Senate Bill 177

Last Action 02/08/24: to Appropriations & Revenue (S)
Title AN ACT relating to funding health care services from increased penalties for speeding violations and making an appropriation therefor.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 1071
Sponsor S. Meredith
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 189.010 to define "super speeder"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to assess a fee of $200 to any person convicted as a super speeder; assess a fee of $50 and require the suspension of driving privileges for not making a timely payment of fee imposed; require that money from fees be deposited into the Kentucky trauma care system fund, the emergency medical services education grant fund, and the Bentley rural hospital preservation fund; require the Transportation Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations relating to the fees; create a new section of KRS Chapter 311A to establish an emergency medical services education grant fund and program; allow the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services to promulgate administrative regulations relating to the grant fund; amend KRS 211.496 to set forth disbursements from the trauma care system fund; amend KRS 154.20-190 to rename the rural hospital operations and facilities revolving loan fund the Bentley rural hospital preservation fund and require priority be given to providing loans to hospitals in counties that lack a rural hospital; amend KRS 186.440 and 189.394 to conform; APPROPRIATION.
Index Headings of Original Version Fees - Super speeding, establishment
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Bentley rural hospital preservation fund, super speeders, fees
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Emergency Medical Services education grant fund, super speeder, fees
Motor Vehicles - Speeding, super speeders, fees and penalties, establishment
State Agencies - Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, grant fund, regulations
State Agencies - Transportation Cabinet, super speeders, regulations
Traffic Safety - Speeding, fees and penalties for super speeders, establishment
Transportation - Speeding, fees and penalties for super speeders, establishment
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, grant fund
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Transportation Cabinet, super speeders, penalties
Appropriations - Bentley rural hospital preservation fund, super speeders, fees
Appropriations - Emergency Medical Services education grant fund, super speeders, fees
Appropriations - Kentucky trauma care system fund, super speeders, fees


  • introduced in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Appropriations & Revenue (S)

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)