House Bill 346

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 03/27/24: recommitted to Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Title AN ACT relating to human growth and development instruction.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 1684
Sponsors N. Tate, E. Callaway, S. Baker, S. Doan, S. Maddox, K. Moser, J. Nemes, M. Proctor, W. Thomas
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 158.1415 to require a school district to adopt health curricula that includes human growth and development instruction that meets specific criteria; set restrictions for the instruction that grants parents an opportunity to review materials and opt their child out of instruction; authorize the Attorney General to bring an action for a writ of mandamus to compel a school district to comply; create a cause of action to permit parents and students over the age of 18 to file a civil action a school district for injunctive relief for a violation of this section; waive sovereign and governmental immunity; provide that the Act may be cited as the Baby Olivia Act.
Index Headings of Original Version Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human growth and development instruction, requirements, parental notification
Children and Minors - Human growth and development instruction, requirements, parental notification
Civil Actions - Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, injunctive relief for enforcement
Claims - Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, injunctive relief for enforcement
Short Titles and Popular Names - Baby Olivia Act
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1
House Floor Amendment 1
House Floor Amendment 2
House Floor Amendment 3
House Floor Amendment 4
House Floor Amendment 5
House Floor Amendment 6
House Floor Amendment 7
House Floor Amendment 8
House Floor Amendment 9
House Floor Amendment 10


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Health Services (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
  • floor amendments (2), (3) and (4) filed to Committee Substitute
  • floor amendments (5) and (6) filed to Committee Substitute
  • floor amendment (7) filed to Committee Substitute
  • floor amendment (8) filed to Committee Substitute
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 11, 2024
  • floor amendments (9) and (10) filed to Committee Substitute
  • taken from the Orders of the Day
  • recommitted to Rules (H)
  • taken from the Orders of the Day
  • recommitted to Appropriations & Revenue (H)

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except require that the animation of fertilization be age-appropriate; remove civil enforcement methods.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, civil cause of action, removal
Civil Actions - Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, civil cause of action, removal
Claims - Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, civil cause of action, removal

Amendment House Floor Amendment 1
Sponsor L. Willner
Summary Add that the video be "medically accurate".
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, video

Amendment House Floor Amendment 2
Sponsor L. Burke
Summary Retain all original provisions and require the computer-generated rendering or animation to include a depiction of potential complications that may arise as a fetus develops.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human growth and development instruction, complications with fetal development
Children and Minors - Human growth and development instruction, complications with fetal development

Amendment House Floor Amendment 3
Sponsor R. Roberts
Summary Retain original provisions except remove the short title of "the Baby Olivia Act."
Index Headings Short Titles and Popular Names - Baby Olivia Act, strike short title

Amendment House Floor Amendment 4
Sponsor T. Bojanowski
Summary Retain all original provisions and require the computer-generated rendering or animation to include a depiction and explanation of the most common birth anomalies and defects.
Index Headings Children and Minors - Human growth and development instruction, birth abnormalities and defects
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human growth and development instruction, birth abnormalities and defects

Amendment House Floor Amendment 5
Sponsor C. Stevenson
Summary Retain all original provisions and require human sexuality instruction to include comprehensive instruction on family financial planning.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human sexuality instruction, comprehensive family financial planning instruction
Children and Minors - Human sexuality instruction, comprehensive family financial planning instruction

Amendment House Floor Amendment 6
Sponsor A. Camuel
Summary Retain all original provisions and require the computer-generated rendering or animation to include a depiction and explanation of an ectopic pregnancy and the corresponding risks.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human growth and development instruction, ectopic pregnancy
Children and Minors - Human growth and development instruction, ectopic pregnancy

Amendment House Floor Amendment 7
Sponsor J. Raymond
Summary Retain all original provisions and require human sexuality instruction to include comprehensive, age-appropriate, and medically accurate instruction.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human sexuality instruction, comprehensive and age-appropriate
Children and Minors - Human sexuality instruction, comprehensive and age-appropriate

Amendment House Floor Amendment 8
Sponsor S. Stalker
Summary Retain all provisions, except permit the presentation of a high-definition ultrasound video or a computer-generated rendering instead of requiring both; require the video or rendering to be medically accurate.
Index Headings Children and Minors - Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, video, medically accurate
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, video, medically accurate

Amendment House Floor Amendment 9
Sponsor T. Bojanowski
Summary Retain original provisions; establish minimum contents of the written notification to parents of human growth and development instruction.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Human growth and development instructional materials, written notification to parents, contents
Parental Rights - Written notification, human growth and development instructional materials, minimum requirements
Children and Minors - Human growth and development instructional materials, written notification to parents, contents

Amendment House Floor Amendment 10
Sponsor T. Bojanowski
Summary Retain originial provisions, except require the Kentucky Department of Education to approve human growth and development instructional materials.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Kentucky Department of Education, human growth and development instructional materials, approval
State Agencies - Kentucky Department of Education, human growth and development instructional materials, approval

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)