Environment and Conservation

Biomass and biofuels task force, commend work of

Biomass and biofuels task force, laud work of

Carbon dioxide pipeline, right of condemnation and economic incentives for

Carbon dioxide pipeline, state program of regulation, removal from

Carbon dioxide storage, underground

Carbon emissions, pipeline, right of condemnation and economic incentives for

Coal mine subsidence insurance, reinsurance, living expenses, increase for

Combined Sewer Overflow control measures, support for requiring EPA to consider affordability of

Compact fluorescent lights, environmental management, requirement for safe disposal of

Conservation officers, enforcement outside of fish and game laws, limitations on

Department for Natural Resources, duties under reorganization

Disposal of pharmaceuticals, restrict certain methods of

Efficient design, encourage in school buildings

Efficient design, school buildings, encourage in

Electronic scrap recycling program, establishment of

Environmental stewardship tax credits, extend agreement term

Equine heritage and state recreation land, protection of

Federal energy regulatory standards, Public Service Commission adoption of

Forest Health Board, establishment of

Greenhouse gas emissions, stationary sources, regulation postponement

Hunting licenses and permits, voter registration included in

Increased electricity generation when applying New Source Review, urge EPA to consider

Interim Joint Committee on Natural Resources and Environment, report to

Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund Board, add members and private allocation authority to

Kentucky land stewardship and conservation fund, establishment of

KY Recreational Trails Authority and GAIN program, establishment

Land suitable for hunting, agency determination of

Metro sewer district, designation as an "authorized agent"

Mold remediation, establish standards for

Mold remediation standards, Department of Law to establish and Attorney General to enforce

Mountaintop mining, overburden in streams, prohibition of

Mountaintop removal, overburden in streams, prohibition of

Nature preserves, definition, technical correction of

No net loss of public hunting lands, report for

Permitee-proposed control options for presumption approach performance criteria, preference for

Petroleum storage tank program, term of program extension for

Pollinator habitat, reclamation site revegetation requirements, inclusion of

RC&D funding, urge Congressional restoration of

Recycling, state offices and universities, reporting requirement for

Regional Screening Tables, administrative regulations, updates to

Regional Screening Tables, EPA Region 3, toxicity concentrations, updates for

Regional wastewater commissions, water quality enhancement, purpose of

Reorganization, Energy and Environment Cabinet, Executive Order 2009-538

Restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions, prohibition on enforcement of

Stream maintenance, proceedings for

Streams, mountain top mining, overburden, placement of

Surface coal mining permit fees, increase of

Timber harvesting operations, requirement for notice of intent for

Underground storage tanks, registration of

Underground storage tanks, SOTRA, administrative regulations, limitations on

Various funds, establishment of

Warren County Public Schools Energy Program, Recognition

Waste tire clean up, waste tire fund, apportionment of

Waste tire fee, reauthorization of

Waste tire fee, reduce reauthorization period for

Waste tire fee, reduce reauthorization period to 2011 for

Waste tire fund, apportionment of

Waste tire fund, cabinet use of funds, limitations on

Water commissioners, water districts, training, requirements for

Water district commissioners, training requirements for

Water resources, preservation of

Waters of the Commonwealth, regional wastewater commission, benefit of

Wet weather discharge permits, require the cabinet to consider affordability when issuing

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)