Traffic Safety

Accident reporting, serious physical injury or death

Child restraint systems and booster seats, front seat placement, prohibition

Constables and deputy constables, training requirement, emergency vehicles and equipment

Criminal littering, unsafe amounts of leaves or mowed grass left on highway

Criminal littering, unsafe amounts of mowed grass left on highway

Drivers with autism spectrum disorder, informational envelope, provided for

Encroachment permits, collection and use of fines for violations

Fatal traffic accidents, mandatory investigation of

Highway Work Zone Safety Task Force, creation of

Illegal school bus passing, recorded by camera, $300 penalty for first offense

Lane designations, commercial vehicles, interstates and parkways, establishment

Motor vehicle safety features for prevention of hot car deaths, installation of

Motorcycle safety education program, eligibility

Motorcycle safety education program, instructor review schedule

Passing stopped school bus, recorded by camera, establishing civil penalties for

Peer-to-peer car sharing, regulation of

Personal communication device, use by driver, prohibiting

Personal communication device, use by driver, prohibition

Police pursuit policy, requirement for and penalty enhancement

Police pursuit policy requirement for and penalty enhancement

Police pursuit policy, requirement for and penalty enhancement

School bus, illegal passing of, 90 day operator's license revocation

School bus stop arm cameras, enforcement

School bus stop arm cameras, permit schools to maintain and install

School bus stop arm cameras, requiring

School resource officers, jurisdiction in school zones

Vehicles, towing and storage of, establish requirements for

Last updated: 10/27/2020 12:10 PM (EDT)
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