
Abandoned personal property, storage

Agricultural or horticultural property conversion, new charge

Assessment of property for taxation, use of asking price, prohibition

Assessments, property taxation, appraisal method requirements

Assessments, property taxation, real property definition

Assessments, real property taxation, valuation standards

Catalytic converters, proof of seller's identity

Condemnation, gender-neutral language

Consolidated local government, local ordinances, rent control

Contracts, equitable interest, advertising

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, compensatory mitigation, property acquisition

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, conservation easements, eastern Kentucky, purchase

Digital assets, classification and treatment

Firearms surrender, Crisis aversion and rights retention order

Forcible entry or detainer, alternative minimum notice time, local government ability to establish

Heavy or specialized conservation equipment, acquisition by commission, joint application

Heir property, partition

Historical overlay districts, ordinance requirements

In-person or drone access, privacy protection

Kentucky Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearms List, prohibition of firearms sales or transfers

Leased premises, liens, prohibition of attachment in lease

Local ordinances controlling rents

Merchant electric generating facilities, siting

Online tangible personal property tax system

Planned communities, horizontal property law

Planned communities, rights and responsibilities

Planning and zoning, natural gas transmission pipelines, notification, developer and operator

Political yard signs, display on private property subject to a homeowners' association

Property tax, merchant electric generating facility, agricultural or horticultural land, exclusion

Purchasers of catalytic converters, illegal acts

Purchasers of catalytic converters, proof of ownership, requirement

Purchasers of catalytic converters, unlawful acts

Real property disclosure form, proximity to military installation

Recorded instruments, electronic filing and searching

Residential sale or lease lead testing, requirements

School property purchase and disposal, prior approval

Solar merchant electric generating facilities, siting, setback requirements

Swimming pools, residential, safety standards

Technical correction

Theft of services, rental agreements

Uniform Residential and Landlord Tenant Act

Last updated: 2/8/2023 2:57 PM (EST)