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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Memorials
Bassett III, James Edward "Ted," memorializing
Senate Resolution 47
Bertram, Barry, memorializing
Senate Resolution 21
Brown, Peter E., memorializing
Senate Resolution 101
Burial grounds, proper care, requirement
House Bill 562
Caldwell, Venita, memorial highway designation
House Joint Resolution 47
Carter, Jimmy, former President, memorializing
Senate Resolution 22
Carter, Sergeant Chris, memorializing
Senate Resolution 150
Cherry, Representative Mike, memorial highway designation
House Joint Resolution 43
Clark, James Thomas, memorializing
Senate Resolution 157
Coleman III, Stephen "Trey", memorial highway designation
Senate Joint Resolution 74
Coomer, Gregory, Wright, Southwood, memorial highway designation
House Joint Resolution 62
Crager, Bobby F., memorializing
Senate Resolution 109
Crowley, Patrick J., memorial highway designation, Campbell County
House Joint Resolution 40
Crowley, Patrick "Pat" J., memorializing
Senate Concurrent Resolution 34
Deneen, James Dion, memorializing
Senate Resolution 78
Dodson, Larry "Smokey," memorializing
Senate Resolution 52
Edwards, Billy and Kathy, memorial highway designation
Senate Joint Resolution 14
Fischer, Father Norman Anthony, Jr., memorializing
Senate Resolution 9
Gibbons, Harold, memorializing
Senate Resolution 88
Gupton Allen, Brenda, memorializing
Senate Resolution 7
Hamilton, Stephanie, memorializing
Senate Resolution 159
Hatfield, Jim, memorializing
Senate Resolution 141
Haywood, Coach Philip, memorial highway designation, Pike County, US 119
Senate Joint Resolution 71
Haywood, Coach Philip, memorializing
Senate Resolution 79
Heath, Kyler Alan, memorializing
Senate Resolution 165
Highway designations, omnibus resolution
House Joint Resolution 5: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Joint Resolution 5: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Hopkins, William C., memorializing
Senate Resolution 136
Horne, Donald V., memorial bridge designation, Floyd County
House Joint Resolution 42
Jones, Representative Thomas Martin, memorializing
Senate Resolution 38
Kentucky National Guard, memorial highway designation, Franklin County
Senate Joint Resolution 59
Kidd, Mae Street, memorial highway designation
House Joint Resolution 60
King, BB and Larry, memorial bridge designation
House Joint Resolution 70
King, Quaynell DuRon, memorializing
Senate Resolution 12
Lefevers, Representative Pearl Ray, memorializing
Senate Resolution 93
Lewis, Kayi, memorializing
Senate Resolution 69
Manley, Captain Samuel A., memorial highway designation
House Joint Resolution 10
May, Sandra Sue "Sandy" Weaver, memorializing
Senate Resolution 140
Mayo, Susan Maureen Brothers, memorializing
Senate Resolution 82
McCubbins, Landon, memorializing
House Resolution 6
Montell, Doctor William Lynwood, memorial highway designation, Monroe County
House Joint Resolution 35
Oates, Warren, memorial highway designation
House Joint Resolution 17
Philpot, Reverend Dr. Danny, memorializing
Senate Resolution 41
Phipps, Deputy Joshua, memorial highway
House Joint Resolution 5
Ritchie, Deborah Darlene "Debbie," memorializing
Senate Resolution 162
Ritchie, Deborah, memorial bridge designation
House Joint Resolution 36
Ritchie, Robert, memorial highway designation, Magoffin County
House Joint Resolution 63
Robinson, Senator Albert, memorializing
Senate Resolution 8
Sammons, Ryan Lee, memorializing
Senate Resolution 85
Scaggs, Sherry, memorializing
Senate Resolution 167
Sears, Faye Cain, memorial highway designation
Senate Joint Resolution 65
Sons of Bardstown, memorial highway designation
House Joint Resolution 39
Stempel, Dr. John, memorializing
Senate Resolution 24
Tackett, Ermal, memorial highway designation
House Joint Resolution 56
Tackett, James Ishmael, US 23, memorial bridge designation, Lawrence County
House Joint Resolution 21
Tori, Senator Elizabeth Jean, memorializing
Senate Resolution 84
Turner, Johnnie L., memorial highway designation
Senate Joint Resolution 68
Wallace, Mack and Wilma, memorializing
Senate Resolution 161
Yonts, Representative Brent, memorial highway designation
House Joint Resolution 18
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM