Prefile Index Heading:
Elections and Voting

Absentee, change to qualification, add convenience of the voter

Ballots, straight party option, removal

Board Members consolidated emergency services district, election of

Campaign finance, childcare and elder care expenses as allowable campaign expenditure

Campaign finance, childcare expenses as allowable campaign expenditure

Commission on legislative and congressional redistricting, establishment of

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, time and place of meetings

County boards of education, election division

District board of education tax recall, signatures for petition, number of

Elected officials, constitutional amendment for recall election

Election day, emergency suspension or delay, change only by General Assembly

Emergencies, executive orders, new voting date not affected by

General Assembly, terms of members, limiting

Primary, date of, emergency extension, related election dates extended

Proposed constitutional amendment, right to a clean natural environment, with preservation

Voting hours, extension

Last updated: 1/4/2021 4:38 PM (EST)
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