House Bill 447

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 04/04/24: signed by Governor (Acts Ch.35)
Title AN ACT relating to the transportation of students and declaring an emergency.
Bill Documents Acts Chapter 35
Bill Request Number 1772
Sponsors E. Callaway, J. Bauman, K. Bratcher, B. Chester-Burton, K. Herron, J. Hodgson, J. Nemes, R. Roarx
Summary of Enacted Version Amends KRS 156.153 to permit school districts to use district-owned, leased, or contracted passenger transportation vehicles to transport students to and from school and approved school activities under an alternative transportation plan approved by the Kentucky Department of Education, to provide that vehicles shall be operated by an employee or contractor of local school district who is licensed to operate a motor vehicle within the Commonwealth, and to provide that the department shall promulgate administrative regulations to establish minimum standards and specifications for an alternative transportation plan, including drug testing requirements that align with the requirements of 49 C.F.R. pt. 40; amends KRS 156.990 to provide that an individual who operates a school bus or non-school bus passenger vehicle to transport a student or students without a current valid license to operate that motor vehicle within the Commonwealth shall be guilty of a Class D felony; and amends KRS 160.380 to require that the driver of any non-school bus passenger vehicle authorized to transport students to and from school pursuant to the alternative transportation plan submit to designated background checks and drug testing and to require certain traffic offenses or arrests to be reported to the superintendent; EMERGENCY.
Legislative History
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 156.153 to permit school districts to use district-owned, leased, or contracted passenger transportation vehicles to transport students to and from school and approved school activities under an alternative transportation plan approved by the Kentucky Department of Education; provide that vehicles shall be operated by an employee or contractor of local school district that is licensed to operate a motor vehicle within the Commonwealth; provide that the Kentucky Department of Education shall promulgate administrative regulations to establish minimum standards and specifications for an alternative transportation plan; amend KRS 160.380 to require the driver of any non-school bus passenger vehicle authorized to transport students to and from school pursuant to the alternative transportation plan submit to an annual national and state criminal background check and clear CA/N check; require certain traffic offenses or arrests to be reported to the superintendent; amend KRS 156.990 to provide that an individual who operates a school bus or non-school bus passenger vehicle to transport a student or students without a current valid license to operate that motor vehicle within the Commonwealth shall be guilty of a Class D felony; EMERGENCY.
Index Headings of Original Version Crimes and Punishments - Operating a school vehicle to transport a student without a valid driver's license, Class D Felony
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School transportation, alternative transportation plan, non-school bus passenger vehicles
Effective Dates, Emergency - School transportation, alternative transportation plan, non-school bus passenger vehicles
State Agencies - Kentucky Department of Education, alternative transportation plans, standards and specifications
Transportation - Schools, alternative transportation plan, non-school bus passenger vehicles
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Kentucky Board of Education, alternative transportation plan, minimum standards and specifications
Children and Minors - School transportation, alternative transportation plan, non-school bus passenger vehicles
Background Checks - School transportation, drivers, non-school bus passenger vehicles
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1
Senate Committee Substitute 1
Senate Floor Amendment 1
Senate Floor Amendment 2
Votes Vote History


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Education (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 29, 2024
  • 3rd reading, passed 92-1 with Committee Substitute (1)
  • received in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Education (S)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 13, 2024
  • floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
  • floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute
  • passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day
  • 3rd reading
  • Floor Amendment (1) withdrawn
  • passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute (1) and Floor Amendment (2)
  • received in House
  • to Rules (H)
  • posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Floor Amendment (2) and Committee Substitute (1)
  • House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute (1) and Floor Amendment (2)
  • passed 94-0
  • enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House
  • enrolled, signed by President of the Senate
  • delivered to Governor
  • signed by Governor (Acts Ch.35)

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, require drivers of non-school bus passenger vehicles to submit to drug testing that aligns with the requirements of 49 C.F.R. pt. 40; reduce state and federal background check requirements for non-school bus passenger vehicle drivers.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Non-school bus passenger vehicles, driver qualifications, drug testing, license required
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Non-school bus passenger vehicles, vehicles designed for 15 or fewer passengers, conditions of use
Transportation - Non-school bus passenger vehicles, driver qualifications, drug testing, license required
Transportation - Non-school bus passenger vehicles, vehicles designed for 15 or fewer passengers, conditions of use
Children and Minors - Non-school bus passenger vehicles, driver qualifications, drug testing, license required
Children and Minors - Non-school bus passenger vehicles, vehicles designed for 15 or fewer passengers, conditions of use
Background Checks - Non-school bus passenger vehicles, background check and drug testing requirements for drivers

Amendment Senate Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except require the notification from drivers of non-school bus vehicles to the superintendent of designated charges and convictions to be immediate.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Non-school bus passenger vehicle drivers, immediate notification to superintendent, requirement
Transportation - Non-school bus passenger vehicle drivers, immediate notification to superintendent, requirement

Amendment Senate Floor Amendment 1
Sponsor M. Deneen
Summary Maintain original provisions except remove any restrictions or requirements for individual to use a non-school bus passenger vehicle to transport students to approved school activities.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Student transportation to and from school on non-school bus passenger vehicles, driver requirements
Transportation - Student transportation on non-school bus passenger vehicles, applicability of driver qualifications
Children and Minors - Student transportation on non-school bus passenger vehicles, applicability of driver qualifications

Amendment Senate Floor Amendment 2
Sponsor M. Deneen
Summary Maintain original provisions, except remove any restrictions or requirements for individual to use a non-school bus passenger vehicle to transport students to approved school activities.
Index Headings Transportation - Student transportation on non-school bus passenger vehicles, applicability of driver qualifications
Children and Minors - Student transportation on non-school bus passenger vehicles, applicability of driver qualifications
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Student transportation to and from school on non-school bus passenger vehicles, driver requirements

Last updated: 7/10/2024 7:22 AM (EDT)