Crimes and Punishments

Abortion, informed consent requirement

Abortion, prohibition at 20 weeks of fetal development

Abortion, ultrasound requirements

Adam Walsh Act, provisions for compliance

Address protection program fund, establish

Agricultural operations, prohibit interference of

Aircraft, prohibit the discharging of lasers at

Assault in the third degree, inclusion of assaults against public utility workers

Asset forfeiture, methamphetamine-contaminated vehicles, disposal of

Boating under the influence, penalties for

Booking photograph, use for commercial purpose with removal fee, prohibition

Capital sentencing system, omnibus revisions to

Careless driving involving death or physical injury, penalty

Child, abused or neglected, procedures for

Concealed carry license, authority as to legislators

Constitutional rights, persons investigated in dependency, neglect, and abuse cases retain

Controlled substances, acetylfentanyl, addition to Schedule I

Controlled substances felony, faith-based substance use treatment

Controlled substances, penalties and protocols relating to

Controlled substances, treatment, penalties and protocols relating to

Costs of extradition, allow the sentencing court to require a convicted person

Criminal attempt to commit murder of peace officer or firefighter, classify as violent offense

Criminal GPS tracking, elements of

Criminal GPS tracking, offense of

Criminal homicide offenses, defining terms used in

Cruelty to animals, adequate shelter

Cruelty to animals, first degree, involvement in fighting

Cruelty to animals, forfeiture and ownership provisions

Cruelty to animals, involvement in fighting activities

Cruelty to animals, second degree, vendors and spectators

Day reporting centers, usage of

Death penalty costs, creation of task force

Death penalty, replace with life imprisonment without parole

DNA, sample collection at arraignment, requirement for

Domestic violence and abuse, stalking, definition of

Domestic violence order, substantial violation, strangulation offense

Domestic violence, pretrial release hold

Driving under the influence, list of controlled substances qualifying for prosecution

DUI, admissibility of controlled substance testing

DUI, penalties imposed

DUI, penalties imposed.

DUI, refusal to sign waiver as refusal to consent to test

DUI requirement of prosecutorial background checks

Electronic communication, include as harassing communication

Expungement, allow for criminal charges which have been dismissed

Expungement and criminal records, eligibility, process, standards, and protections

Expungement of records, criminal history

Expungement petitions, require $100 nonrefundable filing fee.

Expungements, alter requirements for

Failure to yield right of way to emergency and public safety vehicles, increased fines

Felons' voting rights, constitutional amendment to provide

Fines, motor vehicle and misdemeanor, increase of

Firearms, federal prohibitions, invalidate

Firearms, sale at flea markets and gun shows of

Firearms, unlawful possession of, illegal aliens

Gambling, devices and penalties

Gross misdemeanor, creation of

Guardianship, Custodianship, Civil Commitment, and Mental Competency Task Force, create

Guardianship, Custodianship, Civil Commitment, and Mental Competency Task Force, creation of

Harassing communications, expansion of crime, and means of communication

HB 427

Health department syringe exchange, drug paraphernalia offense relating to

Heroin trafficking, penalties and release authority relating to

Human trafficking, commercial sex, mistake regarding age

Ignition interlocks, usage of

Indoor smoking, prohibiting, exceptions, penalties

Injury, lower requirement for assault on a service animal

Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, increased funding for

Interpersonal protective orders, establishment of

Justifications, use of force

Juvenile courts, public proceedings, pilot project

Local Exchange Option, study relating to

Manslaughter in the first degree, elements of

Marijuana possession and cultivation, adjustment of penalties for

Medical cannabis, authorization and regulation of

Misdemeanor sentencing, prior convictions, evidence of

Misdemeanors, reclassification as prepayable violations

National Wildlife Refuge System, concurrent jurisdiction for

Persistent felony offender sentencing, reform

Prescription drug database, urge Missouri to implement

Proposed constitutional amendment, gaming

Protective orders, extension of

Restraining order, victim of sex offense, issuance of

Sentence credits, application to misdemeanants

Sentence enhancement, fourth degree assault, previous violations of KRS 508.010, 508.020, or 508.030

Sex crimes, provide for gender equality

Sex offender registration, change in requirements for

Sex offenders, prohibition of presence on publically owned playground

Sexual offenses against children, creation of offense for serial abuse of a child

Sherry Ballard Fetal Homicide Act, short title

Shock probation, prohibit, DUI death

Strangulation, offense of

Three-year interval before restoration of voting rights, upon certain conditions

Unlawful dextromethorphan possession, fines for

Untested sexual assault examination kits, reporting of

Violation, offering of simulated gambling program

Violent offenders, qualifying offenses for designation as

Voting rights, prohibitions relating to

Voting rights, restructure limitations on

Zohydro, classify as Schedule I

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)