Public Officers and Employees

Campaign reports, single threshold, establishment of

City classification system reform

Commission to hire person of ethical and moral leadership; demonstration of

County clerks, charitable collections

Election of statewide constitutional offices, change to even-numbered year

Emergency overtime, direct Personnel Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations on

Expungement and criminal records; eligibility, process, standards, and protections

Expungement and criminal records, eligibility, process, standards, and protections

Expungement and criminal records; eligibility, process, standards, and protections

Incompatible offices, any two with authority to levy taxes

Incompatible offices, any two with authority to levy taxes or set rates or fees

Incompatible offices, special purpose governmental entities with authority to levy taxes

Insurance, offer plan option equivalent to Medicaid benefits

Jail officer, complaint against, required procedure

Kentucky Retirement Systems, limitation on creditable compensation growth

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, Housekeeping Bill

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System Task Force, establishment of

Law enforcement officers, retired, reemployment of

Legislative Research Commission Employees, rewards for cost-saving ideas implemented

Legislative staff, approval by Commission of salary increases

Local knife ordinances and restrictions, limits on

Mayor, consolidated local governments, succession in case of vacancy

Members of the General Assembly, definition of legislator, prohibited conduct, harassment

Offender employment and licensure, requirements applying to

Open records, willful withholding of, penalties for, agency head

prevailing wage, repeal for school construction

Probation for public employee or officer convicted of corruption, prohibit

Retirement, certain public agencies allowed to cease participation in KERS

Retirement, certain public agencies allowed to cease participation in KERS and CERS

Retirement, forfeiture of pension benefits

Retirement, Kentucky Retirement Systems housekeeping bill

Retirement, process for filling vacancies on the Kentucky Retirement Systems board

Retirement, require state retirement systems to disclose retirement account information

Retirement, restrict account consolidation for legislative retirement

Salaries of state officials, amendment establishing commission to set

Secretary of Personnel, require to promulgate administrative regulations on emergency overtime

State-administered retirement systems, actuarial reporting requirements

State-administered retirement systems, ban placement agents and req. adherence to state contract law

State/Executive Branch Budget

Statewide constitutional officers, courts, notification to

Teachers, retirement systems housekeeping bill

Wage discrimination, prohibited on basis of sex, race, or national origin

Workplace harassment prevention, training, requirement of

Last updated: 8/27/2019 6:52 PM (EDT)