An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.
Bill | Title |
SB 2 | AN ACT relating to correctional facilities. |
SB 3 | AN ACT relating to student-athletes and declaring an emergency. |
SB 6 | AN ACT relating to the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program. |
SB 7 | AN ACT relating to property rights to the use of an individual's image. |
SB 9 | AN ACT relating to teacher benefit provisions and declaring an emergency. |
SB 13 | AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care. |
SB 14 | AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical manufacturers. |
SB 23 | AN ACT relating to administrative regulations and declaring an emergency. |
SB 25 | AN ACT relating to oversight of government operations and declaring an emergency. |
SB 38 | AN ACT relating to school bus safety. |
SB 43* | AN ACT relating to identity documents. |
SB 50 | AN ACT relating to special districts. |
SB 57 | AN ACT relating to funding health care services from increased penalties for speeding violations. |
SB 60 | AN ACT relating to restoring religious liberty. |
SB 63 | AN ACT relating to street-legal special purpose vehicles. |
SB 65 | AN ACT relating to deficient administrative regulations and declaring an emergency. |
SB 66 | AN ACT relating to local school boards. |
SB 67 | AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property exempt from taxation. |
SB 71 | AN ACT relating to public library district boards of trustees. |
SB 73 | AN ACT relating to sexual extortion. |
SB 89 | AN ACT relating to environmental protection and declaring an emergency. |
SB 93 | AN ACT relating to coverage for hearing loss. |
SB 99* | AN ACT relating to operating a motor vehicle. |
SB 107 | AN ACT amending the 2024-2026 State/Executive Branch biennial budget and declaring an emergency. |
SB 112 | AN ACT relating to fishing in privately owned lakes and ponds. |
SB 116 | AN ACT relating to sex-based classifications. |
SB 130 | AN ACT relating to gift cards. |
SB 132* | AN ACT relating to the recruitment and retention of health care professionals and declaring an emergency. |
SB 136 | AN ACT relating to transportation and declaring an emergency. |
SB 151 | AN ACT relating to prohibited uses of state tax dollars. |
SB 153 | AN ACT relating to prepayment review of Medicaid claims. |
SB 162 | AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance. |
SB 165 | AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency. |
SB 180 | AN ACT relating to water fluoridation programs. |
SB 239* | AN ACT relating to parentage fraud. |
SB 240* | AN ACT relating to Ibogaine research in the Commonwealth. |
SB 244 | AN ACT relating to the operations of the Department of Law. |
SB 257 | AN ACT relating to the Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts. |
SB 267 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky State Police. |
SB 268 | AN ACT relating to virtual education. |
SCR 61 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Make America Healthy Again Kentucky Task Force to explore ways to integrate the principles of the Make America Healthy Again movement to improve health outcomes of Kentuckians. |
SCR 90 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Lexington-Fayette County on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of its founding. |
SJR 66 | A JOINT RESOLUTION establishing the Air Mobility and Aviation Economic Development Task Force. |
SR 22 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of former President Jimmy Carter. |
SR 125 | A RESOLUTION recognizing and honoring Senator Aaron Reed as the first Navy SEAL to serve in the Kentucky Senate. |
SR 141 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jim Hatfield. |
SB 99: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to operating a motor vehicle. |
SB 99: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to operating a motor vehicle. |
Bill | Title |
SB 2 | AN ACT relating to student safety. |
SB 5 | AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses and declaring an emergency. |
SB 6 | AN ACT relating to postsecondary institutions. |
SB 7 | AN ACT relating to KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools. |
SB 8 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Board of Education. |
SB 20 | AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. |
SB 23 | AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property exempt from taxation. |
SB 24 | AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care. |
SB 25 | AN ACT relating to local landlord and tenant ordinances. |
SB 28 | AN ACT relating to practice of podiatry. |
SB 29 | AN ACT relating to property and casualty insurance and declaring an emergency. |
SB 46 | AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. |
SB 50 | AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages. |
SB 55 | AN ACT relating to fishing in privately-owned lakes and ponds. |
SB 75 | AN ACT relating to the control of vehicular traffic. |
SB 80 | AN ACT relating to elections. |
SB 93 | AN ACT relating to education. |
SB 125 | AN ACT relating to off-highway vehicles. |
SB 130 | AN ACT relating to discriminatory practices by state agencies. |
SB 143 | AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 145 and 155 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to persons entitled to vote. |
SB 151 | AN ACT relating to relative and fictive kin caregivers. |
SB 153 | AN ACT relating to jurors. |
SB 188 | AN ACT relating to patient access to pharmacy benefits. |
SB 239* | AN ACT relating to the recruitment and retention of medical professionals and declaring an emergency. |
SB 295 | AN ACT relating to vaccines. |
SB 325 | AN ACT relating to state government. |
SB 367* | AN ACT relating to health care to provide for an all-payer claims database and making an appropriation therefor. |
SCR 42* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION reestablishing the Certificate of Need Task Force. |
SCR 187* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Health Care Disparities Task Force. |
SJR 175 | A JOINT RESOLUTION facilitating the deployment of broadband internet service to unserved and underserved citizens in the Commonwealth and declaring an emergency. |
SR 1 | A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator Damon Thayer to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 2 | A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator John Schickel to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 4 | A RESOLUTION honoring Senator Denise Harper Angel upon her retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 30 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Judy Taylor. |
SR 73* | A RESOLUTION recognizing Leland "Lee" Smith of the Kentucky State Police Facilities Security Division on the occasion of his retirement. |
SR 94 | A RESOLUTION honoring the 20th Black History Celebration and recognizing that Black history is American history. |
SR 103 | A RESOLUTION designating February 2024 as American Heart Month in order to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and the importance of knowing one's cholesterol. |
SR 108 | A RESOLUTION designating February 2, 2024, as Wear Red Day. |
SR 116 | A RESOLUTION urging Governor Andy Beshear to support Governor Greg Abbott in securing the Texas border. |
SR 123 | A RESOLUTION calling upon Governor Andy Beshear to support Texas Governor Greg Abbott in securing the Texas border. |
SR 167 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jessie "Jess" J. Adkins. |
SR 207 | A RESOLUTION honoring and commending the Louisville Fire Department firefighters, Louisville Metro Police Department officers, and Louisville emergency medical services personnel involved in the recent rescue on the Clark Memorial Bridge. |
SR 208* | A RESOLUTION recognizing March 18, 2024, as Natural Gas Utility Worker Appreciation Day in Kentucky. |
SR 222* | A RESOLUTION honoring University of Kentucky golfer Laney Frye upon the occasion of her being named the winner of the prestigious 2023 Edith Cummings Munson Award. |
HB 199: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to freestanding birthing centers. |
HB 199: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to freestanding birthing centers. |
HB 199: SFA (3) | AN ACT relating to freestanding birthing centers. |
Bill | Title |
SB 5 | AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency. |
SB 11 | AN ACT relating to the control of vehicular traffic. |
SB 12* | AN ACT relating to physician wellness programs. |
SB 20 | AN ACT relating to banning social media applications from state government technology and declaring an emergency. |
SB 24 | AN ACT relating to KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools. |
SB 28 | AN ACT relating to small farm wineries and declaring an emergency. |
SB 54 | AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships. |
SB 70 | AN ACT relating to a pilot program for performance-based professional development. |
SB 81 | AN ACT relating to private and parochial school calendars. |
SB 88* | AN ACT relating to Medicaid coverage for assisted living. |
SB 89* | AN ACT relating to the reemployment of retired urban-county government police officers and declaring an emergency. |
SB 140 | AN ACT relating to restricting the use of tax dollars for promotional items. |
SB 149* | AN ACT relating to patient access to pharmacy benefits. |
SB 161 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky River Authority. |
SB 163 | AN ACT relating to transportation and declaring an emergency. |
SB 170* | AN ACT relating to pharmacy. |
SB 275* | AN ACT relating to health care to provide for an all-payer claims database and making an appropriation therefor. |
SCR 165 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Certificate of Need Task Force. |
SJR 12 | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to study its licensing fee structure. |
SR 26 | A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator Ralph Alvarado to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 42* | A RESOLUTION celebrating Black History Month. |
SR 65* | A RESOLUTION recognizing April as Deaf Education Month in the Commonwealth and honoring the Kentucky School for the Deaf's two centuries of outstanding service to the Commonwealth. |
SR 87* | A RESOLUTION establishing the fourth Wednesday in February to be Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Awareness Day in Kentucky. |
SR 137 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving and memory of Bill Patrick, former Executive Director of the Kentucky County Attorney's Association. |
SR 159 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the record number of women legislators serving in the 2023 General Assembly. |
SR 195 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Martin County High School Cardinals, 2023 KHSAA Boys Basketball 15th Region Champions. |
SR 227* | A RESOLUTION condemning any and all manifestations of antisemitism. |
SR 236* | A RESOLUTION honoring Richard J. Corman and congratulating the R.J. Corman Railroad Group on its 50-year anniversary. |
SB 89: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to the reemployment of retired urban-county government police officers and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
SR 11 | A RESOLUTION honoring the members of the Kentucky National Guard, the Tennessee National Guard, and the West Virginia National Guard for their service to the citizens of eastern Kentucky during the flooding events during the summer of 2022. |
Bill | Title |
SB 5 | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 8 | AN ACT relating to child welfare and declaring an emergency. |
SB 55* | AN ACT relating to certified stroke centers. |
SB 56* | AN ACT relating to opioid antagonists designed to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. |
SB 89 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky River Authority. |
SB 98 | AN ACT relating to the control of vehicular traffic. |
SB 124 | AN ACT relating to transportation and declaring an emergency. |
SB 135 | AN ACT relating to county clerks. |
SB 162* | AN ACT relating to heart attack response and treatment. |
SB 173* | AN ACT relating to medical order for scope of treatment. |
SB 174 | AN ACT relating to slow-moving vehicles. |
SB 224* | AN ACT relating to retirement funds of urban-county governments and declaring an emergency. |
SB 350 | AN ACT relating to executive branch governance. |
SJR 99* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Governor to direct the Kentucky Department of Revenue to deviate from the standard valuation used in assessing motor vehicles for property tax purposes and declaring an emergency. |
SJR 150* | A JOINT RESOLUTION terminating the declaration of emergency regarding the SARS-CoV-2 virus and declaring an emergency. |
SR 11 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Richard "Rick" Longoria. |
SR 18 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of James Bernard Yates Sr. |
SR 22 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Darryl Owens. |
SR 49 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Lawrence E. "Larry" Forgy, Jr. |
SR 65* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of former U.S. Congressman Larry Jones Hopkins. |
SR 67 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of William "Bill" Amey Jr. |
SR 104* | A RESOLUTION honoring the 60th anniversary of the University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital. |
SR 110 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky State University. |
SR 118* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Kenneth H. Burdine to the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation Board of Directors. |
SR 129 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 15, 2022, as Kentucky Nurses Day in the Commonwealth. |
SR 139* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Senator Tom Buford. |
SR 140 | A RESOLUTION honoring Coach Bill Cronin upon the occasion of his retirement as head football coach for Georgetown College. |
SR 146 | A RESOLUTION honoring Mary Catherine Bunning on her 90th birthday. |
SR 153 | A RESOLUTION affirming support for Ukrainian sovereignty, the people of Ukraine, and their right to self-determination. |
SR 159 | A RESOLUTION urging Kentucky's Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control license holders to suspend the sale of Russian-produced vodka. |
SR 160 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Norma F. Deneen. |
SR 169 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jordan Wesley Morgan. |
SR 212 | A RESOLUTION honoring Senator Wil Schroder upon the occasion of his retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 268 | A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator C.B. Embry Jr. to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 295 | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Louisville Women's Basketball Team upon reaching the 2022 NCAA Women's Basketball Championship Final Four. |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 56: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to opioid antagonists designed to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. |
Last updated: 3/28/2025 8:47 PM (EDT)