Retirement and Pensions

Casino gaming, allocation in support of

Charter schools, employees of

Closed city employee pension plans, actuarial reporting and board membership

Closed city pension plans, residual assets returned to city upon payment of all benefits

Death in the line of duty benefits

Judicial Form Retirement System, housekeeping bill

Judicial Form Retirement System, new amortization method for paying off unfunded liabilities

Judicial Form Retirement Systems, hybrid cash balance plan, benefit election

Kentucky permanent pension fund, creation of

Kentucky Retirement Systems, beneficiary designation and retirement options

Kentucky Retirement Systems, board of trustees

Kentucky Retirement Systems, contributions paid on reemployed officers at cities

Kentucky Retirement Systems, coverage of employees under state personnel system

Kentucky Retirement Systems, elected trustee vacancies on the board, process for filing

Kentucky Retirement Systems, electronic voting for board elections

Kentucky Retirement Systems, exemptions for volunteer service on retired reemployed requirements

Kentucky Retirement Systems, housekeeping bill

Kentucky Retirement Systems, hybrid cash balance plan, benefit election

Kentucky Retirement Systems, requirements for appointees with investment expertise in

Kentucky Retirement Systems, retirement plans established for agencies ceasing participation

Kentucky Retirement Systems, retirement plans for agencies ceasing participation, establishment of

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, alternative window for electing new payment plan

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, disability benefits for new hires and part-time employees

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, funding of full ARC

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, new trustees, appointment to

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, provide for additional funding and funding note authorization

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, provision for additional funding

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, reemployment after retirement

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, survivor's benefits, marriage

KERS, discontinue benefits for new legislators and allow opt-out for current legislators

Legislators' Retirement Plan, account consolidation, restiction on

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close plan to new entrants and allow opt-out for current members

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close to future members and future service accruals

Local sales and use taxes, require 25% of revenues raised to be used to fund local pension system

Matrimony and marriage, benefits, rights, and responsibilities pertaining to

Pension contributions, public employee health insurance trust fund, prior plan year surplus

Pension surcharge on state contracts

Public Pension Oversight Board, add 6 additional legislative members

Public Pension Oversight Board, required studies

Reemployment after retirement, restrictions on city elected officials

State retirement systems, disclosure of legislators' retirement account information

State-administered retirement systems, actuarial reporting requirements

State-administered retirement systems, ban placement agents, adherence to state contract law

State-administered retirement systems, ban placement agents, require adherence to state contract law

State-administered retirement systems, disclosure of retirement account information

State-administered retirement systems, disclosure of retirement information to PPOB

State-administred retirement system, retirement system, disclosure of retirement account information

State/Executive Branch Budget

State/Executive Branch Budget, Kentucky Retirement Systems, Kentucky Teachers Retirement Systems

"Widow and widower," definition of

Widows and widowers, marriage disqualification, abolished

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:08 PM (EST)