Courts, Circuit

Adoption, applicant with a disability, denial prohibition, establishment

Appeal, administrative body action, standard of review, establishment

Appeal, executive action, standard of review, establishment

Assault in the third degree, offense against a judge

Bench warrants, limitation, expiration

Birth certificates, adoption, name requests

Campaign finance, prohibited sources, ballot measures, cause of action

Campaign finance prohibition

Candidates, bona fides, challenges

Candidates, denial of certification, appeal

Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, attorney's fees in excess of $25,000, contract rate

Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, concurrent sex offender registration, no recovery

Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, recovery

Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, recovery of housing and health care costs, removal

Code of ethics order, appeal to Circuit Court

County law libraries, permissible expenditures

Dismissed or amended charges, expungement, allowance

Fire prevention and protection decisions, local appeals board, appeals

Franklin County, certificate of need, appeals

Jurors, provide mental health treatment brochures

Money bail, restriction to certain high-risk defendants

Name change of child, legal relationship with parent, requirement

Orders of protection, conviction of qualifying offense, issuance, duration

Pilot project, artificial intelligence, court transcription services

Posthumous adoption, financial benefit, prohibition

Posthumous adoption, judgment

State agency heads, oversight

Synthetic media, electioneering communication, cause of action

Synthetic media, electioneering communication, remove

Visitation, siblings, petition

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)