Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.001 Use of Kentucky Public Health Improvement Plan.
.005 Definitions for chapter.
.010 Cabinet for Health and Family Services -- Functions.
.025 Power and authority of secretary.
.030 Major organizational units of cabinet. (Effective until July 1, 2025)
.030 Major organizational units of cabinet. (Effective July 1, 2025)
.040 Internal organization of offices and departments -- Secretary's power to create positions -- Election of coverage under unemployment insurance.
.050 Execution of policies, plans, and programs -- Administrative regulations -- Fees.
.055 Kentucky Health Care Improvement Fund -- Purpose -- Source of moneys -- Strategic plan for fund distribution -- Annual report and audit.
.060 Confidentiality of record and reports.
.062 Criminal background investigation required for cabinet's employees with access to or use of federal tax information and front-line staff.
.065 Recording of data elements for centralized criminal history record information system -- Definition of front-line staff.
.070 Utilizing community resources for delivery of services.
.080 Cost-allocation plan.
.085 Repealed, 2012.
.090 Repealed, 2018.
.092 Repealed, 2012.
.095 Division of Women's Health -- Receipt of gifts, grants, and bequests.
.097 Division of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers -- Administrative regulations.
.099 Division of Health Benefit Exchange within Office of Data Analytics to administer the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 -- Powers and duties -- Administrative regulations -- Office of Data Analytics not to establish procedures and rules that conflict with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
.101 Office of Data Analytics created in the Office of the Secretary -- Duties and responsibilities -- Review of data requests -- Administrative regulations.
.103 Division of Kentucky Health Information Exchange created in the Office of Inspector General -- Division to provide leadership in the redesign of the health care delivery system -- Administrative regulations.
.105 Division of Telehealth Services created in the Office of Inspector General -- Duties and responsibilities concerning delivery of care using telehealth.
.110 Advisory Council for Medical Assistance attached for administrative and support purposes.
.115 Statewide Independent Living Council.
.120 State Interagency Council for Services and Support to Children and Transition-Age Youth attached to cabinet with authority to issue administrative regulations.
.125 Repealed, 2019.
.130 Limitation on administrative processes.
.135 Renumbered as KRS 41.410.
.140 Repealed, 2020.
.145 Repealed, 2020.
.146 Repealed, 2020.
.150 State officials as voting members of citizens' councils.
.160 Alternates or representatives for boards, commissions, and similar bodies.
.170 Secretary's authority to create special task forces, advisory committees, and other citizens' panels.
.180 Administrative regulations and decisions of various bodies transferred to Advisory Council for Medical Assistance.
.182 Continued viability of administrative regulations and decisions of predecessor bodies of the Institute for Aging.
.190 Gifts and grants to the Advisory Council for Medical Assistance.
.200 Repealed, 2020.
.350 Liability insurance for physicians, hospital administrators, and directors employed by cabinet.
.360 Update of database.
.365 Annual report on committed children -- Contents.
.370 Professional development for staff on child development and abuse.
.380 Definitions for KRS 194A.380 to 194A.383.
.381 Nonapplicability of KRS 194A.380 to 194A.383 to specified circumstances.
.382 Prohibition of employment by youth camp or local government youth day camp receiving public funds of a staff member who has been convicted of criminal offense against a minor or a sex crime, is a violent offender, or has been found to have abused or neglected a child.
.3821 Local government youth day camp -- License, permit, background checks.
.383 Penalty for violation of KRS 194A.382.
.385 Definitions for KRS 194A.385 and 194A.387.
.387 Behavioral health-related community crisis and disaster response -- Responsibilities of Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities.
.400 Definitions for KRS 194A.400 and 194A.410.
.410 Vaccination program for emergency responders.
.450 Renumbered as KRS 315.450.
.452 Renumbered as KRS 315.452.
.454 Renumbered as KRS 315.454.
.456 Renumbered as KRS 315.456.
.458 Renumbered as KRS 315.458.
.500 Definitions for KRS 194A.505.
.505 Prohibited activities -- Commencement of proceedings for enforcement.
.510 Defense in prosecution.
.515 Access to criminal records by cabinet's agents.
.540 Cabinet's manner of addressing child abuse, child neglect, domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault -- Coordination, consultation, recommendations, and training.
.545 Training and continuing education courses for staff of Department for Community Based Services.
.550 Training requirements for staff of agencies providing shelter services for victims.
.560 Sections and amendments to be known as "Boni Frederick Bill."
.562 Risk assessments on local offices of Division of Service Regions -- Remediation where staff safety inadequate.
.564 Study group to make recommendations on personnel classifications for state agency social workers -- Safety training -- Report.
.566 Risk or safety assessment upon request of front-line staff -- Accompaniment by local law enforcement officer.
.570 Serve Kentucky.
.572 Serve Kentucky membership -- Term limits.
.575 Purpose of Serve Kentucky.
.578 Duties of Serve Kentucky -- Authority for administrative regulations.
.600 Definitions for KRS 194A.600 to 194A.609.
.601 Office of Dementia Services -- Purpose, coordinator, and duties.
.603 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Advisory Council -- Membership, duties, and personnel.
.609 Promulgation of administrative regulations to implement KRS 194A.600 to 194A.609.
.620 Repealed, 2016.
.622 Repealed, 2016.
.623 Office of Autism.
.624 Advisory Council on Autism Spectrum Disorders.
.700 Definitions for KRS 194A.700 to 194A.729.
.703 Requirements for living units.
.704 Assisted living community license to replace personal care home license if in compliance with KRS 194A.703.
.705 Services provided to assisted living community residents -- Required services -- Access to basic health and health-related services -- Written policies to be given to resident -- Functional needs assessment.
.7052 Additional services of assisted living community with dementia care -- Resident evaluation -- Activities -- Support services -- Access to secured outdoor space.
.7061 Assisted living community with dementia care licensure criteria -- Exception -- Inspections.
.7063 Voluntary relinquishment of license -- Obligations.
.7065 Assisted living community with dementia care responsibilities.
.707 Licensure -- Administrative regulations -- Accreditation by other organizations -- Fees -- Compliance.
.708 Additional policy and procedure requirements for assisted living community with dementia care licensees.
.709 Abuse, neglect, and exploitation of clients, policies and reporting.
.710 Licensure requirement -- Categories -- Administrative regulations.
.711 Criteria to be met by residents.
.713 Contents of lease agreement.
.715 Duty of assisted living community to provide copy of KRS 194A.700 to 194A.729 and relevant administrative regulations to interested persons.
.717 Staffing requirements -- Prohibition against employing staff member with active communicable disease -- Emergency evacuation policy.
.719 In-service education for staff and management.
.7201 Continuing education requirements for manager of assisted living community with dementia care license.
.7203 Person-centered care approach for dementia-trained staff -- Staffing levels -- Emergencies -- Staff trainer experience requirements -- Methods of instruction.
.7205 Training requirements for assisted living community with dementia care -- Documentation.
.721 Exemptions from space and bathing facilities requirements for living units of certain assisted living communities.
.722 Violations of standards and requirements are citations or deficiencies -- Limitation on civil monetary penalties -- Direction of fines to nursing incentive scholarship fund.
.723 Repealed, 2022.
.724 Repealed, 2022.
.725 Religious orders exempt from KRS 194A.700 to 194A.729.
.727 Ineligibility for licensure of businesses not in full compliance with KRS 194A.700 to 194A.729.
.729 Cabinet to provide information to lending institutions relative to financing for assisted living community projects -- Fee.
.735 Homelessness Prevention Project -- Goals -- Support -- Timetables -- Participation -- Discharge plan -- Administrative regulations -- Data collection -- Reports -- Kentucky Interagency Council on Homelessness.
.750 Renumbered as KRS 311.1947.
.800 Pilot program -- Community pharmacy care for medication-assisted substance abuse therapy -- Components -- Report.
.990 Penalties.