Retirement and Pensions

Actuarial analysis, additional requirements for retirement bills, establishing

Casino gaming, allocation of net proceeds

Casino gaming, revenue generated by

CERS, mayors or city council members, retirement at age 62 or over

CERS, retiree health reimbursements paid to system by school districts for reemployed retirees

City, police, and fire legacy funds, insurance annuity payments, optional conversion to

County Employees Retirement System, separate governance structure from Kentucky Retirement Systems

Gaming, authorization of and funding for

Gaming tax, funding from

Impact of part-time nonhazardous employment on full-time hazardous member's retirement

Individual income tax, exempt income, expansion

Individual income tax, pension income exclusion

Judicial Form Retirement System, new amortization method for paying off unfunded liabilities

Judicial Retirement Plan, close plan to new members and require participation in KERS

Kentucky deferred compensation, legislation for

Kentucky Employees Retirement Fund, fund appropriated

Kentucky Employees Retirement Systems, employee of, Kentucky Group Health Insurance Board, addition

Kentucky Employees Retirement Systems nonhazardous pension fund, funding for

Kentucky Retirement Systems, officers hired under KRS 158.4414 do not count for KRS 95.022 cap

Kentucky Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, Caswell Prewitt Lane

Kentucky Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, John Carroll Cheshire III

Kentucky Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, Joseph L. Grossman

Kentucky Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, Matthew Louis Monteiro

Kentucky Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, Patrick Kelly Downard

Kentucky Retirement Systems, cessation of participation in KERS by quasi-governmental agencies

Kentucky Retirement Systems, gender-neutral language

Kentucky Retirement Systems, goal to invest 1.5% of assets in Ky. private equity fund investments

Kentucky Retirement Systems, housekeeping legislation for

Kentucky Retirement Systems, liability-based contributions for KERS employers

Kentucky Retirement Systems, omitted service to determine consolidated benefits in

Kentucky Retirement Systems, post-retirement change of beneficiary and option, qualifying events for

Kentucky Retirement Systems, reset of amortization period, KERS liability based modeling

Kentucky Retirement Systems, separate CERS from KRS governance

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, employee of, Kentucky Group Health Insurance Board, addition

KERS agency cessation, service in alternative plan counts towards KRS ret. eligibility, allow

KERS, employees of ceased university or college employer, continued participation in

KERS quasi-governmental cessation provisions, change effective date to June 30, 2022

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close plan to new members and require participation in KERS

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close plan to new members and transfer cash balance members to KERS

Legislators' Retirement Plan, other non-public salary in account consolidation, restriction

Legislators' Retirement Plan, prospectively adjust benefits for legislators.

Line of duty death benefits, adjustment of

Line of duty, disability benefits, adjustment of

Local governments, interlocal agreements; employees transferred, status of benefits

Military pensions, income tax deduction for

Pension income exclusion, retroactively raise

Police officers, annual supplement and retirement contribution, application

Public officers and employees, sex offense against minor, forfeit public pension upon conviction of

Reemployment after retirement, restrictions on part-time adjunct instructors

Retirement, member option to reduce legislative retirement benefits

Retirement, post-retirement change of beneficiary and option, qualifying events for

Retirement, reset of amortization period, layered process

SB 151 (RS 2018), repeal the provisions of

State-administered retirement systems, contracts and investment fees, public disclosure of

State/Executive Branch Budget

Teachers' Retirement System Board of Trustees, confirmation, Frank Edward Collecchia

Teachers' Retirement System, disability retirement for

Teachers' Retirement System, goal to invest 1.5% of assets in Ky. private equity fund investments

Teachers' Retirement System, housekeeping bill

Teachers' Retirement System, new plan for new nonuniversity members on or after 1/1/2021

Teachers' Retirement System, new plan for new university members on or after 1/1/2021

Teachers' Retirement System pension fund, funding for

Teachers' Retirement System, post-retirement return-to-work requirements for

Teachers' Retirement System, surviving spouse's remarriage, benefits continue after

Technical corrections

Urban-county governments, police and firefighters retirement fund

Wagering administration fund, allocation from

Last updated: 10/27/2020 12:10 PM (EDT)
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