Legislative Research Commission

Area development districts, require information sharing

Budget Reform Task Force, establish

Classification and compensation system, Commission employee Web site, published on

Classification and compensation system, commission employee Web site, publishing

Committee on Legislative Redistricting, attached to

County jail restricted fund, establishment and funding

Death penalty costs, creation of task force

Deputy director for human resources, requirements for

Designation of appropriation or revenue measure, requirement for

Director, employee practices required of

Director, establish committee to conduct search for

Employees, classification and compensation system, new employees hired under

Employees, minimum salary , requirement of

Employees, minimum salary, requirement of

Employees of, comprehensive employment system, establishment of

Federal Environmental Regulation Impact Assessment Task Force, change membership and submission date

Federal Environmental Regulation Impact Assessment Task Force, establishment of

Government Nonprofit Contracting Task Force, establish

Guardianship, Custodianship, Civil Commitment, and Mental Competency Task Force, create

Guardianship, Custodianship, Civil Commitment, and Mental Competency Task Force, creation of

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System Task Force, establishment of

Kentucky Workforce Oversight Taskforce, establishment of

Law libraries, replacement of in case of fire

Legislative compensation, setting of

Legislators, nonpartisan staff transfers, prohibited to direct

Municipal bankruptcy, study

Nonpartisan employees, classification and compensation system, new employees hired under

Public Pension Oversight Board, oversight of additional state-administered retirement systems

Public Pension Oversight Board, restriction on appointments to

Public-private partnership agreements, legislative review and authorizations for

Salary, direct deposit, limitation on

Staff management and structure, implement recommended changes

State Employee Appreciation Day, July 1, 2015

Timber Theft and Trespass Reduction Task Force, establishment of

Tobacco use in state buildings and schools, prohibit

U.S. Constitutional Convention, delegates to, limitation of authority, enforcement of

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)