Mental Health

Abuse, exploitation, and neglect, definitions and penalties

Alcohol and drug counseling, certification

Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, training, encourage

Behavioral health services benefits, direct administration by Department for Medicaid Services

Capital offense, executions, mental illness

Certificate of need, elimination of

Constitutional amendment, restoration of voting rights, proposal

Conversion therapy, prohibition of

Court-ordered assisted outpatient mental health treatment

Farmer Suicide Prevention Day, designating

Firefighters, Firefighters Foundation Program Fund, mental health treatment

Health benefit plans, mental health parity requirements

Incompetent to stand trial, involuntary commitment, certain felonies

Individuals with intellectual disabilities, rights of, establishment

Juvenile criminal responsibility, competency, procedures

Kentucky Eating Disorder Council, establishment of

Kentucky Emergency Preparedness Task Force, establish

Kentucky Mental Health First Aid Training Program, creating

Kentucky problem gambling assistance account, allocation for

Mental health, bringing awareness to

Mental health counseling, child access to, allowing for

National suicide hotline number, student identification badges required to contain

Patient-directed care, end of life

Psychiatric pharmacist as a qualified mental health professional, establishing

Quick hotline number for suicide prevention, urging adoption of

Recovery Residence Task Force, establish

School safety and support, providing for

Severe mental illness, task force, creation of

Sober living homes, certification

Social Security Insurance, return to work, incentives, disability benefits

State/Executive Branch Budget

Student assessment, school utilization of

Student screenings, requirements for

Substance use disorder treatment, methods of

Suicide assessment, treatment, and management training programs, cultural diversity requirement

Task Force on Services for Persons with Brain Injuries, establish

Technical advisory committee, medical assistance, inclusion

Transportation, hospital and psychiatric facility, voluntary

Last updated: 10/27/2020 12:10 PM (EDT)
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