Cancer Screen Week, Kentucky observance - SR 138; HR 177

Cannabidiol, permit recommendation - SB 23

Certificate of need, elimination of - HB 85

Cesarean delivery, need to lower rate of - SCR 215

Chiropractors, recognizing - HR 153

Community pharmacy medication-assisted treatment pilot program, establish - HB 246; HB 246: HCS

Confidentiality of peer review panels, remove provisions relating to - SB 20: SFA (1)

Conversion therapy, prohibition of - HB 258

District health departments, target funding - HB 190

Do not resuscitate orders, hospital setting, implementing - HB 238

Fees and expenses, medical review panel, payment of - SB 141

Gender neutral language, including - SB 193

Hormonal contraceptive, twelve-month supply, dispensing of - HB 249

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for traumatic brain injury, use by veterans - HB 64

Insurance claims, reimbursement of health care services, establishing remedies for untimely payment - HB 506

Interstate medical licensure compact, enacting - SB 153

Long-term-care staffing ratios, implementation of - HB 573

Lyme disease, information on the effectiveness of tests for - SB 170

Managed care networks, credentialing, network adequacy, appeals - HB 69; HB 69: HCS, HFA (1), SCS, SFA (1)

Medicaid service improvements and MCO limitations, establish - SB 53

Most common health care services, prices for, require disclosure of - SB 154; SB 154: SCS

Nonemergency health care services, price transparency for, requiring - SB 154; SB 154: SCS

Nurses, licensure requirements - HB 427; HB 427: HCS, SCS

Occupational boards, appointment of executive director by - HB 465: HFA (2)

Opioids, tax imposed - HB 337

Out-of-network health care services, balance billing, prohibition against - SB 79

Outpatient pharmacy benefits, direct administration by Department for Medicaid Services - SB 5; SB 5: SCS, SFA (1)

Participating provider agreement, voiding provisions of - HB 582

Pharmacy benefit managers, transparency requirements for - SB 5: HCA (1), HCS, HFA (1), HFA (2)

Physical therapists, criminal background investigation required for licensure - HB 398

Physician assistants to prescribe controlled substances, authority for - HB 228

Pregnant woman screening, requiring - HB 364; HB 364: HFA (1)

Prescription to terminate pregnancy, physician report - HB 115

Prior authorization, time span of authorization, establishing - SB 143

Qualified mental health professional, inclusion of physician assistants - HB 497; HB 497: HCS, SCS

Sexual violence, training in awareness of - SB 238

Surgical assistants, licensing of - HB 555

Urgent health care services, prior authorization, time frame, establishing - SB 143