Last Action | 02/04/25: to Appropriations & Revenue (H) |
Title | AN ACT relating to jails. |
Bill Documents | Introduced |
Fiscal Impact Statements |
Corrections Impact
Local Mandate |
Bill Request Number | 861 |
Sponsor | M. Whitaker |
Summary of Original Version | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to require payment to the county of a fee and, if applicable, the fees set forth in KRS 532.100(7), for each day a prisoner is charged with a felony and lodged in the county with payment ceasing the day the prisoner is acquitted of the felony charges or has judgment rendered otherwise involving no felony; amend KRS 431.215 to provide that the state pays a fee to counties for lodging prisoners judged guilty of death or confinement to the penitentiary beginning on the date the prisoner is first lodged in the county facility and ending on the day the prisoner is delivered to the penitentiary. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Jails and Jailers - Fees for lodging state prisoners Local Government - Jails, fees for lodging state prisoners State Agencies - State Treasurer, lodging state prisoners in jails, payment of fees Treasurer - Fees for lodging state prisoners in jails Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State - Jails, fees for lodging state prisoners Counties - Jails, fees for lodging state prisoners Corrections Impact - Fees for lodging state prisoners in jails Local Mandate - Fees for lodging state prisoners in jails |
01/07/25 |
02/04/25 |
Last updated: 2/14/2025 2:22 PM (EST)