Rep. Camuel, Adrielle Sponsored Bills

An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.

2025 Regular Session  2024 Regular Session 

2025 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 28 AN ACT relating to dementia training.
HB 42 AN ACT relating to sex offenders.
HB 57 AN ACT relating to employment advertising.
HB 74 AN ACT relating to providing free feminine hygiene products for elementary and secondary students.
HB 75 AN ACT relating to undesignated glucagon.
HB 76 AN ACT relating to retirement benefits for state and county employees in hazardous positions.
HB 77 AN ACT relating to criminal procedure.
HB 80 AN ACT relating to the presession filing of bills.
HB 96 AN ACT relating to coercive control.
HB 121 AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 25 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to slavery and involuntary servitude as a punishment for crime.
HB 131 AN ACT relating to firefighters' work schedules.
HB 146 AN ACT relating to the taxation of retirement distributions.
HB 147 AN ACT relating to railroad operations.
HB 148 AN ACT relating to the Child Care Assistance Program.
HB 150 AN ACT relating to the establishment of a grant database.
HB 151 AN ACT relating to a tax credit for volunteer firefighters.
HB 214* AN ACT relating to a firearm safety course credit.
HB 224* AN ACT relating to employment.
HB 225* AN ACT relating to employment.
HB 226* AN ACT relating to an eligible caregiver tax credit.
HB 227* AN ACT relating to sodomy.
HB 228* AN ACT relating to the rights of incarcerated children.
HB 236 AN ACT relating to coverage for epinephrine devices.
HB 237* AN ACT relating to the purchase of single-family homes.
HB 266* AN ACT relating to the Child Care Assistance Program.
HB 267* AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the exemption of state and local excise, sales, and use taxes from food and food ingredients, prescription drugs, and residential utilities.
HB 268* AN ACT relating to social studies curriculum.
HB 269* AN ACT relating to state contracts.
HB 270* AN ACT relating to public school restroom facilities.
HB 271* AN ACT relating to school district employees and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 335* AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 29 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to citizen ballot initiatives.
HB 367 AN ACT relating to hazardous duty retirement for code enforcement personnel of a consolidated local government.
HB 378* AN ACT relating to a tax credit for qualified home modifications.
HB 379* AN ACT relating to school district use of autonomous vehicles.
HB 380* AN ACT relating to human sexuality instruction in public schools.
HB 381* AN ACT relating to special license plates.
HB 382* AN ACT relating to child sexual abuse instruction.
HB 383* AN ACT relating to an accessible home income tax credit.
HB 384* AN ACT relating to intranasal epinephrine.
HB 408* AN ACT relating to patient-directed care at the end of life.
HB 417 AN ACT relating to the Health Access Nurturing Development Services Program.
HB 418 AN ACT relating to reproductive health care.
HB 419 AN ACT relating to reproductive privacy.
HB 425 AN ACT relating to the individual income tax rate.
HB 426 AN ACT relating to youth mental health protection and declaring an emergency.
HB 429 AN ACT relating to legislative ethics.
HB 460* AN ACT relating to preschool and kindergarten education.
HB 479* AN ACT relating to dementia training.
HB 541* AN ACT relating to public charter schools.
HB 581 AN ACT relating to firearms.
HB 583 AN ACT relating to housing and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 593* AN ACT relating to minimum wage for essential workers.
HB 594* AN ACT relating to prohibited employment agreements.
HB 595* AN ACT relating to interpersonal violence and abuse.
HB 596* AN ACT relating to petitions for orders of protection.
HB 597* AN ACT relating to custody.
HB 598* AN ACT relating to employment provisions for employees on parental leave.
HB 599* AN ACT relating to wages.
HB 600* AN ACT relating to the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 602* AN ACT relating to employment.
HB 688 AN ACT relating to health care.
HB 704* AN ACT relating to civil actions.
HB 705* AN ACT relating to protective orders.
HB 729* AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the exemption of state and local excise, sales, and use taxes from food, food ingredients, prescription drugs, and residential and on-farm utilities.
HB 731* AN ACT relating to legislative ethics.
HB 760* AN ACT relating to state contracts.
HB 803 AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health.
HR 23 A RESOLUTION recognizing February 13, 2025, as Kentucky Arts Day.
HB 1: HFA (8) AN ACT relating to the individual income tax rate.
HB 182: HFA (2) AN ACT relating to government services.
HB 414: HFA (4) AN ACT relating to perinatal palliative care.
HB 414: HFA (5) AN ACT relating to perinatal palliative care.
HB 495: HFA (3) AN ACT relating to healthcare services and declaring an emergency.
HB 649: HFA (1) AN ACT relating to a sales and use tax holiday.
SB 207: HFA (2) AN ACT relating to education.
SB 207: HFA (3) AN ACT relating to education.

2024 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 20 AN ACT relating to a cost-of-living increase to the retirement benefits for retired state employees, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 95 AN ACT relating to theft of services.
HB 110 AN ACT relating to appropriations providing financing and conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Transportation Cabinet of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
HB 114 AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.
HB 138 AN ACT relating to service credit for the Teachers' Retirement System and declaring an emergency.
HB 143 AN ACT relating to retirement benefits for state and county employees in hazardous positions.
HB 148 AN ACT relating to menstrual discharge collection devices and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 151 AN ACT relating to elections.
HB 152 AN ACT relating to elections.
HB 154 AN ACT relating to occupational health and safety.
HB 169 AN ACT relating to emergency medical preparedness of schools.
HB 170 AN ACT relating to civil rights.
HB 196 AN ACT relating to earned paid sick leave.
HB 214 AN ACT relating to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
HB 248 AN ACT relating to reinstatement of police and fire department employees.
HB 252 AN ACT relating to informed consent for medical examinations.
HB 283* AN ACT relating to mining licenses and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 284* AN ACT relating to wage theft.
HB 285* AN ACT relating to individual-directed care at the end of life.
HB 303 AN ACT relating to road projects and declaring an emergency.
HB 317 AN ACT relating to prior authorization.
HB 330 AN ACT relating to youth mental health protection and declaring an emergency.
HB 343 AN ACT relating to the Kentucky High School Speech League and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 344 AN ACT relating to housing discrimination.
HB 351 AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.
HB 352 AN ACT relating to qualifying medical conditions for the use of medicinal cannabis.
HB 355 AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health.
HB 363 AN ACT relating to workers' compensation for first responders.
HB 368 AN ACT relating to curriculum.
HB 376* AN ACT relating to children and declaring an emergency.
HB 378 AN ACT relating to state symbols.
HB 391 AN ACT relating to civil rights.
HB 394 AN ACT proposing to amend the Constitution of Kentucky relating to redistricting.
HB 395 AN ACT relating to redistricting.
HB 405* AN ACT relating to the Perinatal Advisory Committee.
HB 410 AN ACT relating to Women Veterans Appreciation Day and declaring an emergency.
HB 428 AN ACT relating to reproductive privacy.
HB 429 AN ACT relating to reproductive health care.
HB 430 AN ACT relating to the Health Access Nurturing Development Services Program.
HB 448* AN ACT relating to state contracts.
HB 473 AN ACT relating to the Child Care Assistance Program.
HB 507* AN ACT relating to employment.
HB 508* AN ACT relating to prevailing wage.
HB 536 AN ACT relating to contraceptives.
HB 537 AN ACT relating to bereavement leave.
HB 538 AN ACT relating to pregnancy resource centers.
HB 547* AN ACT relating to public school buildings.
HB 548* AN ACT relating to sodomy.
HB 549* AN ACT relating to social studies curriculum.
HB 566 AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 145 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to voting rights.
HB 587* AN ACT relating to public charter schools.
HB 591* AN ACT relating to investment firms.
HB 601* AN ACT relating to an eligible caregiver tax credit.
HB 735* AN ACT relating to background checks on the sale or transfer of firearms.
HB 777 AN ACT relating to government contracts and declaring an emergency.
HB 819 AN ACT relating to the presession filing of bills.
HJR 48 A JOINT RESOLUTION relating to road projects.
HR 64 A RESOLUTION honoring the members of the Kentucky National Guard for their outstanding service assisting to secure the southwest border of the United States.
HB 7: HFA (2) AN ACT relating to autonomous vehicles.
HB 7: HFA (3) AN ACT relating to autonomous vehicles.
HB 346: HFA (6) AN ACT relating to human growth and development instruction.
HB 467: HFA (1) AN ACT relating to perinatal palliative care.
HB 611: HFA (2) AN ACT relating to truancy.

Last updated: 3/28/2025 8:47 PM (EDT)