Senate Bill 217

Last Action 02/20/24: to Natural Resources & Energy (S)
Title AN ACT relating to geoengineering.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statements Corrections Impact
Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 1973
Sponsor A. Southworth
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of Subchapter 1 of KRS Chapter 224 to make findings and declarations regarding the dangers of atmospheric polluting activities and the Commonwealth's authority to prohibit geoengineering; define terms; prohibit geoengineering; require the Department for Environmental Protection to issue a notice to any federal agency that has approved geoengineering activities that those activities cannot be lawfully carried out in the Commonwealth; require the department to prohibit foreign states or international bodies that engage in geoengineering from engaging in any atmospheric activities over the Commonwealth; require the department to publish quarterly notices in newspapers of general circulation and on its website to encourage the public to monitor and report geoengineering activities; allow individuals to submit evidence of geoengineering to the department; require any local or state official to report any information regarding suspected geoengineering activity to the department within 24 hours; require the department to investigate reports of excessive electromagnetic radiation or fields caused by humans; amend KRS 224.99-010 to make knowingly engaging in geoengineering a Class D felony and subject to a civil penalty of not less than $500,000.
Index Headings of Original Version Crimes and Punishments - Knowingly engaging in geoengineering activities, Class D felony, $500,000 civil penalty
Environment and Conservation - Geoengineering activities, prohibition, enforcement
Local Government - Suspected geoengineering activities, local officials, reporting requirement
Local Mandate - Geoengineering activities, prohibition, enforcement
Notices - Department for Environmental Protection, public monitoring, suspected geoengineering
Notices - Prohibition on geoengineering activities in the Commonwealth, federal and foreign agencies, notice
Pollution - Geoengineering activities, prohibition, enforcement
Public Safety - Geoengineering activities, prohibition, enforcement
Corrections Impact - Knowingly engaging in geoengineering activities, Class D felony, $500,000 civil penalty


  • introduced in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Natural Resources & Energy (S)

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)