Education, Higher

Dual credit scholarship, eligibility

Eastern Kentucky University, osteopathic medicine program, authorization to offer

Employer contributions to Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust, income tax credit

KEES base and supplemental awards, increase in amounts awarded

KEES supplemental amount, Cambridge Advanced International, inclusion

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, dual scholarship, selection criteria

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, teacher scholarship, selection criteria

Murray State University, veterinary medicine programs, authorization to offer

National Guard, call to active duty, permission to withdraw without penalty

Public postsecondary institutions, equal educational opportunity goals

Public postsecondary institutions, program approval

Scholarship program, coal county paramedic

Self-insured group health plan, prescription drug coverage, cost-sharing and rebate requirements

Sexual extortion, notice to students, poster

Veterans, academic credit for military training

Veterans, access to early course registration

Western Kentucky University, research doctoral programs, ability to offer up to five programs

Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program, expanded degree program eligibility, education

Last updated: 1/9/2025 6:56 PM (EST)