Children and Minors

Abortion, prohibition of

Abortion, prohibition when fetal heartbeat detected

Abortion, prohibition when fetal heartbeat detected, exception

Abortion, sex, race, color, national origin, or disability, prohibition of

Abuse, reporting of

Adoption consent and information, allow for

Adoption, new birth certificate, handgun provision

Anonymous reporting of substance, reporting, in schools

ASVAB, school counseling based on results and included in individualized learning plans

ASVAB, schools to offer test, grades 10 to 12

Baby changing facilities, men's and women's restrooms

Baby products and diapers, exemption of sales and use tax

Background check, child-caring facility and child-placing agency staff, requiring

Bicycle helmets, requirement for children under 12

Birth certificate, handgun provision

Born alive infants, protection of

Breastfeed and express milk, urge place in Capitol Annex

Breast-feeding locations, penalty for restrictions or interference, establish

Child abuse and child sexual abuse instruction, require in public schools

Child abuse and neglect, strangulation

Child abuse, neglect, and dependency reporting, requiring

Child abuse, neglect, and depenency reporting, requiring

Child abuse or neglect, reporting of

Child Abuse Prevention Day in the Commonwealth, optional student instruction

Child custody, educational stability in

Child dependency, neglect, or abuse, requirement to report

Child placement, home studies, new requirements

Child pornography, under 12 years old, raise penalty for

Child support, exempt calculation for incarcerate parent

Child support guidelines, updated amounts

Child-care providers, definitions, changing

Children of military families, pre-enrollment in school, official orders of transferring

Children's Advocacy Day, recognizing

Corporal physical discipline, use of prohibited

Corporal physical discipline, use of, prohibiting

Custody and visitation, parenting coordinators

Data reporting, improvement of

Deadly weapons, use of, by a minor, make ineligible for diversion

Deaf and hard-of-hearing children, education rights of

Detention, require hearings every 10 days to reauthorize

Diabetes screening, student physical requirements

Diapers, exemption of sales and use tax

Disproportionate minority contact with juvenile justice system, statistical reporting of

Disseminating personally identifiable information, prohibition of

Driving privileges, persons under 18, suspension for points assessed

Early Childhood Advisory Council, make legislative members nonvoting

Early Childhood Advisory Council, revision of

Excused school absences, up to four days when consulting with military recruiters

External child fatality and near fatality review panel, annual report deadline, change

External child fatality and near fatality review panel, membership, expand

Family resource and youth services centers, authorize donations to

Foster parent, rights to a foster child's case. allowing for

Foster parent, rights to a foster child's case, allowing for

Governor Bevin's legal team, pro-life advocates, honoring of

Governor Matt Bevin, pro-life advocate, honoring of

Grandparents, adoption or termination of parental rights, visitation sought after

Guardian ad litems, technical correction

Guardians ad litem and court-appointed counsel, appointment of

Hazing, criminal offenses, elements of

Homeless, protection

Homeless student coursework completion, allowing for

Homeless youth, birth certificate access, allowing for

Homelessness, prevention

Juvenile responsibility, remove provisions on determination and treatment

Kentucky YMCA Youth Assembly program tax designation, creation of

Kindergarten, full day of attendance for

Kinship and fictive kin care program, establishment and requirements of

Late-term abortions, condemn

Local schools, human sexuality education to be taught

Minimum age of criminal responsibility, remove

Neonatal abstinence syndrome, reason for termination of parental rights, allowing for

Operators of motor vehicles without insurance, exemption from penalties

Parental notification, risks and harms of sexually explicit Internet content, by schools

Parental rights, establishing

Parents or prospective parents with blindness, rights established

Pediatric cancer, new research, calling for

Physical activity at school, increasing

Physical education curriculum, may include hunting, fishing, trapping, firearm safety instruction

Precinct election officers, minors, exception for 16- and 17-year-olds to serve as

Preschool, all four year olds eligible for

Primary program, truancy

Probation, certain public offenders completing treatment programs

Protection, marketing practices of e-cigarette products

Putative father registry search, requiring

Religious organizations, protecting

School safety for, improving

School screening committees, student minority population of 50% or greater, composition of

Sexual assault, custody and visitation, prohibition

Sexual endangerment of a child, crime, creation of

Sibling children in the custody of the state, ensure visitation

State Advisory Council for Exceptional Children, creation of

Statewide student assessments, opt out, parents or guardians of students can choose to

Statewide youth crossbow deer hunting season, establishment of

Statute of limitations, childhood sexual abuse, criminal and civil actions

Strangulation, offense of

Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition of

Vaping awareness, provide

Vision examinations, grade six enrollment requirements

Vision examinations, kindergarten enrollment requirements

Last updated: 11/9/2023 3:07 PM (EST)