Proceedings of the House


House Bill: Rules(H) - 44fccr, Rules(H) - 92, Rules(H) - 137ccr fccr, Rules(H) - 490, Rules(H) - 573, Rules(H) - 604, Rules(H) - 659

To House Floor

House Resolution: 147, 149, 151

Reported favorably to Rules

Senate Bill: A&R(H) - 88hcs hcta(1), Trans(H) - 347hcs(2)

Taken from Committee

House Concurrent Resolution: CC(H) - 145
House Resolution: CC(H) - 147, CC(H) - 149, CC(H) - 151


Senate Bill: A&R(H) - 88 to A&R(H)

Posted for passage for Concurrence

House Bill: 92scs sca(1) scta(2), 490scs scta(1), 573scs scta(1), 604scs scta(1), 659scs scta(1)

Posted for passage for Receding

Senate Bill: 163hcs hfa(2)

Conference Committee report filed

House Bill: 137ccr
Senate Bill: 163ccr

Placed in the Orders of the Day

House Concurrent Resolution: 145
Senate Bill: 88, 167, 347

House concurred in Senate amendment

House Bill: 92scs sca(1) scta(2), 490scs scta(1), 573scs scta(1), 604scs scta(1), 659scs scta(1)

House refused to recede

Senate Bill: 163hcs hfa(2)to cs

Conference Committee appointed

House Bill: 137
Senate Bill: 163

Posted for passage for consideration of Free Conference Committee Report

House Bill: 44, 137fccr
Senate Bill: 90, 163

Conference Committee report adopted

House Bill: 137
Senate Bill: 163

Free Conference Committee appointed

House Bill: 137
Senate Bill: 163

Free Conference Committee report filed

House Bill: 137fccr
Senate Bill: 90, 163

Free Conference Committee report adopted

House Bill: 44, 137
Senate Bill: 90, 163

Taken From Rules

House Bill: 92, 490, 573, 604, 659
Senate Bill: 88, 163fccr, 347

Taken from the Orders of the Day

Senate Bill: 88


House Bill: 44, 92, 137, 490, 573, 604, 659
Senate Bill: 88hcta(1) hcs, 90, 163, 167, 347hfta(2) hcs(2)


House Concurrent Resolution: 145
House Resolution: 57, 147, 149, 151


House Bill: 3, 7, 8, 9, 44, 92, 137, 206, 222, 241, 243, 271, 297, 314, 315, 334, 335, 344, 388, 390, 490, 566, 573, 594, 604, 659, 680, 740, 773
Senate Bill: 65, 90, 119, 150, 163, 167, 178, 180, 207, 216, 271

Veto Overridden

Senate Bill: 167

Veto Sustained

House Bill: 690
House Concurrent Resolution: 138

Received in House

House Bill: 44, 92, 137, 206, 222, 243, 297, 314, 315, 334, 335, 344, 388, 390, 490, 566, 573, 594, 604, 659, 680, 740, 773

Floor amendment filed

Senate Bill: 4hfa(3)(4)(5)(6) hfta(7), 285hfa(4) hfta(5)

Floor amendment withdrawn

House Bill: 222sfta(1) sfa(2), 344sfta(3) sfa(4)

Last updated: 2/8/2023 2:57 PM (EST)