House Bill 194

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 04/04/24: signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 80)
Title AN ACT relating to workplace violence against healthcare workers.
Bill Documents Acts Chapter 80
Fiscal Impact Statements Corrections Impact
Local Mandate
Additional Fiscal Impact Statements Exist
Bill Request Number 939
Sponsors K. Moser, S. Dietz, C. Aull, D. Bentley, J. Blanton, J. Bray, B. Chester-Burton, C. Fugate, D. Hale, K. King, W. Lawrence, A. Neighbors, R. Palumbo, M. Pollock, P. Pratt, S. Riley, R. Roarx, T. Smith, W. Thomas, K. Timoney, T. Truett, W. Williams
Summary of Enacted Version Amends KRS 508.025 to expand assault in the third degree to include causing or attempting to cause physical injury to a person employed by or under contract with a health clinic, doctor’s office, dental office, long-term care facility, hospital, or hospital-owned affiliate if the event occurs in or on the premises of a health clinic, doctor’s office, dental office, long-term care facility, hospital, or hospital-owned affiliate.
Legislative History
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 508.025 to expand assault in the third degree to include causing or attempting to cause physical injury to a person employed by or under contract with a hospital if the event occurs in or on the premises of a hospital or hospital-owned outpatient facility.
Index Headings of Original Version Crime Victims - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Crimes and Punishments - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Health and Medical Services - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Occupational Safety and Health - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Local Mandate - Assaulty in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Corrections Impact - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1 with Fiscal Impact Statements
House Floor Amendment 1
House Floor Amendment 2
Votes Vote History


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Health Services (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 21, 2024
  • floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute , floor amendment (2) filed to bill
  • 3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute (1) and Floor Amendment (1)
  • received in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Judiciary (S)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar
  • 2nd reading, to Rules as a consent bill
  • posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 11, 2024
  • passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day
  • 3rd reading, passed 36-1
  • received in House
  • enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House
  • enrolled, signed by President of the Senate
  • delivered to Governor
  • signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 80)

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Fiscal Impact Statements Corrections Impact to House Committee Substitute 1
Local Mandate to House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 508.025 to expand assault in the third degree to include causing or attempting to cause physical injury to a person employed by or under contract with a hospital if the event occurs in or on the premises of a hospital affiliate outpatient faci,lity.
Index Headings Corrections Impact - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Crime Victims - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Crimes and Punishments - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Health and Medical Services - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital
Occupational Safety and Health - Assault in the third degree, offense against person employed by or under contract with a hospital

Amendment House Floor Amendment 1
Sponsor S. Riley
Summary Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 508.025 to expand assault in the third degree to include causing or attempting to cause physical injury to a person employed by or under contract with a health clinic, doctor office, dental office, long-term care facility, or a hospital owned or affiliate if the event occurs in or on the premises of a health clinic, doctor office, dental office, or long-term care facility.
Index Headings Crime Victims - Assault in the third degree, offense against person in or on the premises of health care settings
Crimes and Punishments - Assault in the third degree, offense against person in or on the premises of health care settings
Health and Medical Services - Assault in the third degree, offense against person in or on the premises of health care settings
Occupational Safety and Health - Assault in the third degree, offense against person in or on the premises of health care settings

Amendment House Floor Amendment 2
Sponsor S. Riley
Summary Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 508.025 to expand assault in the third degree to include causing or attempting to cause physical injury to a person employed by or under contract with a health clinic, doctor office, dental office, long-term care facility, hospital, or a hospital-owned or affiliate outpatient facility if the event occurs in or on the premises of a health clinic, doctor office, dental office, long-term care facility, hospital, or a hospital-owned or affiliate outpatient facility.
Index Headings Crime Victims - Assault in the third degree, offense against person in or on the premises
Crimes and Punishments - Assault in the third degree, offense against person in or on the premises
Health and Medical Services - Assault in the third degree, offense against person in or on the premises
Occupational Safety and Health - Assault in the third degree, offense against person in or on the premises

Last updated: 7/10/2024 7:22 AM (EDT)