Senate Bill 219

Last Action 02/22/24: to Health Services (S)
Title AN ACT relating to network participation by medical laboratories.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statements Actuarial Analysis
Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 1932
Sponsors S. Meredith, C. McDaniel
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 304.17A-270 to include medical laboratories in the definition of "provider"; amend KRS 205.522 to require the state Medicaid program to comply with any willing provider law; make technical amendments; require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to obtain any necessary waiver.
Index Headings of Original Version Health and Medical Services - Medical laboratories, any willing provider law, health insurance
Insurance, Health - Medical laboratories, any willing provider law
Physicians and Practitioners - Medical laboratories, any willing provider law, health insurance
State Agencies - Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Medicaid waiver
State Employees - Health plan, medical laboratories, any willing provider law
Technical Corrections - Medicaid, compliance with insurance code provisions
Medicaid - Medical laboratories, any willing provider law
Local Mandate - Health plan, medical laboratories, any willing provider law
Actuarial Analysis - Medical laboratories, any willing provider law, health insurance


  • introduced in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Health Services (S)

Last updated: 7/10/2024 7:22 AM (EDT)