Health Benefit Mandate

Abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drug product, substitution

Amino acid-based elemental formula, benefit coverage

Amino acid-based elemental medical formula, benefit coverage

Autism coverage claims, insurers, information to be provided by

Autism coverage, web page, explanation of claims, requirement for

Autism treatment, insurance coverage, liaison required for

Chiropractic services, equal reimbursement for

Department of Insurance, average reimbursement rate for emergency air ambulance, calculation of

Health plan, retail pharmacy, different cost-sharing from mail-order pharmacy, prohibited

Indoor smoking, prohibition

Mitochondrial disease, require health benefit plans to provide prescription drug coverage for

Noah's Law, benefit coverage for amino acid-based elemental formula

Personnel Cabinet, state employee health plan, required use of mail-order pharmacies, prohibition of

Prescription drug costs, limitation on amount of copayment and coinsurance

Specialty drug coverage, specialty drug network, requirement of

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:08 PM (EST)