Last Action | floor amendments (2-title) and (3) filed |
Title | AN ACT relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists, and making an appropriation therefor. |
Bill Documents |
Bill Request Number | 977 |
Sponsor | L. Combs |
Summary of Original Version | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 157 to provide an annual salary supplement for speech-language pathologists and audiologists holding a certificate of clinical competence from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association; require, as a condition of receiving the supplement, that a speech-language pathologist or audiologist be employed by a local board of education to provide or coordinate speech-language pathology or audiology for students and holds a valid credential from the Educational Professional Standards Board or a license issued by the Kentucky Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology; require, as a condition of allocation, that the supplement only be paid if funds are appropriated for that purpose; require that the salary supplement be equivalent to the stipend paid to teachers who have attained National Board of Professional Teaching Standards certification; require that the salary supplement be considered in the calculation for contribution to the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System; require that the supplement cease if the speech-language pathologist or audiologist is employed in another capacity in which the provision of speech-language pathology or audiology is secondary to that person's other teaching or administrative duties; direct the local board of education to request reimbursement from the fund to support educational excellence. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Appropriations - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, appropriate funds for Education, Elementary and Secondary - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, qualifications for Occupations and Professions - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, qualifications for Education, Finance - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, pay supplement authorized Licensing - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, pay supplement authorized Retirement and Pensions - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, retirement contributions considered |
Proposed Amendments |
Senate Floor Amendment 1 Senate Floor Amendment 2 Senate Floor Amendment 3 |
Votes | Vote History |
02/03/09 |
02/05/09 |
02/06/09 |
02/10/09 |
02/11/09 |
02/23/09 |
02/25/09 |
02/26/09 |
03/02/09 |
03/09/09 |
03/10/09 |
03/12/09 |
Amendment | Senate Floor Amendment 1 |
Sponsor | T. Buford |
Summary | Retain original provisions plus add board certification by the American Board of Audiology as a prerequisite to qualifying for the supplement. |
Index Headings |
Appropriations - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, appropriate funds for Education, Elementary and Secondary - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, qualifications for Occupations and Professions - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, qualifications for Education, Finance - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, pay supplement authorized Licensing - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, pay supplement authorized Retirement and Pensions - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, retirement contributions considered |
Amendment | Senate Floor Amendment 2 |
Sponsor | J. Denton |
Summary | Make title amendment. |
Index Headings |
Appropriations - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, appropriate funds for Education, Elementary and Secondary - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, qualifications for Occupations and Professions - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, qualifications for Education, Finance - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, pay supplement authorized Licensing - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, pay supplement authorized Retirement and Pensions - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, retirement contributions considered |
Amendment | Senate Floor Amendment 3 |
Sponsor | J. Denton |
Summary | Attach the provisions of HB 491 to HB 210/GA. |
Index Headings |
Appropriations - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, appropriate funds for Education, Elementary and Secondary - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, qualifications for Occupations and Professions - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, qualifications for Education, Finance - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, pay supplement authorized Licensing - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, pay supplement authorized Retirement and Pensions - Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, supplemental pay, retirement contributions considered |
Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:17 AM (EDT)