Education, Elementary and Secondary

21 st Century Skills Center, board of directors, member, addition of

21st Century Skills Center, creation of

Academic degree, forgery of

Academy for Mathematics and Science in Kentucky, operating procedures

Academy of Mathematics and Science, establishment of

Academy of Mathematics and Science, establishment of, purpose and goals

Academy of Mathematics and Science in Kentucky, creation of

Academy of Mathematics and Science in Kentucky, establishment of

Academy of Mathematics and Science, purpose and goals of

Academy of Mathematics and Science, student data requirements

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate incentive fund, establishment of

Alternative calendars, districts exempt from late starting date

Alternative certification for veterans

Alternative certification option 7, institutes for math and science teachers

Alternative certification option 7, institutes for math and science teachers, funds for

Alternative certification, option 7, institutes for math and science teachers, funds for

AP and IB examinations, science and mathematics, payment of

Assessment, accountability, and academic achievement system, specifications for

Autism Scholarship Program

Autism Spectrum Disorders, creation of, office for

Autism spectrum disorders, screening for

Automated external defibrillator, require at school and athletic events

Biennial report on education, oral presentation, the commissioner of education

Blavatt, Bryan, honoring

Blue Ribbon School, Greathouse/Shryock Traditional Elementary

Boarding school, definitions

Butler HS Girls Basketball, 2008 KHSAA Champs, honoring

Caffeine-stoked energy drinks, in schools, prohibition

Capital funds, permit request for additional uses of

Capital outlay, use of

Career and technical education, funds for improvement of

Career and Technical Education Month, commemorating

Casino gaming moneys, distribution of

CATS, testing window designated

Central HS Yellowjackets, 2007 KHSAA Class 3A Football champs, honor

Certified and equivalent employees, salary increases for

Charter schools, application and approval of

Charter schools, limitations and requirements of

Class size, establish maximum for math and science

Classified employees, benefits and due process

Classified employees, job benefits

Collaborative Center for Literacy Development, recognition of

Collective bargaining, teachers and classified employees

Comprehensive statewide literacy plan, development of

Compulsory school age, change to

Compulsory school age, increase

Compulsory school age, raise from 16 to 17

Compulsory school attendance, age 18

Compulsory school attendance, age eighteen

Construction contracts, best value specification for

Construction contracts, best value specifications for

Construction projects, prevailing wage exemption

Contracts, notification dates

Corporal punishment, local boards of education, prohibition of

Cost of textbooks, LRC study directed

Courses of study, academic track and career and technical track

Curricula and instructional time, study of

Curriculum, development of statewide

Curriculum requirements, middle school students

Curriculum, study of Holocaust and genocide

Cyberbullying, include in definition of student bullying

Dental examination, admittance to school, preschool, Head Start program, establish

Dental screening or examination, requirement for

Dental screening, school requirement for

Disability History Week, designate week of October 1

District teacher certification loan fund, required use of

Donald Pace, honoring

Dropout prevention, awards

Dropout rate, goal

Dropout rate, school goals

Dropout reporting

Dual-credit courses, use of Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarship award for

duPont Manual High School, students, honoring

DuPont Manual High School, students, honoring

Dyslexia, testing and programs for children with

Education Professional Standards Board, confirm appointment of Bobbie Sammons Stoess to

Education Professional Standards Board, confirm appointment of Gregory E. Ross to

Education Professional Standards Board, confirm appointment of Mary S. Hammons to

Education Professional Standards Board, confirm appointment of Sandy Sinclair-Curry to

Education Professional Standards Board, confirm appointment of Thomas James Stull to

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Allen L. Paul to

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Bobbie Sammons Stoess

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Gregory E. Ross

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Mary S. Hammons

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Sandy Sinclair-Curry

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Thomas James Stull

Educational opportunities for military children, compact for

Educational scholarship tax credit, family education tax credit, established

Electronic communication, include as method of bullying

Energy efficiency, buildings and renovations financed by state

Evaluation, use of observation and documentation

Evaluator, training requirements

Family resource youth services centers, health services, may provide

Family resource youth services centers, specify requirements for

Financial Aid Awareness Month, recognize February as

Frankfort Independent School District, provide funding for

Garrett School site, commemorative sign, erect in Floyd County

Georgia Chaffee Teenage Parent Program, funding for

Graduation date, establishment of

Growth nickels and equalization, authorize in statute

Growth school districts, support education excellence in Kentucky, calculation of

Head teacher, delete reference

Highlands High School, recognition of

Holocaust and genocide, school curriculum includes

Holocaust, school curriculum includes

Human papillomavirus, require school districts to provide information to parents regarding

Human sexuality education, content standards

Immunization certificate for hepatitis B, require on school file

Immunization certificate hepatitis B, require current

Immunization, meningococcal meningitis disease, middle school children

Immunization, pneumococcal disease, elementary school children

Instructional methods

Interscholastic athletics board of control, increase membership of

Interscholastic athletics board of control members, stagger terms of

Interscholastic athletics, student participation in

KEES eligibility, retroactive extension for military service

KEES scholarship, increase award amounts of

Kentucky 21st Century Scholars Program, establishment of

Kentucky educational excellence scholarships, renewal, eligibility requirements for

Kentucky educator award and recognition fund, creation of

Kentucky Energy Efficiency Program, enrollment in required

Kentucky Financial Literacy Program and Trust Fund, creation of

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, member, retirement allowance, calculation of

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, one-time election for participation in

Kentucky Youth Development Center, creation of

Local board of education, surplus technology property, distribution policy on

Local boards of education, members, election of

Marshall County HS, 2007 KHSAA Golf Champions, honoring

Mason Co. HS, 2008 KHSAA Boys Basketball Champs, honoring

Mason Co. HS, 2008 KHSAA Boys Basketball Champs, Honoring

Master's degree, tuition assistance for

Middle School Math and Science Scholars Program, establishment of

Middle School Mathematics and Science Scholars Program, establishment of

Middle School Mathematics and Science Scholars Program, recruitment

Moment of silence or reflection in schools, requirement for

Obsolete terminology, gender neutrality

Occupational taxes, definition of "compensation"

Paraprofessionals, leave of absence granted to

Paraprofessionals, leaves of absence granted to

Parent education program, development and implementation of

Parent-teacher conferences, state employees, unpaid leave for

Personnel decisions, notification by school districts

Personnel, notification date of nonrenewal of contracts

Personnel, selection of

Physical activity for children, requirement of

Physical activity for students, requirement of

Physical activity, requirement for children

Political activities, prohibit use of work time, public funds and resources for

Postsecondary student financial aid awards, increase

Preschool education, community-based, collaborative models

Preschool education, expand program

Preschool, study quality factors

Primary program, minimum age for beginning

Primary program, minimum school age for entry into

Principal selection

Principal selection, minority representation

Program to support education excellence in Kentucky, review of

Reading and civics education courses for teachers, requirement of

Retired educators, reemployment of

Roy Woodward, honoring

Scholarship program, children with special needs

School assessment, content areas and assessment procedures

School assessment, implementation dates

School assessment, open-response questions

School board campaign, district employee activity

School bus accident, drug and alcohol testing

School buses and school bus stops with children, prohibitions for sex offenders, penalty

School calendar, beginning date for first instructional day

School calendar, input from stakeholders prior to approval of

School calendar, instructional days added

School construction, nickel levies, and equalization

School dental screening or examination, requirement for

School facilities construction, affirm intent of General Assembly

School facilities construction funding, authorize levy

School facilities, feasibility study of proposed

School personnel, tuberculosis risk assessment requirements for

School principal, selection

School zones, allow schools to operate school flasher lights during school hours and activities

Science and mathematics advancement fund, establishment of

Science and mathematics advancement fund, establishment of grant programs

SEEK funds, excess, reallocation of

Sex offenders, prohibit physical presence in certain areas

Speech and language pathologist and audiologists, licensure requirements for

Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, licensure exemption for public school practitioner

Speech-language pathologists and audiologists, supplemental pay authorized

Speech-language pathologists and audiologists, supplemental pay, qualifications for

Spratt, Tammy, honor as Kentucky Elementary Teacher of the Year

State/Executive Branch Budget, amendment

State/Executive Branch Budget, appropriation of

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum

Statewide testing system, establish date for

Student attendance

Student attitude and conduct, identify Golden Rule as model for

Student dental health certificates, requirement for

Student dental screening, requirement for

Student harassment, intimidation, or bullying, protection from

Student harassment, intimidation, or bullying, reporting of incidents

Student protection, crimes, policies, and procedures relating to

Students subjected to bullying, provide information to

Students with disabilities, study of sports programs for

Study of the Holocaust, curriculum guide for

Study of the Holocaust, include in public school curriculum

Superintendent of schools, residency

Superintendent, residency

Support education excellence in Kentucky fund, provide for use of

Supports for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Program, creation of

Sustainable design in school buildings, encourage

Teachers, leave of absence, allow board discretion

Teachers' national certification trust fund, use of

Teachers of mathematics, chemistry, and physics, salary supplements for

Teachers' professional growth fund, use of

Teachers, retirement

Teachers' Retirement, omnibus bill

Teachers, work day, number of hours of

Teachers' working environment, proposals for enhancing

Termination of contract, notification by certified staff

Testing date, no earlier than first week of May

Transition academies, high school models, matching program

Transportation, reporting nonpublic school pupils and funds

Union Co. H.S., 2008 KHSAA Wrestling Champs, honor

Urgent need trust fund, establish

Utility gross receipts tax, statewide levy, imposition of

Victims of bullying, local school districts to provide training to

Voter registration and voting, instruction on

Writing portfolio, remove from elementary school CATS assessment

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:09 AM (EDT)