Rep. Truett, Timmy Sponsored Bills

An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.

2025 Regular Session  2024 Regular Session  2023 Regular Session  2022 Special Session  2022 Regular Session 

2025 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 1 AN ACT relating to the individual income tax rate.
HB 4 AN ACT relating to initiatives regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion.
HB 15 AN ACT relating to instruction permits and declaring an emergency.
HB 16 AN ACT relating to water fluoridation programs.
HB 22 AN ACT relating to geoengineering.
HB 37 AN ACT relating to an exemption from sales and use tax for certain nonprofit institutions.
HB 41 AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Emergency Volunteer Corps.
HB 48* AN ACT relating to education.
HB 56 AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities.
HB 65 AN ACT relating to the display of the Ten Commandments in schools.
HB 114* AN ACT relating to landowner liability for recreational use permission.
HB 116 AN ACT relating to the Ten Commandments in public schools.
HB 132 AN ACT relating to home and hospital instruction.
HB 156* AN ACT relating to public school curriculum.
HB 167 AN ACT relating to school lunches.
HB 240* AN ACT relating to primary school.
HB 241* AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency.
HB 272 AN ACT relating to reading and writing in schools.
HB 306 AN ACT relating to the licensing of professional engineers.
HB 457* AN ACT relating to the display of child labor laws in public schools.
HB 507 AN ACT relating to service credit for the Teachers' Retirement System and declaring an emergency.
HB 519 AN ACT relating to the retirement of fossil fuel-fired electric generating units.
HB 530* AN ACT relating to full-day kindergarten.
HB 545* AN ACT relating to authorizing the payment of certain claims against the state which have been duly audited and approved according to law and have not been paid because of the lapsing or insufficiency of former appropriations against which the claims were chargeable or the lack of an appropriate procurement document in place, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 629 AN ACT relating to providing health services to a person who is not vaccinated.
HB 743* AN ACT relating to education.
HB 761 AN ACT relating to relating to motor vehicle licensing and registration procedures.
HB 784 AN ACT relating to virtual programs and declaring an emergency.
HB 804 AN ACT relating to a sales and use tax holiday.
HJR 10 A JOINT RESOLUTION designating the Captain Samuel A. Manley Memorial Highway in Madison County.
HR 26 A RESOLUTION recognizing February 14, 2025 as Making Our Schools Safe (MOSS) Day in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
HR 72 A RESOLUTION recognizing March 2, 2025, as Read Across America Day.
HR 81 A RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress and the United States Army Corps of Engineers to assist with the prevention and mitigation of flood damage in Kentucky.
SB 120: HCA (1) AN ACT relating to education.

2024 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 5 AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.
HB 9 AN ACT relating to postsecondary education and declaring an emergency.
HB 10 AN ACT relating to maternal and child health.
HB 11 AN ACT relating to nicotine products.
HB 29* AN ACT relating to motor vehicles.
HB 47 AN ACT relating to restoring religious liberty.
HB 108 AN ACT relating to English language learners.
HB 109 AN ACT relating to swimming pools and declaring an emergency.
HB 113 AN ACT relating to fleeing or evading police.
HB 133 AN ACT relating to a tax credit for volunteer firefighters.
HB 142 AN ACT relating to products that contain nicotine.
HB 158 AN ACT relating to dyslexia.
HB 163 AN ACT relating to blood donation.
HB 168 AN ACT relating to the posting of veterans' benefits and services.
HB 189 AN ACT relating to school meals at low-income schools and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 194 AN ACT relating to workplace violence against healthcare workers.
HB 212 AN ACT relating to the mental health of first responders.
HB 217 AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses and declaring an emergency.
HB 241 AN ACT relating to the protection of minors.
HB 278 AN ACT relating to the protection of children.
HB 279* AN ACT relating to full-day kindergarten.
HB 304 AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency.
HB 341 AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 145 and 155 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to persons entitled to vote.
HB 345 AN ACT relating to aerospace infrastructure, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 384 AN ACT relating to the control of vehicular traffic.
HB 387* AN ACT relating to education.
HB 400 AN ACT relating to veterinary medicine programs at comprehensive universities.
HB 407 AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities.
HB 418 AN ACT relating to agricultural districts.
HB 434 AN ACT relating to identity documents.
HB 442 AN ACT relating to an exemption of sales and use tax for certain nonprofits.
HB 445 AN ACT relating to the retirement of fossil fuel-fired electric generating units.
HB 449 AN ACT relating to local boards of education.
HB 490 AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical drug price discrimination.
HB 497* AN ACT relating to private and at-home private schools.
HB 564 AN ACT relating to a tax credit for qualified education expenses.
HB 605* AN ACT relating to professional development.
HB 611* AN ACT relating to truancy.
HB 694 AN ACT relating to one-time payments to school district employees and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 700 AN ACT relating to the protection of mothers and their children.
HB 798 AN ACT relating to weapons on school property.
HCR 60* A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) Task Force.
HCR 83 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Teacher Red Tape Reduction Task Force.
HR 37* A RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress to amend Title II of the Social Security Act to repeal the government pension offset and the windfall elimination provision.
HR 45 A RESOLUTION expressing support for the State of Israel and the Israeli people and condemning the violent events on October 7, 2023.
HR 55 A RESOLUTION honoring classified employees in public schools.
HR 67* A RESOLUTION honoring the hard work of Kentucky teachers.
HR 128* A RESOLUTION recognizing February 26 to March 1, 2024, as Public Schools Week in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
HR 154* A RESOLUTION honoring Edsel Welch on the occasion of his 100th birthday.
HB 611: HFA (1) AN ACT relating to truancy.
SB 167: HFA (1) AN ACT relating to public school students' communication skills.
SB 167: HFA (2) AN ACT relating to public school students' communication skills.

2023 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 1 AN ACT relating to income taxation.
HB 2 AN ACT relating to the Bowling Green Veterans Center, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 13 AN ACT relating to commercial driver's licenses.
HB 17* AN ACT relating to full-day kindergarten.
HB 18 AN ACT relating to dual credit scholarships.
HB 30 AN ACT relating to public school facilities and declaring an emergency.
HB 32 AN ACT relating to classified school staff and declaring an emergency.
HB 36* AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation.
HB 55 AN ACT relating to disabled veteran license plate fees.
HB 85* AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships.
HB 115 AN ACT relating to service animals.
HB 133 AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships.
HB 158 AN ACT relating to teacher leave affidavits.
HB 169 AN ACT relating to off-highway vehicles.
HB 177 AN ACT relating to children and declaring an emergency.
HB 180 AN ACT relating to coverage for biomarker testing.
HB 244 AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Guard Youth Challenge Program.
HB 245 AN ACT relating to physician assistants.
HB 310* AN ACT relating to the dissemination of cigarettes, tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, and vapor products, and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 331 AN ACT relating to the emergency medical preparedness of schools.
HB 391 AN ACT relating to long-term care.
HB 470 AN ACT relating to the protection of children.
HB 538* AN ACT relating to discipline of students.
HB 547 AN ACT relating to First Amendment rights in public schools.
HCR 56 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States Department of Education to amend the federal accountability requirements.
HR 15 A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2023, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
HR 51 A RESOLUTION recognizing March 2023 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
HR 88 A RESOLUTION honoring the 75th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel.

2022 Special Session Top

Bill Title
HB 1 AN ACT relating to disaster relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HR 4 A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of the individuals whose lives were tragically lost in the recent flooding that ravaged Eastern Kentucky.
SB 1 AN ACT relating to disaster relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

2022 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 1 AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.
HB 3 AN ACT relating to public health and declaring an emergency.
HB 5 AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 23 AN ACT relating to athletics.
HB 29 AN ACT relating to prohibiting the enforcement of a federal ban or regulation of firearms and declaring an emergency.
HB 42 AN ACT relating to the establishment of emergency insulin programs and declaring an emergency.
HB 43 AN ACT relating to religious freedom during a declared emergency.
HB 90 AN ACT relating to coverage for diabetes treatment.
HB 117 AN ACT relating to welding safety.
HB 215 AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.
HB 220 AN ACT relating to intimidation of a sports official.
HB 277 AN ACT relating to teachers.
HB 344 AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses.
HB 354 AN ACT relating to prescriptive authority and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 381 AN ACT relating to hospital after-care for veterans.
HB 383 AN ACT relating to public schools.
HB 395 AN ACT relating to the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and declaring an emergency.
HB 499 AN ACT relating to employee child-care assistance and declaring an emergency.
HB 561* AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation.
HB 617* AN ACT relating to the State Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education.
HB 704 AN ACT relating to student loan forgiveness for teachers and making an appropriation therefor.
HCR 132 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing a task force to identify strategies for retaining, recruiting, and building respect for certified public school educators in the Commonwealth.
HR 49 A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2022, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
HR 53 A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Darryl Owens.
HR 125 A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky Historical Society.
HR 128 A RESOLUTION recognizing April 2, 2022, as World Autism Awareness Day and April 2022 as National Autism Acceptance Month.
SB 102: HFA (1) AN ACT relating to mental health providers in schools.
SB 102: HFA (2) AN ACT relating to mental health providers in schools.

Last updated: 3/28/2025 8:47 PM (EDT)