Local Government

Abandoned home pool fund, establishment

Air pollution control boards, air quality monitoring, data collection standards

Alternative publication procedures

Animal control officers, recognition of child abuse, training programs

Blighted and abandoned property, eminent domain proceedings

Burial or cremation of a dead body, facilitation

Casino gaming, fantasy contests, regulation, Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation

Centralized reporting, collection, and distribution system for occupational license fees

Cigar bars, local government regulation, limitation

Cities and urban-county governments, firefighter work schedules

City, union, project labor agreement, wages, local ordinance

Civil actions related to the enforcement of sanctuary policies

Confiscated firearms, destruction

Constitutional amendment, excise, sales, or use tax exemption, ballot question

Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance

County law libraries, permissible expenditures

Criminal background checks performed for federal agencies

Deadly weapons, power to regulate concealed carry in buildings, repeal

Development in traditional single-family zones, additional requirements

Emergency shelter operation, requirement

EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation

Federal firearm ban, enforcement prohibition

Firearms, comprehensive regulation

Firearms, local regulation

Firefighters, spouse or children of disabled or killed, tuition benefits

Forcible entry or detainer, alternative minimum time of notice, ability to establish

Government services, use of the word "free," prohibition

Grant database, reporting requirement

Jails, fees for lodging state prisoners

Kentucky Emergency Volunteer Corps, use during emergencies, authorizing

Labor organizations, membership as a condition of employment, agreement

Law enforcement officers, spouse or children of disabled or killed, tuition benefits

Local firearms control ordinances, permission

Local ordinances on wages and benefits

Manufactured housing, zoning regulation, restrictions

Minimum wage, authority to establish

Open meeting requirements, substantial compliance, voidable actions

Planning and zoning, training for officials and staff

Public library district boards, appointments by county judge/executive

Recovery residence, regulation, inspections, occupancy limits, notice to adjacent owners

Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment

Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition

Religious freedom, violation, remedy, establishment

Religious institutions, development of affordable housing

Rental property registry by local government, prohibition

Sanctuary policies, prohibition

Sanitation districts, user charges, controls

School bus stop cameras, placement and use

Short-term rentals, local regulations, authorization

Solar electric generating facilities, municipal utilities, county land area occupation, 1% cap

Special purpose governmental entities, financial reporting, thresholds increase

Water fluoridation programs, optional participation, determination by governing body

Last updated: 2/5/2025 5:50 PM (EST)