Dentures, dental and oral health, designate funds for - HB 377
Fair Share Health Care Act - HB 98; HB 493: HCS
Heating utility service, low-income customers, termination, limits on - SB 252
Illegal aliens, services, cost of - HCR 5
LIHEAP appropriation, Increase to $15 million - HB 283: SFA (1)
LIHEAP, appropriation of Natural Gas Severance Tax Receipts for - HB 283: SCS
Medicaid, employer funding for - HB 493
Physicians Care Program for the uninsured, creation of - SB 180; SB 180: SCS, HFA (1)
Plumber and electrician licensing, exemptions for charities constructing low-income housing - HB 694
The Kentucky Youth Development Coordinating Council, establish - SJR 184; HJR 215
 energy cost assistance funds, creation of - HB 742; HB 742: SCS (2)
 energy costs assistance funds, creation of - HB 742: HFA (1)