishment of

Constable, amendment allowing legislative body of county to abolish office of

Early voting, establishment of process

Election of statewide constitutional offices, change to even-numbered year

Federal firearms laws, enforceability of

Firearms, federal laws and rules, invalidate

Gambling revenues, pension obligations, uses for

General Assembly, compensation for services, suspension of

General Assembly to authorize casino gambling and its regulation

Local option sales tax, amendment to allow

Minimum age of election to General Assembly, propose to lower to 18

Pardon Board, proposed creation of

Religious freedom, protection of

Repeal annual sessions

Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, require General Assembly to protect

Voting rights for felons, constitutional admend to provide

Voting rights for felons, constitutional admentment to provide

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)