Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Repealed, 1978.
.020 Repealed, 1978.
.030 Repealed, 1978.
.040 Repealed, 1978.
.050 Repealed, 1978.
.060 Repealed, 1978.
.070 Repealed, 1978.
.080 Repealed, 1980.
.090 Repealed, 1980.
.100 Ordinance for bond issue.
.110 Interest rate and term of bonds.
.120 Negotiability of bonds -- Tax exemption -- Signatures -- How sold -- Not a city debt.
.130 Use of proceeds of bonds.
.140 Bondholders' lien -- Enforcement.
.150 Receiver in case of default.
.160 Sinking fund, operation and depreciation accounts to be provided -- Lease income.
.170 Use of surplus in operating fund.
.180 Use of depreciation account.
.190 Refunding bonds.
.200 Additional bonds for establishment of hospital.
.210 Original issue may include bonds for additions and improvements.
.220 Subsequent issue of bonds for additions and improvements.
.230 Repealed, 1980.
.240 Repealed, 1980.
.250 Repealed, 1980.
.260 Repealed, 1980.
.261 Repealed, 2017.
.263 Repealed, 2017.
.265 Repealed, 2017.
.267 Repealed, 2017.
.269 Repealed, 2017.
.270 Repealed, 1994.
.273 Repealed, 1994.
.275 Repealed, 1994.
.277 Repealed, 1994.
.280 Repealed, 1994.
.283 Repealed, 1994.
.285 Repealed, 1994.
.287 Repealed, 1994.
.2901 Repealed, 1996.
.2903 Repealed, 1996.
.2905 Repealed, 1996.
.2907 Repealed, 1996.
.2920 Definitions for KRS 216.2920 to 216.2929.
.2921 Duties of cabinet -- Chief administrative officer -- Secretary or employee not subject to personal liability.
.2923 Health data collection powers and duties -- Analysis of health-care and insurance experience -- Administrative regulations.
.2925 Administrative regulations -- Reports, lists, forms, and formats required.
.2927 Types of data not to be published, released, or subject to inspection -- Public-use data agreements and privacy rules -- Confidentiality of raw data -- Penalty for violation.
.2929 Data on health-care services charges and quality and outcome measures to be publicly available on cabinet's website -- Reports required.
.2940 Repealed, 1996.
.2941 Repealed, 1996.
.2943 Repealed, 1996.
.2945 Repealed, 1996.
.2947 Repealed, 1996.
.2949 Repealed, 1996.
.2950 Self-referral restrictions -- Offenses.
.2955 Submission of current or prospective employee to the child abuse and neglect and adult abuse registries check by health facilities and Medicaid providers -- Administrative regulations.
.2960 Repealed, 2020.
.2970 Auditory screening of infants at hospitals and birthing centers -- Forwarding of reports.
.2980 Hospice, palliative care, and end-of-life services providers to have policies and procedures for deactivation or sequestration and disposal of controlled substances upon death of patient or discontinuance of prescription -- Notice -- Written agreement -- Witness statement.
.300 Definitions for KRS 216.300 to 216.308.
.302 Causing a suicide -- Assisting in a suicide.
.304 Actions of licensed health care professional that are not violative of KRS 216.302.
.306 Injunctive relief against person believed to be about to cause or assist in a suicide.
.308 Revocation of license of health care professional assisting in a suicide.
.310 Purpose of law.
.313 Definitions for KRS 216.310 to 216.360.
.315 Secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services as secretary of hospital districts.
.317 Creation of hospital district -- Tax levy and collection.
.318 Repealed, 1984.
.319 Repealed, 1984.
.320 Notification of secretary -- Effect of notification.
.323 District board -- Membership -- Number, how determined -- Removal of members.
.325 Terms of members -- Vacancies.
.327 Qualifications of members.
.330 Members to be reimbursed for expenses.
.333 Board as corporate body -- Seal -- Officers -- Bond of treasurer.
.335 Powers of board.
.336 Fiscal court's determination on proposed tax rate levy by certain districts created with zero cents as initial tax rate levy -- Applicability of KRS 132.023 to tax rate changes.
.337 Plans for hospital needs of district.
.340 Treasurer of board, duties.
.343 District records to be audited -- Compliance with KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090.
.345 Fiscal year of district.
.347 Annual report of board to secretary.
.350 Administrator, functions.
.353 Revenue bonds, district may issue.
.355 District board may accept federal or state grants.
.357 Dissolution of district, procedure.
.360 Winding up of affairs on dissolution -- Disposition of funds.
.361 Services and facilities that a hospital may offer in counties contiguous to its hospital district.
.370 Repealed, 2020.
.375 Repealed, 2020.
.378 Definitions for KRS 216.378, 216.379, and 216.380.
.379 Authority to apply for Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program -- Development of rural health plan.
.380 Critical access hospitals -- Designation by secretary -- Licensure -- Required and authorized services -- Staffing requirements -- Medicaid reimbursement.
.400 Repealed, 1972.
.405 Repealed, 1980.
.406 Repealed, 1980.
.410 Repealed, 1972.
.415 Repealed, 1980.
.420 Repealed, 1972.
.425 Repealed, 1980.
.430 Repealed, 1972.
.435 Repealed, 1980.
.440 Repealed, 1972.
.445 Repealed, 1980.
.450 Repealed, 1972.
.453 Renumbered as KRS 216B.400.
.455 Repealed, 1980.
.460 Repealed, 1972.
.465 Repealed, 1980.
.470 Repealed, 1972.
.475 Repealed, 1980.
.480 Repealed, 1972.
.485 Repealed, 1980.
.490 Repealed, 1972.
.500 Repealed, 1972.
.505 Essential personal care visitors to health facility, health service, Medicaid waiver service, or psychiatric residential treatment facility -- Requirements -- Administrative regulations.
.510 Definitions for KRS 216.515 to 216.530.
.515 Rights of residents -- Duties of facilities -- Actions.
.520 Supplementation of residents' rights.
.525 Cabinet's duties.
.530 Inspections of long-term care facilities to be unannounced -- Frequency -- Prohibition of prior notice of inspection.
.532 Prohibition against long-term care facility's being operated by or employing a person on the nurse aide abuse registry.
.533 Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities long-term care facilities -- Criminal background checks for applicants for employment -- Persons who may not be employed -- Effect of pardon or expunged record -- Exemption from KRS 216.789(1).
.535 Definitions for KRS 216.537 to 216.590 -- Disclosure requirements.
.537 Daily visiting hours required.
.540 Persons allowed access to facility during visiting hours -- Rights and duties of visitors -- Denial of access by resident or administrator -- Unrestricted access by employee of cabinet.
.541 Willful interference with representatives of Office of the Long-Term-Care Ombudsman prohibited -- Retaliation against complainant prohibited -- Penalty -- Liability insurance for representatives of the ombudsman program.
.543 Posting requirements.
.545 Statement of requirements to be posted and copy given to each resident.
.546 Disclosure of information regarding sprinkler systems in long-term care facilities.
.547 Public inspection of cabinet inspection reports, service descriptions, listings of rates and charges, and court orders on premises -- Duties of Inspector General -- Construction of section with respect to Kentucky Open Records Law.
.550 Repealed, 1998
.553 Repealed, 1998.
.555 Long-term care facility -- Citation by cabinet for violations of regulations, standards, and requirements -- Restriction on publication of results of survey, inspection, or investigation.
.557 Classification of violations -- Exemption from state penalty if federal penalty assessed.
.560 Penalties for failure to correct violations within time specified -- Exemption from state penalty if federal penalty assessed -- Reduction of penalty by amount used to correct deficiency -- Nursing incentive scholarship fund.
.563 Administrative regulations on Type A and Type B violations.
.565 Factors to be considered in determining amount of initial penalty.
.567 Manner of appeal -- Decision of hearing officer to be final order of cabinet -- Judicial review.
.570 Repealed, 1996.
.573 Injunction to terminate operation of facility.
.575 Discipline of cabinet employee for giving advance notice to facility of impending inspection or investigation.
.577 Action of secretary against facility for failure to correct a Type A violation.
.580 Repealed, 2017.
.583 Repealed, 2017.
.585 Repealed, 2017.
.587 Repealed, 2017.
.590 Definitions -- Training of surveyors and investigators -- Joint training with staff of long-term care facilities.
.593 Applicability of KRS 12.028 and 194A.040(1).
.595 Requirements for assisted living communities and long-term care facilities claiming to provide special care for persons with Alzheimer's disease or other brain disorders -- Waiver on building requirements to address specific needs.
.597 Definitions -- Personal care homes and specialized personal care homes requirements -- Services provided -- Administrative regulations -- On-site visits.
.600 Repealed, 2018.
.610 Repealed, 1972.
.620 Repealed, 1972.
.630 Repealed, 1972.
.640 Repealed, 1972.
.650 Repealed, 1972.
.660 Repealed, 1972.
.670 Repealed, 1972.
.680 Repealed, 1972.
.690 Repealed, 1972.
.700 Repealed, 1972.
.701 Definitions for chapter.
.703 Cabinet for Health and Family Services to establish guidelines for developing workplace safety assessment -- Cabinet to audit health facilities for compliance -- Standards for compliance.
.705 Health facilities to develop and execute workplace safety assessment -- Requirements.
.707 Annual violence prevention training -- Guidelines -- Requirements -- Basic protective skills competency test for health care workers.
.709 Reporting system for acts of workplace violence -- Recordkeeping -- Procedures to follow up with and support victims of workplace violence.
.710 Definitions for KRS 216.710 to 216.714.
.712 Certification of personal services agency required -- Criminal background check -- Administrative regulations -- Fees.
.713 Minimum training requirements for direct-care staff serving individuals with Alzheimer's or other dementias -- Certificates of completion -- Penalties.
.714 Fines for operating without required certification.
.716 Kentucky personal services agency fund.
.718 Definitions for KRS 216.718 to 216.728.
.720 Registration of health care services agency required -- Application -- Administrative regulations -- Fees -- Administrative hearing.
.722 Minimum requirements of health care services agency -- Penalties.
.724 Restrictions on health care services agency -- Contracts.
.725 KRS 216.718 to 216.728 not applicable to the placement of permanent direct care staff.
.726 Complaint reporting system -- Cabinet investigation.
.728 Reports -- Administrative regulations -- Disclosure requirements.
.750 Repealed, 2020.
.760 Repealed, 2020.
.765 Medical examination required prior to admission to personal-care home or assisted living community -- Personal-care homes and assisted living communities prohibited from admitting minors.
.770 Repealed, 2020.
.780 Repealed, 2020.
.785 Definitions for KRS 216.785 to 216.793.
.787 Prohibition against employing certain felons at publicly funded agencies serving senior citizens -- Preemployment check with Justice and Public Safety Cabinet.
.789 Prohibition against employing certain felons at long-term care facilities, health care services agencies providing staff to nursing facilities, or in assisted living communities -- Preemployment check with Justice and Public Safety Cabinet -- Temporary employment.
.793 Notice on application form of criminal record check -- Form of request -- Fee.
.800 Repealed, 2020.
.803 Repealed, 2020.
.805 Repealed, 2020.
.807 Repealed, 2020.
.810 Repealed, 2020.
.813 Repealed, 2020.
.815 Repealed, 2020.
.817 Repealed, 2020.
.820 Repealed, 2020.
.823 Repealed, 2020.
.825 Repealed, 2020.
.827 Repealed, 2020.
.830 Repealed, 2020.
.833 Repealed, 2020.
.835 Repealed, 2020.
.837 Repealed, 2020.
.840 Repealed, 2020.
.843 Repealed, 2020.
.845 Repealed, 2020.
.847 Repealed, 2020.
.850 Repealed, 2020.
.853 Repealed, 2020.
.860 Repealed, 2018.
.865 Repealed, 2018.
.875 Definitions for KRS 216.880 to 216.890.
.880 Facilities to be licensed.
.885 Requirement of licensing for PPEC center.
.890 Administrative regulations.
.900 Repealed, 2018.
.905 Repealed, 2018.
.910 Repealed, 2018.
.915 Repealed, 2018.
.920 Repealed, 2017.
.925 Repealed, 2017.
.930 Repealed, 2018.
.935 Definitions for KRS 216.935 to 216.939.
.936 Expansion of nurse aide abuse registry to include home health aides.
.937 Management and employment prohibition for home health agency.
.9375 Minimum training requirements for direct-care staff serving individuals with Alzheimer's or other dementias -- Certificates of completion -- Penalties.
.939 Administrative regulations for abuse registry and hearing and appeal procedures.
.940 Definitions for KRS 216.940 to 216.945.
.941 License or certificate requirements for voluntary provision of health care -- Registration -- Availability of information -- Report.
.942 Exemption from display of license or certification.
.943 Legislative findings.
.945 Short title for KRS 216.940 to 216.945.
.990 Renumbered as KRS 216B.990(3).