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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Local Government
Local Government
Abandoned home pool fund, establishment
House Bill 260
Advertisement for public notices, procedures and thresholds
House Bill 386
Affordable housing loan pool fund, establishment
House Bill 583
Air pollution control boards, air quality monitoring, data collection standards
House Bill 137
House Bill 137: House Committee Substitute (1)
Alternative publication procedures
House Bill 368
Alternative publication procedures, submission of full advertisement
House Bill 368: House Floor Amendment (1)
Animal control officers, recognition of child abuse, training programs
House Bill 194
Assessment or reassessment moratorium expansion, property tax, proposed constitutional amendment
House Bill 797
Autonomous vehicle, regulatory authority
Senate Bill 241
Blighted and abandoned property, eminent domain proceedings
House Bill 353
Buildings used as temporary shelters in emergencies
Senate Bill 229
Burial or cremation of a dead body, facilitation
Senate Bill 37
Senate Bill 37: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 37: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Casino gaming, fantasy contests, regulation, Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation
House Bill 33
Central bank digital currency, payment, prohibition
House Bill 377
Centralized reporting, collection, and distribution system for occupational license fees
House Bill 253
CERS, retiree health subsidies and employee contribution rates, increase
Senate Bill 10
Certificate of delinquency sale, vacant and abandoned property, tax delinquency diversion program
Senate Bill 129: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Cigar bars, local government regulation, limitation
House Bill 211
Cigar bars, local government regulation, liquor license optional
House Bill 211: House Floor Amendment (1)
Cigar bars, operation permitted, conditions
House Bill 211: House Committee Substitute (1)
Cigar bars, operation permitted, grandfather provisions
House Bill 211: House Floor Amendment (2)
Cities and urban-county governments, firefighter work schedules
House Bill 131
House Bill 131: House Committee Substitute (1)
Cities, chickens, residential property, regulation
House Bill 806
City officials training incentive payments
Senate Bill 117
City, union, project labor agreement, wages, local ordinance
House Bill 215
Civil actions related to the enforcement of sanctuary policies
House Bill 213
Code of ethics order, appeal to Circuit Court
Senate Bill 231
Confiscated firearms, destruction
Senate Bill 92
House Bill 334
Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension
House Bill 18: House Committee Substitute (1)
Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension, deletion
House Bill 18: House Floor Amendment (3)
Consolidated local governments, omnibus provisions
House Bill 538
Constitutional amendment, excise, sales, or use tax exemption, ballot question
House Bill 267
House Bill 729
Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance
House Bill 345
Coroners, deputy coroners, training extension
House Bill 403
Counties, electronic payments, permission
House Bill 555: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Counties, vendor payments, standing order, permission
House Bill 555: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
County law libraries, permissible expenditures
House Bill 290
Criminal background checks performed for federal agencies
House Bill 340
Deadly weapons, power to regulate concealed carry in buildings, repeal
House Bill 204
Development in traditional single-family zones, additional requirements
House Bill 18
Senate Bill 129: House Committee Substitute (1)
Digital mining businesses, local ordinances, zoning
House Bill 701
House Bill 701: House Committee Substitute (1)
Diversity, equity, and inclusion, offices and positions, prohibition
Senate Bill 164
Dream Big Burnside Development Authority, county, participation
House Bill 808
House Bill 808: House Committee Substitute (1)
Emergency and fire districts, distilled spirits warehouses, fire protection measure fees
House Bill 608
Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment
House Bill 18: House Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 18: House Floor Amendment (5)
House Bill 18: House Floor Amendment (7)
House Bill 478
Emergency shelter operation, requirement
House Bill 299
Employees, duty to defend, exceptions, establishment
House Bill 489
EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation
House Bill 343
Federal firearm ban, enforcement prohibition
House Bill 82
Fines and fees, reporting requirement, establishment
House Bill 774
Fire prevention and protection decisions, local appeals board, establishment
House Bill 643
Firearm suppressors, federal regulation, limitation
House Bill 686
Firearms, comprehensive regulation
House Bill 124
Firearms, federal regulation, limitation
House Bill 667
Firearms, local regulation
House Bill 124
Firefighters, spouse or children of disabled or killed, tuition benefits
House Bill 322
Fiscal court, approval, consent of construction
House Bill 24: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Forcible entry or detainer, alternative minimum time of notice, ability to establish
House Bill 215
Gender-neutral language, insertion
House Bill 722
Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation Program, eligible communities, assistance
House Bill 605
House Bill 605: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 605: House Floor Amendment (1)
Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation Program, eligible use, governmental agencies
House Bill 582
Government services, taxpayer funding, recognition
House Bill 182: House Floor Amendment (1)
Government services, use of the word "free," prohibition
House Bill 182
Grant database, reporting requirement
House Bill 150
House Bill 635
Homelessness prevention fund, establishment
House Bill 583
Honor and Remember flag, emblem of remembrance, designation
House Bill 657
Housing development districts, permitting
House Bill 7
Illegal alien, compensation with state tax dollars, prohibition
Senate Bill 151
House Bill 492
Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Senate Bill 60: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Increasing and modifying fees, adjusting distribution
House Bill 588
Industrial revenue bonds, multifamily housing, permission
Senate Bill 25
Senate Bill 25: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Insurance premium tax, group health insurance, exemption
House Bill 644
Investor-owned electric utility, surcharges, taxes, fees, collections prohibited
House Bill 616
Jailer service cards, issuance by Secretary of State
Senate Bill 193
Jails, fees for lodging state prisoners
House Bill 35
Kentucky Emergency Volunteer Corps, use during emergencies, authorizing
House Bill 41
Senate Bill 160
Labor organizations, membership as a condition of employment, agreement
Senate Bill 154
House Bill 224
House Bill 225
House Bill 602
Law enforcement officers, spouse or children of disabled or killed, tuition benefits
House Bill 322
Legislative council members and candidates for legislative office, employment, protection
House Bill 801
Limited access facilities, recovery of increased property value, prohibition
House Bill 428
Local correctional facilities, construction
House Bill 730
Local firearms control ordinances, permission
House Bill 329
Local ordinances on wages and benefits
House Bill 215
Local regulation of accessory dwelling units, restrictions
House Bill 576
Local regulation of duplexes, restrictions
House Bill 578
Local regulation of multi-units and mixed-use developments, restrictions
House Bill 577
Local transient room taxes, electronic payment and filing, requirement
House Bill 490
Local transient room taxes, standard form, requirement
House Bill 490
Manufactured housing, zoning regulation, restrictions
House Bill 160
House Bill 160: House Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 160: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Medical product, disclosure requirement, prohibition
House Bill 646
Metropolitan sewer districts, board membership, adjoining counties served, representation
House Bill 387: House Committee Substitute (1)
Metropolitan sewer districts, rate changes, additional revenue, local government approval
House Bill 387
Minimum wage, authority to establish
Senate Bill 11
House Bill 564
Municipal solid waste disposal facility, non-exempted industrial generators
House Bill 371: House Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 371: House Floor Amendment (2)
Open meeting requirements, substantial compliance, voidable actions
House Bill 318
Ordinance, retail pet shops, penalties, enforcement
Senate Bill 122: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Ordinances and regulations, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Senate Bill 60: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Pari-mutuel racing tax distribution, local government fund, establishment
House Bill 782
Planning and zoning, training for officials and staff
House Bill 321
Police, annual leave, personnel policy
House Bill 369
Property tax, emergency services, rate increases
House Bill 604
Property tax, federally documented boats, exemption
House Bill 696
Property tax, homestead exemption, disabled veterans
House Bill 639
Property tax rate levy, recall process
Senate Bill 186
Public library district boards, appointments by county judge/executive
Senate Bill 71
Senate Bill 71: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 71: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Public safety telecommunicators, training requirements
Senate Bill 237: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 525
Recovery residence, regulation, inspections, occupancy limits, notice to adjacent owners
Senate Bill 82
House Bill 587
Regional industrial taxing districts, establishment
House Bill 707
House Bill 775: House Floor Amendment (1)
Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Senate Bill 60
House Bill 177
Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Senate Bill 60
House Bill 177
Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation
Senate Bill 60: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Religious freedom, violation, remedy, establishment
House Bill 177
Religious institutions, development of affordable housing
Senate Bill 59
Senate Bill 59: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 514
House Bill 583
Rental property registry by local government, prohibition
House Bill 173
Required financial reporting, exceptions
House Bill 555
Residential infrastructure development district, permit establishment
Senate Bill 50: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Residual waste facilities, environmental remediation fee, allowable uses
House Bill 698
Residual waste generators, industrial wastes
House Bill 371
Residual waste management, generation of wastes in county where deposited
House Bill 371: House Committee Substitute (1)
Retail pet shops, sale, prohibition on local ordinance
Senate Bill 122
Sanctuary policies, prohibition
House Bill 213
House Bill 344
Sanitation districts, cause of action when service not provided, conditions
House Bill 85: House Floor Amendment (1)
Sanitation districts, stormwater, charges
House Bill 85: House Floor Amendment (2)
Sanitation districts, user charges, controls
House Bill 85
School bus stop cameras, placement and use
House Bill 258
Sex discrimination, prohibition
Senate Bill 116
Short-term rental restrictions, prohibition
Senate Bill 61: House Floor Amendment (1)
Senate Bill 110
Short-term rentals, local regulations, authorization
Senate Bill 81
Small farms, home-based processors, rules, regulations, laws, exemption
House Bill 768
Solar electric generating facilities, municipal utilities, county land area occupation, 1% cap
Senate Bill 108
Solar merchant facilities, minimum setback requirements, deviations, local government approval
House Bill 790
Special districts, technical correction
Senate Bill 50
Special purpose governmental entities, financial reporting, thresholds increase
House Bill 171
Threat Response and Accountability Task Force, creation, membership
Senate Joint Resolution 72
Tort claims, payment and legal fees, action to recover from employee, establishment
House Bill 489
Uniform financial information report, publication, requirement
Senate Bill 218
Water fluoridation programs, optional participation, determination by governing body
House Bill 16
Senate Bill 180
Water fluoridation programs, participation determination, local legislative body
House Bill 16: House Floor Amendment (2)
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM