Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Urban-county form of government authorized.
.020 Election on urban-county form of government -- Formation of plan.
.023 Redistricting of urban-county legislative districts.
.025 Chief administrative officer -- Appointment -- Duties -- Compensation -- Removal.
.028 Legislative finding of fact -- Correctional services division permitted -- Duties of sheriff and jailer.
.030 Effective date of urban-county form of government -- Assumption of all governmental functions by county.
.035 Classification of cities of no impact on urban-county government.
.040 Repealed, 1974.
.050 Designation for purposes of state or federal laws or administrative regulations.
.060 Exercise of constitutional and statutory powers of counties and cities of highest class within urban-county -- Withdrawal of power.
.070 Ordinance powers -- Conflicts -- Readings -- Effective date -- Publication requirements -- Adoption by reference to recognized codes.
.075 Safety officers -- Appointment -- Duties -- Compensation.
.076 Citation officers -- Appointment -- Duties -- Compensation.
.080 Repealed, 1978.
.150 Service districts.
.160 Procedure for referendum authorized by KRS 97.590 -- Combined proposal with purchase of development rights program.
.200 Merit or civil service system -- Protection of employees' prior rights -- Exemption.
.205 Employment of retired police officers -- Eligibility -- Requirements.
.210 Definitions.
.220 Executive unit established -- Personnel duties -- Control by civil service commission.
.230 Civil service commission -- Membership -- Terms -- Rule-making and enforcement powers.
.240 Examinations -- Rating -- Eligible list -- Administrative regulations.
.250 Qualifications of applicants.
.260 Present employees.
.270 Appointments -- Promotions -- Reinstatements.
.280 Dismissal, suspension, or reduction.
.290 Appeal to Circuit Court and Court of Appeals.
.300 Number of employees -- Salaries -- Protection from dismissal, suspension, or reduction -- Abolishment of office or position -- Reinstatement.
.310 Prohibition of political activities.
.315 Pension programs in urban-counties created after July 15, 1988 -- Participation in County Employees Retirement System.
.320 Pension fund -- Picked-up employee contributions -- Repeal of ordinances established for creation or maintenance of pension fund -- Liquidation and distribution of residual assets -- Report.
.330 Preservation of employees' rights.
.340 Authorization of other retirement programs.
.345 Continued health insurance eligibility for retirees -- Benefits -- Payments made to provider -- Group rates for spouses, dependents, and disabled children.
.350 Exemption of retirement allowances -- Taxability after December 31, 1997.
.360 Definitions for KRS 67A.360 to 67A.690.
.370 Retirement and benefit fund established -- Name.
.380 Purpose of fund.
.390 Membership.
.400 Service credit -- Computation.
.402 Employee purchase of service credit -- Payment procedures.
.404 Purchase of retirement credit for accumulated unused sick leave.
.406 Confidentiality of member's account records -- Exceptions -- Response to subpoena of records.
.410 Voluntary retirement.
.420 Compulsory retirement.
.430 Rate of retirement annuity -- Workers' compensation benefits credit -- Increase of monthly annuity to $1,500 -- Annual adjustment.
.440 Death of member due to occupational causes -- Benefits to surviving spouse, minor children, and parents.
.450 Death not in the line of duty of member ineligible or eligible for voluntary service retirement -- Benefits to surviving spouse and minor children.
.460 Permanent occupational disability -- Annuity rate -- Disability retirement benefits -- Reversion to service retirement precluded.
.462 Review of disability retirements -- Suspension or termination of disability benefits -- Investigations, hearings, and appeals.
.470 Total and permanent disability not occasioned by duties of member -- Benefits.
.480 Medical examination to determine disability -- Certification of examining physicians -- Rehearing or judicial review.
.490 Death of member -- Benefit to designated beneficiary when no surviving spouse's, children's, or dependent parent annuities payable.
.492 Surviving spouse benefit of sixty percent of member's final annuity, final rate of pay, or service retirement annuity -- Eligibility -- Purchase of optional survivorship allowance -- Surviving children benefit of fifty percent to seventy-five percent.
.500 Withdrawal from service prior to retirement -- Refunds -- Forfeitures -- Repayment upon reemployment.
.510 Members' contributions -- Picked-up employee contributions.
.520 Contributions by government -- Injunction or mandamus requiring compliance.
.530 Board of trustees to operate fund and direct policies -- Membership -- How chosen.
.540 Election among active members -- Certification of vote.
.550 Duties of board.
.560 Board officers -- Treasurer -- Legal adviser -- Actuarial assistance -- Rules and regulations -- Legislative intent to conform with applicable federal statutes, regulations, and published guidance.
.570 Investments.
.580 Accounts and records -- Reserve accounts.
.590 Payment of moneys from fund.
.600 Fund to supersede prior pension funds -- Increase in retirement annuity.
.610 Member deemed to authorize deductions for contributions -- Picked-up employee contributions.
.620 Benefits nonassignable -- Not to be attached except for child support.
.630 Payment of annuities.
.640 Obligations of government.
.650 Change in form of government, class, or other status not to affect coverage.
.655 Transition to County Employees Retirement System.
.660 Rehearing by board.
.670 Appeal to circuit court.
.680 Appeal to Court of Appeals.
.690 Increase in retirement annuity.
.6901 Definitions for KRS 67A.6901 to 67A.6911.
.6902 Employees' right to organize for the purpose of collective bargaining.
.6903 Duty to bargain collectively.
.6904 Activities prohibited and duty to bargain in good faith.
.6905 Election of exclusive representative.
.6906 Unfair labor practices and remedies therefor -- Hearing -- Findings -- Expenses.
.6907 Petition for fact-finding panel upon deadlock -- Hearings -- Findings -- Expenses.
.6908 Requirements for an agreement -- Enforcement in Circuit Court.
.6909 Urban-county government to withhold dues and deliver to bargaining unit.
.6910 Police officers, firefighter personnel, firefighters, corrections personnel, and labor organizations not to participate in strike.
.6911 Volunteer firefighters exempted from provisions of KRS 67A.6901 to 67A.6911.
.710 Definitions.
.715 Purpose.
.720 Maturity of bonds.
.725 Basis of assessment.
.730 First Ordinance -- Contents -- Hearing.
.735 Second Ordinance -- Procedure following public hearing.
.740 Construction contracts -- Bids -- Performance bonds.
.745 Notification of property owners as to amount due -- Issuance of bonds.
.750 Action of aggrieved property owner -- Limitation.
.755 Annual assessment -- Advance levy and payment -- Assessment for debt service reserve.
.760 Third Ordinance -- Purposes -- Adoption.
.765 Sale of bonds -- Bids -- Advertisement.
.770 Deposit of prepayments and bond sale proceeds -- Security -- Disbursements.
.775 Bonds not to constitute debt of urban-county government -- Tax exemption -- Liquidation -- Extent of liability to bondholders.
.780 Assessment ratio -- Special assessment.
.785 Accounting method for payments.
.790 When levy to be made -- When due -- Penalties for nonpayment.
.795 Assessment to constitute lien on benefited property -- Precedence.
.800 Segregation of proceeds from assessment -- Sinking fund.
.805 Restriction on payments from sinking fund -- Debt service reserve.
.810 Procedure where no bids received on offered bonds.
.815 Procedure where proceeds of bonds authorized by Third Ordinance insufficient.
.820 When assessments to cease -- Refund of surplus.
.825 Procedure when project cannot be completed according to KRS 67A.710 to 67A.820.
.840 Legislative findings and declarations.
.841 Definitions for KRS 67A.840 to 67A.850 and KRS 91A.390.
.843 Referendum by voters in urban-county on question or question of levying taxes for purchase of development rights -- Contents of proposal to be voted upon.
.845 Purchase of development rights program.
.847 Procedure for referendum -- Application of general election law -- Combined proposal with public parks purchase and maintenance program.
.849 Subsequent referendum to increase, decrease, or eliminate funding sources.
.850 Taxing power.
.860 Extension of urban services -- Notice to property owner.
.871 Definitions for KRS 67A.872 to 67A.894.
.872 Authorization to construct and maintain wastewater collection projects.
.873 Alternative or additional authority.
.874 Authority is exclusive.
.875 Determination of need by ordinance -- Preliminary planning procedures -- Ordinance of initiation.
.876 Notice of public hearing.
.877 Benefited properties -- Later-connecting properties.
.878 Public hearing.
.879 Consideration of written report of public hearing -- Ordinance of determination.
.880 Action by property owner for relief from ordinance of determination.
.881 Action by council when ordinance of determination upheld.
.882 Bids -- Apportionment of costs -- Alternative payment methods and funding -- Refunds by urban-county government.
.883 Ordinance of bond authorization -- Trust indenture.
.884 Repealed, 2005.
.885 Deposit of funds -- Security -- Interest.
.886 Bonds not indebtedness of government.
.887 Annual levy of assessment against benefited property.
.888 Time of levy -- Date taxes due -- Collection of improvement benefit assessments.
.889 Lien for annual improvement assessment.
.890 Proceeds to be kept in separate account -- Sinking fund.
.891 Uses of sinking fund.
.892 Insufficiency of lump-sum payments and bonds.
.893 Sewer connection mandatory.
.894 Return of funds if project not completed.
.910 Declaration of public need and legislative policy.
.912 Definitions.
.914 Creation of parking authority.
.916 Commissioners -- Term -- Bylaws.
.918 Duties of commissioners.
.920 Powers of parking authority.
.921 Submission of authority's budgets, fees, and rates to governing body of urban-county government -- Approval or disapproval -- Interpretation.
.922 Power to issue bonds.
.924 Ad valorem tax levy to retire bonds.
.926 Occupational license tax levy to retire bonds.
.928 Exemption from tax.
.990 Penalties.