- on Services and Supports, terms of members, duties and purpose - HB 270
Compulsive gambling, study of - HCR 126 |
Coordination of recommendations by Governor - HB 110 |
County prisoners, responsibility for medical costs - HB 129 |
Disabled adults and elderly persons, crimes against - HB 105 |
Employment, study of Medicaid buy-in program to support - HB 79; SB 145: HFA (1); HB 79: HCS |
Obesity and drug addiction, universities, urge study of - HJR 132 |
Self-determined |
- funding, Supports for Community Living Program, pilot project required - HB 501
- funding, Supports for Community Living Program, recommendations required - HB 501: HCS
Statute of limitations for claims under IDEA - SB 97 |
Substance abuse, involuntary commitment - HB 192 |